프리지아 ‘Sunny Gold’는 농촌진흥청 국립원예특작과학원 에서 2010년 노랑색 반겹꽃 프리지아 육성계통 ‘036010’을 모본으로 진노란색 홑꽃 ‘Golden Flame’을 부본으로 교배하여 획득한 종자로부터 2011년 진노란색 겹꽃의 향기가 강한 프리지아 계통을 선발하여 품종화 하였다. 2011년부터 2016년까지 개화 생육특성검을 수행하였으며 핵심수요자의 기호도 평가를 통해 선발되어 2017년 ‘Sunny Gold’ 로 명명되었다. ‘Sunny Gold’는 RHS color chart YO17B의 노란색 겹꽃 프리지아 품종으로 화폭은 6.7cm로 대조품종 ‘Golden Flame’ 6.1cm에 비해 크고, 분지수는 6.5로 다수확성 품종이다. 초장이 101.9cm로 초세가 강하다. ‘Sunny Gold’의 소화수 및 소화장은 각각 13.0개, 9.3cm이며 개화소요일수는 137.7일이다. 이 품종의 절화수명은 약 9일이며 자구번식력은 5.3배로 대조 품종 ‘Golden Flame’ 4.3배에 비해 우수하다. 전자코를 이용한 PCA분석결과 PC1과 PC2는 각각 99.3%와 0.6%로 전체 변이량의 99.9%를 반영하고 있다. Rader plot 분석결과 총 6개 센서에서 모두 ‘Sunny Gold’의 센서값이 향기가 강한 상용품종 ‘Yvonne’의 값에 비해 높게 나타나 ‘Sunny Gold’의 향기가 더 강한 것으로 나타났다.
This study aims to investigate the effect of the core capability of products in eco-friendly stores on perceived CSR and consumers’ purchasing behavior. It is also to verify the moderating mediation effect of store type (multi-category store vs. single-category store). The results indicate that generally, in eco-friendly stores, consumers perceive the core competency of the products, which increases perceived CSR and purchasing intention. In the single-category store (i.e., fashion only) compared to the multi-category store (i.e., food and fashion), consumers perceive that the core capability and CSR are higher and thus they have higher purchase intention.
Upcycling is the process of repurposing abandoned resources or useless products into products of better quality or higher environmental value. Upcycling products are evaluated to be sustainable because they demonstrate environmental values. However, domestic upcycling companies are operating on a small scale with a slow growth rate. This study aims to examine the value and risk factors of upcycling products from previous literature and clarify the effect of these ambivalent characteristics on purchase intention. This provides direction regarding factors upcycling companies should focus on. The data were collected via an online experiment with women in their 20s and 30s residing in South Korea, nationwide. The data were statistically analyzed using SPSS 21.0 and AMOS 18.0. Analysis of this data suggests that environmental, design, and self-expression value positively affect purchase intention. This extends previous upcycling literature by identifying design and self-expression value as important antecedents of purchase intention. However, in contrast to previous literature, no significant effect of performance or diversity risk was found. These results indicate that ethical attitude has a moderating effect on the relationship between environmental value and purchase intention. This study confirms that consumers intend to purchase upcycling products when they possess not only environmental value but also design and self-expression value.
This study investigates the effect of high-level customization experience delivered via information and communication technology (ICT) on consumers’ patronage behavior toward a brand. The results indicate that customization experience increases purchasing intention for it enhance the level of happiness about the product. The relationship between customization experience and happiness is found to be mediated by autonomy (i.e., feeling of being in charge of one’s own action), competence (i.e., feeling that one effectively utilize one’s skill and abilities) and the pride of authorship (i.e. feeling of pride when creating an artifact of one’s own).
The advancement of ICT (Information and Communication Technology) has led the paradigm shift in managing a producer and consumer relationship in the fashion industry. In particular, it has blurred the boundaries between the role of a producer and the role of a consumer. For example, Adidas, one of the biggest sportswear companies in the world, has built SpeedFactory, which offers a special customization service for their users to build sneakers according to their own design specifications. There it takes only five hours for a customized design put together by its users to be produced in a real pair of sneakers and ready to be delivered to their home (Wiener, 2017). The term, prosumer (i.e., producer and consumer) indicates such people who not only purchase and use a product a company offers but also actively participate in the production process by communicating and reflecting their preference (Toffler, 1980). This phenomenon is particularly evident with millennial consumers who desire customer-centric experiences with which they feel wanted and valued. They are willing to engage with brands through producing consumer-generated contents and suggesting their ideas during the production process (McGee, 2017). Such desire has driven the growth of customization services and the rapid development of technology further enabling companies to provide customization more easily and at lower costs (Mitrea, Werner, & Greif, 2010). Despite its increasing significance, not much attention has been paid to understanding the psychological underpinnings as to how and why customization services may enhance consumer patronage behavior toward a brand. This study fills this void by examining the underlying mechanism of the relation between personalization experiences and purchasing intention.
Literature review and research questions
Customization Experience and Happiness
“Experience” has emerged as an important keyword for marketing professionals in the last couple of decades (Pine & Gillomore, 1999; Schmitt, 1999). Consumers wanted and were willing to pay for unique, personalized events that are not the same as anyone else’s, and those that can surprise and impress them beyond providing mere satisfaction (Pine & Gillomore, 1999). Customized services thus have a great impact on consumer patronage behavior such as purchase intention and brand loyalty. Recently, marketing and psychology research has also observed that customized experiences bring happiness (e.g. Bhattacharjee, & Mogilner, 2014; Guevarra & Howell, 2015). Happiness refers to a cognitive and emotional evaluation of one's own life (Diener, 1984). While, to some extent, happiness can be assessed by external criteria such as socioeconomic level or objective indicators, subjective well-being is argued to be important for individuals to assess their own psychological states (Diener, 1984). In general, studies have found that material goods provide lower level of happiness than life experiences, since consumers tend to evaluate happiness through specific events. However, Guevarra & Howell (2015) illustrated that the dichotomous distinction between material items and life experience is ambiguous at the boundary, and in the middle of continuum from material items to life experiences exists “experiential products,” which give consumers the same level of happiness as life experiences. Offering consumers the ability to reflect their preferences in product designs is a way to tap into this psychology. Customization can be a unique experience in that consumers themselves participate in production processes. It is expected that the experience of designing one’s own good will positively affect consumer's happiness level.
What Drives Happiness from Customization Experiences?
Self-determination theory of Deci & Ryan (2012) (e.g., Maltby & Day, 2001; Wilson, Rodgers, Fraser, & Murray, 2004) is used as the conceptual framework to identify the underlying psychological mechanisms for this study. In particular, the selfdetermination theory posits that people feel happiness when they are satisfied with such psychological needs as autonomy (i.e., engaging in behaviors that express one’s true identity and feeling of being in charge of one’s own action), competence (i.e., feeling of fulfillment that one effectively utilize one’s skill and abilities), and relatedness (i.e., feelings of closeness to a desired social group) through experience (Deci & Ryan, 2012). Given the focus of this study is the customized service delivered online, the variable of relatedness is less relevant since our study focuses on independently designing a product to a user’s unique preferences. The variable of relatedness is excluded in our research model. Instead, we include the “pride of authorship” (Trentin, Perin, & Forza, 2014), which refers to the feeling of pride generated when creating an artifact of their own and a sense of being the creator of it (Schreier, 2006). Customized services can enhance the sense of accomplishment as an author which is also found to affect happiness (Schreier, 2006). We thus formulated the following hypotheses.
Hypothesis 1-3. Perceived customization experience will have a positive influence on autonomy (H1), competence (H2), pride of authorship (H3).
Hypothesis 4-6. Autonomy (H4), competence (H5), pride of authorship (H6) will have a positive influence on happiness.
Hypothesis 7. Happiness will have a positive influence on purchase intention. Method The data were collected via an online experiment in May 2017 with women in their 20s and 30s residing in South Korea, nationwide.
The target site we used as an experiment stimulus was a shoe retail site (http://www.shoesofprey.com) that offers customization options (e.g., shapes, colors, and heel height). The data were collected for a week with 180 participants in total. After entering a designated computer lab, participants were given a detailed instruction of how to use the customized services of this brand. Experiment assistants provided real-time help to participants for any technical difficulties. We asked respondents to visit an online website of this brand. The participants were asked to explore the site and to design customized shoes to their liking. After spending some time on the site and finish customization, they were asked to answer questions in our questionnaire.
Measures/Data Collection and Analysis
The measures of our constructs were developed based on previous literature. All items (except for demographic characteristics) were measured using a 7-point Likert scale (1 = “strongly disagree;” 7 = “strongly agree”). About 12 responses were deleted from a total of 180 responses due to incomplete data, thus168 were used for final analysis. The data were statistically analyzed using SPSS 21.0 and AMOS 18.0.
Underlying Mechanism of the Relation between Personalization Experience and Happiness: Autonomy, Competence, and Pride of Authorship
With the pooled data (n=168), the results of the confirmatory factor analysis on the entire measurement model showed that our measurement model had a reasonably good fit (χ2(df=145)=300.546, p=.000; Normed χ2(CMIN/DF)=2.073; GFI=.847; CFI=.924; NFI=.864; TLI=.910; RMSEA=.080). The measurements of reliability yielded Cronbach’s α coefficients above 0.7. The convergent validity and discriminant validity were confirmed between the measurement variables, and the measured values were found to be appropriate. Customization experience had a significant influence on the path of autonomy, competence, and pride of authorship at the .001 level. Specifically, the results showed that the coefficient of the path from “customization experience to autonomy” to be .71***, that from “customization experience to competence” was .81***, and that from “customization experience to pride of authorship” was .68***. We thus accept Hypothesis 1, 2, and 3. These mediation variables were found to have a positive influence on happiness at the .001 level. The coefficient of the path from “autonomy to happiness” was .38***, that from “competence happiness” was .29***, and that from “pride of authorship to happiness” was .25***. We thus accept Hypothesis 4, 5, and 6. It was identified that happiness was positively related to purchase intention with coefficients, 0.49***. Thus, Hypothesis 7 was supported.
Discussion and implications
Previous research found that offering customization service positively influences purchase intention and willingness-to-pay. This paper extends the current understand as to the effect of customization service experience on consumer patronage intention by identifying underlying psychological mechanism. The customized products allow and demand consumers to engage in the designing process. This distinctive experience generates psychological reactions that are linked to personal happiness. In particular, we find that a heightened sense of autonomy, competence, and the pride of authorship are critical mediators linking the customization experiences to happiness. The results also indicate that feeling of happiness is a significant driver for consumer patronage behavior. Our results imply that millennial consumers want to experience consumer-centric events and to engaging in creating their own contents to feel fulfilled with consumption experiences and that customized services can be a power tool to meet this desire.
As information and communication technologies (ICTs) become more advanced, consumers are able to experience retailing activities such as searching for products and services in online retail shops and for Internet-exclusive branded contents. Specifically, fashion retailers are facing the need to develop more novel experiential design than one another to maximize customers’ experience in Internet websites and secure sustainable competency. Confirming methods of organic integration of experiential and visual features of both online and mobile channels is an important aspect of the study of extended consumers’ interfaces of retail channels. Mehrabian and Russell’s stimulusorganism- response (S-O-R) paradigm and Sugiyama and Andree’s attention, interest, search, action, and share (AISAS) model were used for this research. Specifically, the present study considered the effect of e-commerce website features on consumers’ emotional reactions (pleasure and arousal) and the consequent impact on online consumer behaviors (search, action, and share). Hence, plus the self-reported survey methods, each subject’s psychophysiological indicators (i.e., pleasure and arousal) were measured to obtain more objective and reliable data and to redeem the results of the self-reported survey. Findings revealed the implications of the e-commerce website feature by comprehending the S-O-R paradigm and AISAS model and extending the understanding of the role of variables associated with comprehended frameworks based on psychophysiological data.
The purpose of the study was to investigate the strength of sokinetic muscle by the position of a volleyball players. Analysis and comparison of shoulder dynamic stability will be conducted according to rotational movement of the shoulder during spiking and serving amongst the various positions. Fifty professional Korean female volleyball players (age: 20~30), all different positions – attacker (left and right), center, setter, and libero were The concentric peak torque, strength ration of the internal and external rotation of the shoulder girdle for both dominant and non-dominant arms. Firstly, there were significant differences found for the strength ratio between the setter and the other positions in the dominant arm. On a second note, there was a significant decrease in shoulder dynamic stabilization for both the attacker and center in the dominant arm. However, there were no significant differences for the setter or the libero. This study suggests that the isokinetic muscle strengths of the volleyball players are different from each other.
The purpose of this study was to investigate the effects of hypobarichypoxic training program on competitive performance. This was done by observing their conditioning and measuring their blood constituents before and after a multi-staged intermittent training program, over 2 weeks. Three national handicapped cyclists were placed in a multi-leveled hypobaric-hypoxic (flat–4000 meter (m) high elevation) environment with consistent temperature and humidity (23 ± 2℃, 50 ± 5%) for 2 weeks. After the training, the blood constituents and average heart rate (HR) were measured and the following results were obtained. In all three athletes, there were no unique changes in red blood cell count, hemoglobin, and hematocrit, while there was a rise in the reticulocyte count. Observations of the difference in average HR during exercise at varying altitudes showed that athlete A had an average increase in the HR for the first 5 days at 2000 m. For athlete B, the comparison of the first and last training sessions at an altitude of 2000 m showed an HR increase of approximately 17%. For athlete C, there was a steady increase in the HR until day 7 of the training. As such, hypobarichypoxic training suggested that improvement of aerobic exercise performance in these athletes and it is recommended that there be a development for future training programs at high altitude, geared towards handicapped athletes of various disciplines.
The expertise, trustworthiness and attractiveness of the information source all positively influence information recipients’ eWOM (Electronic Word-of-Mouth), acceptance of CSR messages, as well as their attitudes to the company.
The objective of this study was to investigate the effects of NEAA and leptin supplemented to in vitro culture medium on the developmental competence of porcine embryos after intracytoplasmic sperm injection (ICSI), and to modify the culture condition to improve the quality and the development of ICSI-derived porcine embryos in vitro. After ICSI, the putative zygotes were then cultured in PZM-3 medium with/without NEAA or leptin. The proportion of embryos that developed to the blastocyst stage significantly increased when 1% NEAA (24.62%) was added to the medium compared with 2% NEAA and no NEAA group (17.24% and 20.24%, respectively, p<0.05). The effect of different concentration of leptin (0, 10, 100, 500 ng/ml) was evaluated on the development of porcine ICSI embryos cultured in vitro. In case of blastocyst formation, 100 ng/ml group (27.05%) showed significantly higher rate than 10, 500 ng/ml, and control group (23.45%, 17.99%, and 19.68%, respectively, p<0.05). We also evaluated the effects of different NEAA and leptin treatment time on the development of porcine embryos after ICSI. Among groups of embryos cultured in the presence of NEAA or leptin for whole 7 days (D 1-7), first 4 days (D 1-4), the subsequent 3 days (D 5-7), both NEAA (27.13%, 21.17 %, and 17.56%, respectively, p<0.05) and leptin (25.60%, 20.61%, and 16.53%, respectively, p<0.05) showed that supplementation for whole 7 days significantly increased the blastocyst formation rate compared with the other groups of D1-4 and D5-7. We further evaluated the combination effect of 1% NEAA and 100 ng/ml leptin compared with the effect of each supplementation with 1% NEAA or 100 ng/ml leptin or no supplementation on development of embryos. For blastocyst formation, combination group of NEAA and leptin (24.78%) showed significantly higher rate than other three groups (18.37%, 20.44 %, and 13.27%, respectively, p<0.05). We further evaluated the expression of proapoptosis genes such as BAX and BAK and anti-apoptosis genes, BCL-XL and BCL-2 in blastocysts cultured in the presence of 100 ng/ml leptin. RT-PCR analysis revealed that leptin supplementation significantly decreased the expression of pro-apoptosis genes as well as increased the expression of anti-apoptosis genes. These results of present study demonstrate that NEAA and leptin could improve the in vitro development of ICSI- derived porcine embryos with optimal concentration of each reagent. Furthermore, the optimal culture condition could increase the quality of ICSI-derived embryos in vitro.
The objective of the current study was to describe in vitro embryo production in Hanwoo, analyzing oocytes yield and embryo production. The effects of oocytes production and the number of OPU procedures per animal on embryo production were also evaluated. OPU was done every 3~4 days during experimental period and collected oocytes were fertilized in vitro in both OPU and needle puncture groups. First, we compared the recovery rate of oocytes based on OPU session (Experiment 1). The average of collected oocytes was calculated from every 10 session. The average number of total oocytes recovered per animalonsessionwas 5.16 (mean). Second, we compared the recovery rate base on collection period of OPU (Experiment 2). The following results show the difference of the number of recovered oocytes in every month during the procedure between the months of session. Every animal shows the constant number of recovered oocytes for the first 5 months. However, the recovery rate of oocytes was decreased from month 6 to 8. Third, we compared the developmental rate to blastocyst in two groups (Experiment 3). Oocytes by needle puncture were fertilized with frozen-thawing semen; the cleavage rate 24~48 h after in vitro fertilization (IVF) was 75.8% and blastocyst development rate was 18.8% in needle puncture group. Even though there is lower cleavage rate after IVF in OPU group (61.1%), blastocyst development rate was higher compared with needle puncture group (28.4%). In conclusion, Blastocyst developmental rate could be increased by OPU than classical method of needle puncture. Improvement of bio- technique in collecting oocytes could be applied to understand the reproductive physiology in cattle, expecially Hanwoo. Therefore, further investigation should be done to clarify the efficiency and advantage of OPU involved in reproduction in animals and human being.
The objective of this study was to evaluate in vitro production of bovine embryos in Hanwoo. Oocytes were collected by ovum pick up (OPU) from ovaries of genetically high-value Hanwoo or by needle puncture from ovaries of slaughtered cattle. OPU was done every 3 4 days duing experimental period and collected oocytes were fertilized in vitro in both OPU and needle puncture groups. First, We compared the in vitro maturation rate in two groups (Experiment 1). 545 oocytes were recoverd from 4 females by 32 trials of OPU and then 433 oocytes were shown MⅡ stage after in vitro maturation (79.4%). In case of needle puncture group, 1905 oocytes were collected and then 1420 oocytes were matured to MⅡ stage during in vitro culture(74.5%). Second, we compared the developmental rate to blastocyst in two groups (Experiment 2). 1420 oocyte by needle puncture were fertilized with frozen-thawing semen; the cleavage rate 24 48 h after in vitro fertilization (IVF) was 88.6% and blastocyst development rate was 20.5% in needle puncture group. Even though there is lower cleavage rate after IVF in OPU group (84.8%), blastocyst development rate was higher compared with needle puncture group (26.4%). In conclusion, Blastocyst developmental rate could be increased by OPU than classical method of needle puncture. Improvement of bio-technique in collecting oocytes could be applied to understand the reproductive physiology in cattle, expecially Hanwoo. Therefore, further investigation should be done to clarify the efficiency and advantage of OPU involved in reproduction in animals and human being. This research was suppoted by Imsil-gun agricultural technology service center.
From April 2010 to the present, seasonal occurrence of Riptortus pedestris was investigated. Five locations for population density and migration route tracking were the same as last year (two sites of Mt. Yangseong, Jujung-dong, O-Chang, and the campus of Chungbuk National University(CBNU)). In Mt. Yangseong, separated the farmland (80m) and forest (200 and 300m) by altitude, population density in 2010 was showed high density at mid-June, mid-Aug., and late-Oct., but population density in 2011 was showed high density at late-April, late-July and mid-Aug. In O-Chang and Jujung-dong, population density in 2010 was captured the adult from June to Aug. in the farmland, and from Sept. to Nov. in the forest. Total captured number of R. pedestris were high in farmland than forest. In campus of CBNU, the adult was captured from mid-Jul. to late-Aug. It showed the difference in the population density by its environmental conditions. Attraction effect of pheromone lure trap with soybeans were good than that of pheromone lure trap only. To track the migration of R. pedestris, we painted the fluorescent paint with different color. Being painted 500 R. pedestris were released and recaptured 10 and 20 days after release. Among released 500 R. pedestris at asl 300m on Yangseong site A and B in 25 Apr. were recaptured one at 300 and 80 m at site A, and site B was recaptured one marked R. pedestris adult at 200 m. In 25 May, release at 200 m in site A was recaptured only 80 m with 2 and site B was recaptured 200m with 8 and 80m with 1. Released in 17 Jul. at 80 m, marked R. pedestris adults were recaptured only 80 m with 5 and 2, respectively. It means that R. pedestris adults seem to migrate from the forest to the farmland in this season, but the data from Aug. to Oct. in 2010 was different.
청둥오리의 압란유의 기능성 특성을 알아보기 위하여 흰쥐를 모델로 하여 streptozotocin(STZ)을 투여하여 당뇨병을 유발시킨 다음, 혈액 중의 당 농도, 지질의 변화 및 동맥경화 지표와의 상관관계를 검토하였고, 또한 Sarcoma-180을 쥐에 이식하여 이에 대한 항암 효과를 실험하였다. STZ로 당뇨병을 유발시킨 흰쥐를 청둥오리의 압란유를 15일간 투여하였던 바 혈중의 당 농도는 정상상태로 유지되었고 phospholipid 및 triglyceride의 함량은 STZ를 처리한 압란유의 경우에는 증가하였으나, STZ 처리군에 압란유를 투여하였을 때 감소되었다. 혈중 total cholesterol, LDL+VLDL의 cholesterol 및 동맥경화의 지표는 STZ 처리군에서는 증가하였으나, 시료를 150㎎/㎏ 투여시에는 감소하였다. 한편 Sarcoma-180에 대한 성장억제율은 압란유를 150㎎/㎏ 투여시 63.89%로 나타났고 수명연장 실험에서는 압란유의 경우 15.4%로 나타났다.
In Brassica as matter of seedling manner, they have the bilocular ovary and 20~28 seeds per silique after fertilization. Rarely some of B. juncea and yellow sarson (Brassica rapa ssp, tricolaris) have multilocular ovary. In this stdudy, the LP8 (YS-033, CGN06835) is shown tetralocular ovary as well as high seed yields. As microscope study for the different size of immature bud sections and we have known the floral meristem with already four locules in immature buds less size than 1mm of LP8. To identify of determining of tetralocular ovary formation, RNA-seq was carried out on the isolated RNA from less than 1mm and from 1mm of bud size respectively. By contrast tetralocular ovay and bilocular ovary, Chiifu is used. A total of 994 differentially expressed genes(DEGs) are detected in only LP8. Among the DEGs, we identify 18 DEGs in only immature buds of less size than 1mm. The expression patterns of 18 DEGs are validated by real time quantitative PCR and these genes are cloned and the sequence analyzed. At present, 12 candidated gene are analyzed by sequencing and there are detected by large fragment insertion as well as SNPs in sequence comparison to Chiifu. We will perform the genetic transformation of these DEG genes in Arabidopsis for relation between genes and tetralocular ovary. Our results will be helpful in understanding for mechanisms of tetraovular ovary in Brassica rapa.
Brassica rapa subspecies show morphological variability, containing vegetable types and oilseed types. The yellow sarson types(Brassica rapa ssp, tricolaris) have distinct morphology, yellow seeded and contain some lines with very unique character of tetralocular ovary. For genetic studies on tetralocular ovary related to high seed yields, we produced genetic segregation population with F2 and double haploid(DH) population. The yellow sarson LP8 (YS-033, CGN06835) with character of tetralocular ovary used as a maternal plant and crossed by LP21 of turnip rape type with bilocular ovary as paternal plant. We took on the microspore cultures on immature bud which is collected on sizing from 2mm to 3.2mm for DH population. The regenerations DH plants are analyzed by ploidy determination using flow cytrometer and selected on diploid plants. These regenerated DH and F2 plants are doing bud pollination and measuring the phenotype traits. Also, these populations will be used for identify of genetic locus relate to tetralocular ovary using genotyping by sequencing.