The taste properties of enzyme hydrolysates of rice protein residue were investigated, and then their taste enhancingeffects were evaluated by examining the changes in total taste pattern after their addition to a yeast extract. Whileenzyme hydrolysates of rice protein residue showed different taste properties according to the enzyme that was usedfor hydrolysis, the Flavourzyme treated sample expressed the strongest umami and bitter taste among the enzymetreated samples. On the other hand, the Protamax treated sample showed considerable umami with a slight bittertaste so that it is expected to be suitable as a taste enhancing ingredient. Furthermore, by LC-MS/MS analysis, theeffective fraction isolated from the Protamax treated sample was found to contain peptide fractions such as Ile-Gly-Tyr-Pro-Thr-Tyr-Pro-Leu-Pro-Arg (Mw: 1175); therefore, it is expected that the peptide fractions contained in Prot-amax hydrolysates of rice protein residue could be applied for preparing a natural taste enhancing ingredient.
쌀단백질을 효소분해하여 제조한 배양액으로 천연조미소재로 사용할 효모추출물을 제조하기 위한 최적 공정조건을 조사하였다. 쌀단백질(5%, w/w)을 단백분해효소인 Delvolase®로 효소분해한 상등분획에 3%(w/w) 수준으로 포도당을 첨가한 배지 조건이 가장 적절하였으며 이 조건에서 2.3 g/L의 효모를 회수하였다. 회수한 효모에는 RNA가 188.1 mg/g수준으로 함유되어 있었으며 GMP 및 IMP는 각각 650.33±48 μg/g, 69±21 μg/g 함유되어 있었다. 이와 같은 효모추출물에 효모배양액의 제조 후 남은 쌀단백질 잔사의 효소분해물(Rrh)을 혼합하면 감칠맛이 상승하였는데 미각센서 분석기로 측정한 결과 효모추출물의 감칠맛이 4.88에서 Rrh의 첨가 후에는 9.25로 증가하였으며 관능검사에서도 감칠맛의 증가를 확인할 수 있었다. 이와 같이 효모추출물에 쌀단백질 잔사의 효소분해물이 추가되면 효소분해 과정 중 생성된 다양한 맛 성분으로 인해 감칠맛이 상승되어 전체적인 기호도가 높아지므로 천연조미소재로서의 활용이 가능함을 알 수 있었다.
Translation has been a key factor in the cultural transfer in the era of globalization. Despite the growing importance of the role of translation which helps to represent, construct and even manipulate cultural identities between different cultures, the absence of translation pedagogy in the current foreign language education in Korea creates a rather limited perspective about the nature and function of translation. Because of the constrained view of the role of translation as well as the historical prejudice against the role, translation is mostly used as the criteria for language proficiency testing, while topics like what to teach in translation pedagogy as well as how to teach are rarely discussed. This study analyzes the problems of the current use of translation in language teaching practice, and the limit of the traditional concept of word-for-word translation, characterized by a decontextualized practice, which has resulted in a restricted and mechanized practice of translation. By problematizing these issues, this study aims to provide more constructive and diverse approaches to translation pedagogy and a rendering of the meanings in translation. For practical aspects, this study will also examine the characteristics of translation-related courses, currently offered at major higher education institutions in the USA and Europe, where translation pedagogy is considerably well established, and provide direction for on what to teach.
This experiment was carried out to investigate the appropriate chilling requirements for breaking dormancy by treating the dormant plant of Hanabusaya asiatica with low temperature (4℃) for different time periods. The rates of sprouting and flowering were higher with longer treatment periods at low temperature. In addition, the growth and flowering of the plant were better when it was potted after treatment at a low temperature for 90 days. The abscisic acid levels and polyphenoloxidase activity of the dormant plant increased during the low temperature treatment, reached a climax 90 days and decreased thereafter. The catalase activity was the lowest after the low temperature treatment for 90 days and increased subsequently. The peroxidase activity increased and showed a sharp rise after the low temperature treatment for more than 90 days. Considering the physiological activities of the enzymes, the changes in the abscisic acid levels, and the characteristics of growth and flowering after sprouting of the plant, the appropriate cold periods required for breaking dormancy could be 90 days.
Seven genetic lines of Bupleurum falcatum L. from different geographical regions were analysed for saikosaponin contents and chromosomal numbers. The somatic chromosome numbers of B. falcatum originated from Euisong, Iri, Milyang, Sangnam, Taejon, and Youngchon were 2n=20 while Mishimasaiko showed 2n=26. However, chromosome features were different in plants grown in different geographical regions. Generally, Korean lines had higher saikosaponin contents than Mishimasaiko which is Japanese and Sangnam lines had highest saikosaponin contents compared to other tested lines.