본 연구에서는 버섯추출물 (42개)의 in vitro 항알레르 기 효능탐색을 위해 랫드비만세포 (RBL-2H3 cell)에서 면역글로불린 (IgE)가 매개한 탈과립에 대한 저해 효과를 실험하였다. 이를 위해 anti-DNP IgE 및 DNP-HSA에 의 해 알레르기반응이 유발된 랫드비만세포에서 버섯 추출물 의 IL-4과 β-hexosaminidase 분비량에 대한 저해활성과 세포생존에 대한 영향이 분석되었다. 실험결과, IL-4 분비 에 대해서는 팽이버섯 물추출물 등 5개의 버섯 추출물이 20% 이상의 우수한 저해효과를 나타내었으며, β- hexosaminidase 분비에 대해서는 영지버섯의 물추출물 등 8개의 버섯 추출물이 20% 이상의 비교적 우수한 저해활성 을 나타내었다. 세포증식에 대해서는 잎새버섯의 물추출물 등 대부분의 버섯 추출물이 우수한 세포증식효과를 나타 내었다. 팽이버섯의 물추출물과 상황버섯의 물추출물은 β- hexosaminidase 및 IL-4 분비에 대해 모두 비교적 우수한 저해효과를 나타내었다. 추가로 2, 10, 50 ug/ml에서 실험 된 영지버섯, 편각영지버섯, 눈꽃동충하초, 상황버섯 그리 고 느타리버섯의 물추출물들은 β-hexosaminidase의 분비 량을 농도-의존적으로 감소시켰다. 이상의 결과를 살펴볼 때, 이들 in vitro 항알레르기 효과를 나타낸 버섯 추출물 들은 추가실험을 통해 항알레르기 소재로의 활용성 검토 가 필요하다고 사료되었다.
This study was carried out to investigate comparision anaylsis of metabolites in mandarin leave inoculated by Elsinoe fawcetii. For the analysis of metabolites, we performed using by UPLC-MS spectrometry in gradient eluent condition by acetonitrile and water. Flow rate was 0.4ml/min. Instruments conditions were followed by detection ion mode(positive ion), scan range(MS:m/z100-1000), spray voltage (4kV) ,capillary voltage(35v), capillary temp(300℃). Several flavones were detected in inoculated pathogen compared to control.
Three edible mushrooms; "Gumbit"(Pleurotus cornucopiae var. citrinopileatus) and Noeul"(Pleurotus salmoneostramineus) and Tricholoma spectabilis which are widely distributed in China, Japan and Korea. For the study of anti-aging activities, we were performed on adriamycin-induced cellular senescence model. Human dermal fibroblasts(HDFs) and human umbilical endothelial cells(HUVECs) treated with adriamycin for inducing aging were used for cytotoxicity and senescence-associated beta-galactosidase(SA-β-gal) activity assay.
Cordyceps militar is (Clavicipitales) is an edible mushroom which is widely distributed in China, Japan and Korea. Various phytochemical constituents, cordycepin, homocitrully laminoadenosine and sterols have been reported from this source and a wide range of biological activities, including antimicrobial, macrophage activation, anticancer, immune modulatory effects were studied. In a continuing search for bioactive constituents from Korean mushrooms, we performed a phytochemical investigation of the MeOH extract from the fruiting bodies of C. militaris. By repeated column chromatographic separation of the extract, fourteen compounds, were isolated. The identification and structural elucidation of the compound was based on NMR spectral data. anti-aging activities were performed on adriamycin-induced cellular senescence model. Human dermal fibroblasts(HDFs) and human umbilical endothelial cells(HUVECs) treated with adriamycin for inducing aging were used for cytotoxicity and senescence-associated beta-galactosidase(SA-β-gal) activity assay.