Hanford site has been operated since 1943 to produce the plutonium for nuclear weapons. Significant amount of radioactive wastes was generated by the nuclear weapons production process. The radioactive wastes are stored in 177 aged underground tanks. Due to the risk of leakage into the air and the Columbia River, the US DOE and EPA, and Washington State Department of Ecology organized the Tri-Party Agreement (TPA) to clean-up the Hanford site in 1989. The LAW (low-activity waste) vitrification facility named WTP (Waste Treatment Plant) is plan to vitrify about 212 million liters of radioactive waste. The US DOE announced that the world’s largest melter to vitrify the LAW was heated up on October 8, 2022.
The decommissioning of nuclear power plant (NPP) consists of various activities, such system decontamination, take out of activated components, segmentation of the activated components, site remediation, etc. During various activities, the generation of radioactive wastes and radiation exposure to workers is expected. The systematic waste management during the activities is important to implement the decommissioning. The inefficient waste management usually bring significant delay in decommissioning process and results in increase of decommissioning cost. The radiation exposure management is also an important issue. It is generally accepted that the hot spot, generated from operation and decommissioning of NPP, is observed in many places within containment building. Although the health physicists measure the radiation in various points, the unintended hot spots are sometimes generated and observed. The effective radiation exposure management also requires the control of personnel and space during various activities. In this study, the radiation exposure and waste management experiences of Zion NPP is reviewed. The primary nuclides and radiation exposure during various activities are systematically studied to achieve the main objectives of this paper.
Veronica L., the largest genus in the family Plantaginaceae, is widespread in various habitats. Due to their long-blooming flowers, Veronica species have high horticultural value as indoor potted, garden, and landscape plants. Furthermore, Veronica plants are extremely important owing to their notable diversity in habitat usage, ploidy level, and evolution. Several native taxa, which are of key interest in breeding programs and phylogenetic studies, have been identified in Korea. The genome sizes and chromosomal characteristics are basic cytogenetic features of all taxa, and their knowledge is a prerequisite when commencing genome sequencing projects. It can provide essential information for cytogenetic, taxonomic, phylogenetic, and evolutionary studies. Thus, cytogenetic analysis and genome size estimation of seven Veronica taxa native to Korea were conducted in this study. Fluorescence in situ hybridization (FISH) karyotype analysis and chromosome counting was conducted using metaphase chromosomes probed with 5S and 45S rDNA. Nuclear DNA content and genome size were determined using flow cytometry. FISH karyotype analysis revealed a common number of 5S loci and varying 45S signals that create distinctive rDNA distribution patterns in each taxon. The results indicated that the seven investigated Veronica taxa have calculated genome sizes (1C values) ranging from 517.1 to 862.0 Mbp. This study is the first to report the chromosome number and karyomorphology of seven Veronica taxa native to Korea, as well as the use of rDNA markers for identifying individual chromosomes. These findings contribute to the crucial understanding the genomic characteristics of species within the genus Veronica, serve as a basis for studying Veronica phylogeny and evolution, and provide valuable information for future breeding programs.
The permanent shut-down of Kori unit 1, the first nuclear power plant (NPP) in Korea, generates various radioactive waste. They are dry active waste (DAW), spent resin, concentrated waste, activated metals, etc. During normal operation of NPP, activated metals are rarely generated. The decommissioning of NPP, however, generates massive amount of metallic waste including activated metals and contaminated metals, while normal operation generates small amount of metallic waste. The reactor vessel and internals are relatively highly activated components in NPP. Since they are exposed to the high concentration of neutrons during the operation, their contains relatively high radioactive nuclides. They activation analysis is usually performed to understand the radiological inventory of the activated reactor vessel and internal. The results offer various important information including, radiological inventory, waste classification, etc. The impurities in the carbon steel and stainless steel have a great impact on the radiological inventory of the activated metals. The cobalt, nickel, niobium are primary elements that affects the activation analysis and waste classification. Especially, the cobalt, which transforms to 60Co, plays an important role. The 60Co, strong gamma emitter, affects the waste classification, safety analysis of decommissioning workers, and determination of segmentation and package plans. In this paper, effects of impurity concentration on activation analysis is studied. The expected impurity from various sources, including NUREG/CR-3474, commercial NPP data, etc, and effects will be demonstrated. Also, the comparison between results and international experiences will be followed.
The present study investigated the effects of Lysophospholipid (LPLs, LIPIDOL™) on the growth performance and nutrient digestibility of Hanwoo heifers. A feeding trial was performed for 120 days until slaughter using a herd of 24 Hanwoo heifers. Eight heifers were assigned to each of 3 experimental groups (control, 0.3% LIPIDOL™ and 0.5% LIPIDOL™). Growth performance, nutrient digestibility, and carcass characteristics were investigated. Significantly improved nutrient digestibility was found in the LIPIDOL™ treatment group compared to the control (p<0.05). No significant effect by LIPIDOL™ supplementation on growth performance was observed (p>0.05). However, interestingly, greater carcass weight was detected in the treatment of LIPIDOL™ where less daily gain was found. Although not a significant effect, greatly decreased back-fat thickness and increased loin area were detected in the treatment of LIPIDOL™. In meat characteristics, LIPIDOL™ increased intramuscular fat and tenderness. Therefore, the present study results suggest that the inclusion of LIPIDOL™ in the diet of Hanwoo heifers can improve carcass performance and meat quality by increasing the carcass index and the meat quality index. The results also suggest that a level of 0.3% might be more efficient than 0.5% with regard to economic effectiveness.
꼬마배나무이 (Cacopsylla pyricola)에 저항성 품종육성을 위한 육종재료를 선발코자 월동형 성충수, 단과지내의 산란수, 과총엽내의약충수 및 수관 전체적인 그을음 발생정도를 15개 종 및 종간잡종133개 유전자원을 대상으로 조사하였다. 월동형 성충수는 Pyrus.calleryana 4.6마리, 단과지내 산란수는 P. calleryana 0.3개, 과총엽내약충수는 P. calleryana 0마리, 그리고 그을음 발생정도는 P.betulaefolia, P. calleryana, P. communis, P. hybrid (P.pyrifolia × P.communis), P. lindleyi 0으로 발생 및 피해정도가 가장 낮았으며 종간의 차이가 뚜렷하였다. 전체적으로 대목으로 이용하고 있는 콩배인P. calleryana와 P. betulaefolia가 조사 대상 유전자원 중 가장 높은 항객성(antixenosis)을 보였으나 품질개량에 많은 기간이 요구됨에 따라 실용적으로는 서양배(P. communis) 중 ‘Conference', 'Cascade','Bosc', 'Winter Nelis' 가 가장 낮은 발생 및 피해정도를 보여 꼬마배나무이 저항성 품종 육성을 위한 좋은 육종재료로 판단되었다.
Purpose: This study sought to explore the effects of sport enjoyment on leisure commitment. Research design, data, and methodology: Subjects of this study are members of MTB participation in Seoul and Gyeonggi area and were selected by purposive sampling out of non-probability sampling. 295 questionnaires were collected and 288 questionnaires were used for the study. To analyze data, frequency analysis, factorial analysis, t-test, ANOVA, correlation and regression analysis were employed. Results: First, as for leisure satisfaction and leisure commitment pursuant, there was significant difference in gender, age, the number of participation in weekly leisure, and hours of participation in weekly leisure. Second, regarding MTB participants' amusement and leisure satisfaction competence had significant influence on all the sub-factors of leisure satisfaction and that both achievement and competence had impacts on social leisure satisfaction. Third, regarding effects on leisure commitment, competence of amusement had impacts on cognitive and behavioral leisure commitment. Fourth, regarding relationships between leisure satisfaction and leisure commitment, satisfaction of mental leisure, social leisure, relaxation leisure, physiological leisure and leisure satisfaction had significant influence on cognitive commitment. Conclusions: Summary of above results showed that MTB participants' amusement factor had significant influence on leisure satisfaction and leisure commitment. Implications were discussed. Keywords: MTB, amusement factor, leisure commitment