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        검색결과 8

        2024.09 KCI 등재 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
        Due to rapid spread of fireblight, the Rural Development Administration is supplying bactericides to farmers. However, research on inhibitory effects of main active ingredients in these bactericides on fireblight is lacking. Chlorophyll fluorescence analysis is a non-destructive method for analyzing the photosynthetic efficiency of plants, enabling time-series data analysis of pathogen progression and allowing for large-scale studies. Therefore, this study analyzed inhibitory effects of main active ingredients in bactericides on fireblight using chlorophyll fluorescence response analysis. Flowering pear trees (three-year-old ‘Shingo’ variety) were sprayed with control agents and fire blight pathogens on flowers. Chlorophyll fluorescence responses were then measured at seven-day intervals. Twenty-eight days after bactericide treatment, the fluorescence of the O-J transition stage in the untreated group was twice as high as in the average bactericide-treated group presumably due to inhibition of electron transport in the PSII donor side caused by pathogen infection, leading to leaf necrosis. Additionally, the electron transport efficiency (ET2o, RE1o) decreased, reducing the driving force of photosynthesis (DF total ABS) to 20% of the average bactericidetreated group, indicating chlorophyll damage and reduced photosynthetic capacity. In conclusion, chlorophyll fluorescence technology can be used to quantitatively evaluate the efficacy of fire blight control agents during the flowering period of pear trees.
        2007.06 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
        Embryonic germ (EG) cells are undifferentiated stem cells isolated from cultured primordial germ cells (PGC). These cells share many characteristics with embryonic stem cells including morphology and pluripotency. Undifferentiated porcine EG cell lines demonstrating capacities of differentiation both in vitro and in vivo have been established. Since EG cells can be cultured indefinitely in an undifferentiated state, whereas somatic cells in primary culture are often unstable and have limited lifespan, EG cells may provide inexhaustible source of karyoplasts in nuclear transfer (NT). In this study the efficiencies of NT using porcine EG and fetal fibroblast cells were compared. Two different techniques were used to perform NT. With conventional NT procedure (Roslin method) involving fusion of donor cells with enucleated oocytes, the rates of development to the blastocyst stage in EG and somatic cell NT were 16.8% (59/351) and 14.5% (98/677), respectively. In piezo-driven microinjection (Honolulu method) of donor nuclei into enucleated oocytes, the rates of blastocyst formation in EG and somatic cell NT were 11.9% (15/126) and 9.4% (9/96), respectively. Regardless of NT methods used in this study, EG cell NT gave rise to comparable rate of blastocyst development to somatic cell NT. Overall, EG cells can be used as karyoplast donor in NT procedure, and embryos can be produced by EG cell NT that may be used as an alternative to conventional somatic cell NT.
        2005.12 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
        The freemartinism is the most frequent form of intersexuality found in cattle, and females of heterosexual twins become sterile. With increase of twinning rates due to transfer of multiple embryos derived from in vitro fertilization, it is of great economic value to establish early diagnosis of freemartins to remove infertile individuals from breeding stock. In the present study polymerase chain reaction (PCR) of two different Y-chromosome specific segments (BRY.l and AMX/Y) was performed to identify freemartins from twins and less common single born freemartins in Korean Native Cattle (KNC). Two male-specific sequences were amplified in all heterosexual twins tested (n=5). In addition, Y-specific PCR products were detectable in one of the single born females (n=4) with visible genital abnormalities. These results suggest that the sensitivity of PCR-based assay may be sufficient to detect freemartinism in single born females as well as female partners of heterosexual twins in KNC.