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        검색결과 24

        2019.04 구독 인증기관·개인회원 무료
        본 연구는 국내분포가 기록된 해충, 네눈쑥가지나방의 발생조사를 위해 실시되었다. 네눈쑥가지나방의 국내분포 발생조사를 실시하기 전 국내에 보고된 문헌과 각 연구기관의 네눈쑥가지나방 DB 및 표본을 확인하였다. 국내 발간된 문헌을 확인한 결과 한국경제곤충, 국립생물자원관에서 발간한 국가생물종목록집 및 다양한 논문과 연구보고서에서 네눈쑥가지나방의 기록을 확인할 수 있었다. DB 및 표본 확인결과 농촌진흥청에서 1924년부터 1996년까지 38건의 DB를 확인하였고, 온난화대응연구소에서 68점의 표본을 확인하였다. 또한 농림축산검역본부 제주지역본부에 서 네눈쑥가지나방의 DB와 186점의 표본을 확인하였다. 국립수목원에서는 1979년부터 2011년까지 183건의 DB를 확인하였고, 국립생물자원관에서는 408건의 DB를 확인하였다. 조사결과를 토대로 네눈쑥가지나방은 우리나라 전 지역에 분포하는 것으로 확인되었다.
        2019.03 KCI 등재 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
        중기문응애목에 속하는 기생응애과(Parasitidae) 응애는 몸집이 크고 활동력이 왕성한 중요 토양 포식자이다. 토양응애 다양성 연구 중 국내 미기록종 기생응애과를 발견하여 보고하는 바이다. 이 논문에서는 온판기생응애속(genus Cycetogamasus) 2종, 한국온판기생응애(Cycetogamasus coreanus), 주름온판기생응애(C. corculatus), 두판기생응애속(genus Neogamasus) 5종, 두판기생응애(Neogamasus eogenualis), 티코미로비두판기 생응애(N. tikhomirovi), 이쁜두판기생응애(N. laciniatus), 경기두판기생응애(Neogamasus kengicus), 마훈카두판기생응애(Neogamasus mahunkai) 를 한국의 미기록종으로 보고한다.
        2018.10 구독 인증기관·개인회원 무료
        Dasineura jujubifolia was introduced into Korea for the first time in 2011, a gall midge feeding on jujube (Ziziphus jujuba Miller (Rhamnaceae)). Since then the jujube gall midge become a serious insect pest of Jujube in Korea. In this year, we surveyed regulated and alien insect pests by collecting damaged leaf samples from different regions in Korea. Jujube gall midge and its life stage were identified by morphological and genetic characteristics. For molecular identification, we analyzed the cytochrome c oxidase subunit I (COI) sequences of pest. In this study, we report the morphological description and genetic information of D. jujubifolia.
        2018.09 KCI 등재 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
        중기문응애목 떠돌이응애과는 토양에 서식하는 포식성 응애로, 토양해충의 생물적 방제원으로 이용가치가 있다. 우리나라의 떠돌이응애과는 10속, 24종이 보고 되었다. 본 연구는 제주도 한라산천연보호구역 물장오리오름에서 토양응애 생물다양성 연구 중 이끼에서 우리나라 미기록종 Asca bicornis Canestrini & Fanzago, 1877을 발견하여 보고하는 바이다. 등판과 배판의 묘사를 통해서 형태적인 특징을 자세히 제공하였다. 근연 종인 A. aphidioides는 등판 양쪽 말단에 돌출된 혹에서 각 1개의 센털이 있으나, A. bicornis는 2개가 나 있다.
        2018.04 구독 인증기관·개인회원 무료
        The fruit house fly Atherigona orientalis (Schiner), which is belonging to Muscidae, Diptera, is classified as quarantine pest and first reported in Korea at 2016. Annual occurrence and spatial distribution pattern of A. orientalis was biweekly monitored from April to December, using fly-wine trap in Korea. A. orientalis was first found in Gwangyang in June and increased populations by September, 2017. It is considering that A. orientalis is difficult to survive during winter season because this species is belonging to non-diapausing insect, so it may possible to be overwintering in warm place such as green house of paprika and tomato during winter. Based on this survey, A. orientalis is considered to be excluded from quarantine pests.
        2018.04 구독 인증기관·개인회원 무료
        Mites in the family Ascidae are predacious soil dwellers with potential of biological control of soil insect pests. The family Ascidae is comprised of 10 genera with 12 species recorded in Korea. During the soil acarine biodiversity study in Muljangori, Hallasan Mt in Jeju, Asca bicornis Canestrini & Fanzago, 1887 was discovered from moss habitat and are reporting this as a new record to Korean Mesostigmata fauna. We provide the illustration and description. This species has morphological characteristics of all dorsal setae nude and needle shaped, lateral caudal projection of PoZ4 shape which are different from the con-general species of A. aphidioides.
        2017.10 구독 인증기관·개인회원 무료
        Hallasan is an elliptical volcano on Jeju Island and is the highest mountain in South Korea. A survey was carriedout to investigate soil Gamasina mite composition in the Hallasan National Park during 2016-17. Soil samples were collectedvarious microhabitats from Baekrokdam and Muljangori. We found these eight species; Euparholaspulus primori, Gamasholaspisbrowningi, G. communis, Parholaspulus bregetovae, P. hiasmaticus, P. maturovae, P. orientalis and P. paradichaetes fromsoil. Among these species, Parholaspulus bregetovae, P. hiasmaticus, P. maturovae, P. orientalis and P. paradichaeteswere first records from Baekrokdam and Muljangori, Halla National Park, South Korea.
        2016.04 구독 인증기관·개인회원 무료
        A survey was carried out to investigate Gamasina mite composition in the Gyeongbuk and Gangwon, during 2009-2014. Samples were collected from wide range of habitats (i.e. forest, riparian grassland, agriculture). 3 species namely Antennoseius avius (Ascidae), Hypoaspis sardous (Laelapidae) and Stylochirus caucasicus (Ologamasidae) are records as new records compared to already existed database of mite in Korea. Description of three new records species, identification keys (female adult) each species and figures of external morphology are given.
        2015.06 KCI 등재 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
        The Mesostigmata is an order of Subclass Acari either parasiting to diverse invertebrates or free-living predatory in terrestrial ecosystem. Phoresy is one of the unique behaviors of wingless arthropod dispersal by attaching winged arthropods. We collected mites attached on the dorsal part of abdomen adult sciarid fly, from mushroom culture. The mites were identified as Arctoseius cetratus Sellnick, 1940 in the family of Ascidae. Arctoseius cetratus has short J2, Z1, Z2, and S1, S2 setae, not reaching the bases of following setae. Posterior half of dorsal shield with longitudinal garland of puncta between J and Z setae, peritremes extending anteriorly to midlevel of coxaⅡ. The genus Arctoseius and species Arctoseius cetratus are the first record in Korea. We provided the detail description of the species including the identification key in the family with some ecological notes.
        2014.10 구독 인증기관·개인회원 무료
        The Mesostigmata are a great diversity of invertebrate parasite-phoretic of insects, and free-living predators in terristerial ecosystem. The Ascidae are an important group of predator that inhabit various microhabitats such as leaf litter, rotten wood, anthills and bird’s nests. Their role in those habitats is imprtant and they can be used as biological indicator and as well as biological control agent. We collected mites from sciarid fly in mushroom. The genus Arctoseius and Arctoseius cetratus were recorded for first time in Korea. We also described the habitats and identification keys to the species. Arctoseius cetratus has short J2, Z1, Z2, and S1, S2 setae, not reaching the bases of following setae. Posterior half of dorsal shield with longitudinal garland of puncta between J and Z setae, peritremes extending anteriorly to mid-level of coxaⅡ.
        2014.10 구독 인증기관·개인회원 무료
        The Seoul forest of urban forest park is provide places for relaxation and feeling naturally use inside the city. This study was conducted for investigating diversity of soil microarthropods for Bioblitz. Samples were collected from rose of Sharon in soil. This species was identified as N. harrowi (Collyer), described originally from New Zealand and Austrilia. This is the new record of N. harrowi in Korea. The morphological features of these two species are closely related to each other (N. makuwa (Ehara) and N. harrowi (Collyer)). So, we compared features of this species. Dorsal setae of N. harrowi are generally longer than in N. makuwa. Two posterior seta (Z4, Z5) of N. harrowi are much shorter than in the N. makuwa. In addition, there are some differences in the shape of the spermatheca, the forked atrium is larger in N. makuwa than in the N. harrowi.
        2014.04 구독 인증기관·개인회원 무료
        Phoretic mites were collected from Copris ochus and C. tripartitus (Coleoptera: Scarabaeidae). These beetles were collected from Holoce Ecosystem Conservation Research Institution, Gangwon-do. Five unrecorded species of Eviphis hastatellus Berlese, 1910 (Eviphididae), Holostaspella scatophila Takaku, 1994 (Macrochelidae), Macrocheles japonicus Evans & Hyatt, 1963 (Macrochelidae), Pachylaelaps siculus Berlese, 1921 (Pachylaelapidae) and Parasitus consanguineus Oudemans & Voigts, 1904 (Parasitidae) were recorded from Korea for the first time. However, Parasitus consanguineus Oudemans & Voigts (Parasitidae) was already recorded by Oudemans & Voigts in 1904 but since then no one has recorded. We have rerecorded this species in Korea.
        2013.10 구독 인증기관·개인회원 무료
        Mesostigmata is an important predaceous mite groups in various ecosystems and considered as an Order of Subclass Acari, Superorder Parasitiformes. Among the Suborders, Sejida, Trigynaspida, Monogynaspida, Heterozerconina and Gamasina, we list 35 families and 309 species from Korea. Some of the species were newly added to the Korean fauna. It includes mites from soil, litter, compost, snake, birds and some animal habitats, but the majority is from soil. Some of them are widely used biocontrol agents of spider mites, insects and nematodes.
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