세척수에 포함된 무기물질의 함량이 먹는 물의 수질기준을 초과하여, 참외 GAP 인증을 받지 못하는 사례가 최근 들어 종종 발생하고 있다. 이에 농업현장에서는 껍질을 제거하여 먹는 참외의 소비특성을 감안하여 세척수 수질기준의 일부를 완화해 줄 것을 요청하고 있다. 이에, 본 연구에서는 성주 지역에서 2017-2019년 GAP 인증 참외의 세척에 이용되는 지하수 142건의 수질자료를 근거로 무기물질 4종(불소, 비소, 철, 망간)의 인체 위해성을 평가 하였다. 연구 결과, 성주 지역 GAP 참외의 세척에 사용 되는 지하수를 음용수 수준으로 섭취하는 우리나라 국민의 4종 무기물질에 대한 HQ는 모두 평균 0.10 이하로 안전한 수준이었다. 특히, 심미적 영향물질인 철, 망간의 경우 성주 지역 지하수를 음용수 수준으로 섭취하는 경우 HQ 가 평균 0.00. 과다노출군의 경우 0.01나타났는데, 일반 참외를 섭취하는 국민의 HQ(평균 0.01, 과다노출군 0.03)보다 낮은 수준이었다. 따라서, 성주 지역 지하수를 GAP 농산물의 세척에 활용하더라도 철, 망간을 포함한 4종 무기 물질이 인체에 미치는 영향은 미미할 것으로 생각된다.
Cobweb disease symptoms were observed in a mushroom farm in Buye, Korea during a disease survey in 2008-2011. Five isolates of Cladobotryum sp. were obtained from the infected caps and stipes. These isolates of Cladobotryum sp. were identified as C. mycophilum based on their morphological, cultural characteristics and analysis of the ITS sequences. Early symptoms were noticed as round, fleshy, yellowish brown lesions on mushroom caps. Late symptoms progressed when the parasitic fungus formed white cobweb circular colonies on dead or damaged pinheads, spread on the surface of the casing, and covered entirely fruiting bodies. Optimal temperature and pH for mycelial growth on MEA is 23℃ and 6.0. Microscopically the spores of the fungus are large and most 2~3 celled produced on vertically branched conidiophores. Mushroom caps turned dark brown and shrunk due to soft rot. Testing of sensitivity to selected fungicides showed that isolate was highly resistance to Mancozeb and Thiophanate-methyl, moderately sensitivity to Iprodione, and highly sensitivity to Benomyl, Prochloraz-Mn and Carbendazim.
The standard does much to improve merchantable quality, distribution efficiency and fair dealings by shipping of the standard agricultural products. Mushrooms notified as the standard are five items; Pleurotus ostreatus, Pleurotus eryngii, Flammulina velutipes, Agaricus bisporus and Ganoderma lucidum. But many farmers are suffering from a strict standards. So these standard is required modification to fit farmhouse situations. This study was carried out to investigate mushroom quality of farm shipping and quality change during preservation at various treatment. Flammulina velutipes and Agaricus bisporus preserved at different temperature( 4℃, 10℃, 20℃) to investigate quality changes. Pileus diameters of Flammulina velutipes was 67% of first grade and 33% of second grade at the early stage. After two weeks, pileus diameters was not signigicant changes; 50% of first grade, 50% of second grade at 4℃ and 50% of second grade, 50% of third grade at 10℃. Although there were no significant changes of diameter at 20℃, most of the fruit bodies were decayed. In case of Agaricus bisporus, pileus diameter was 15% of first grade, 81% of second grade and 4% of third grade at the early stage. The more storage period longed, the more the color of the fruit body was browned. But pileus diameters was not signigicant changes. Hardness and chromaticity of these mushroom was declined as time passed. Now we are carrying out more research on some mushroom’s standards for improve consumer confidence.
This study was carried out investigate to availability of commercial microbial pesticide and antibacterial activity of isolates isolated from different mushroom media. Ten commercial microbial pesticide and EM liquid were collected from different company. EM of these one has been used for control of mushroom disease and growth promotion at the mushroom farms. The density of bacteria and yeast in EM cultural liquid was higher than those of the crude liquid. The pH values of EM showed the low acid levels(pH 3.5~3.9) by organic acid secreted from microorganism. The kinds of organic acid was acetic acid, lactic acid and succinic acid. The dominant bacteria isolated from EM liquid was Lactobactillus sp.(21 strains), Acetobacter sp.(9 strains), PaeniBacillus sp.(9 strains) and others(12 strains). The organic acid bacteria isolated from fermentation foods( was 92 strains and the dominant genus was Weissella sp.(41 strains), Leuconostoc sp.(21 strains), Enterococcus sp.(9 strains), Lactococcus sp.(9 strains) and others(12 strains). And we isolated 2,500 bacteria from oyster mushroom and button mushroom cultural media for selection of antagonistic bacteria. Thirty five strains of these isolates showed very strong antagonistic activity. These strains were identified Bacillus amyloliquefaciens, Bacillus subtilis, Brevibacterium halotolerans, Pseudomonas libanensis, Stenotrophomonas maltophilia and Alcaligenes faecalis by 16S rDNA analysis.
This study was carried out to decrease the royalties through the dissemination of domestic mushroom varieties by following UPOV (Union Internationale Pour la Protaection des Obtentions Vegetablue: the international union for the protection of new varieties of plants). Although RDA has bred various mushrooms of 25 species of 78 varieties since 1990, most of these were not cultivated in mushroom farms due to two reasons. One is the weaknees of spawn supply system caused by increasing own spawn production and the other is the difficulty in replacing a new variety due to the year-round production in bottle cultivation. Therefore, we made a program to disseminate domestic mushroom varieties. In 2010, five species of 14 varieties were provided as a form of spawn for 43 farms that do not have their own cultivation facility and 11 species of 18 varieties were provided for 45 farms that were equipped with their own cultivation facility. In addition, the breeders explained the cultural characteristics of their own varieties and consulted cultural farms. Since these activities were helpful to mushroom farmers, we plan to open the presentation for mushroom instructor in February 2011 with the consideration of the opinion of mushroom farmers to fully disseminate the spawn of domestic mushroom varieties for the bottle cultivation farms.
The winter mushroom, Flammulina velutipes, is one of the major economical crops cultivated in Korea. The total production have steadily increased approximately 40,161 M/T in 2005 to 61,057 M/T in 2009. Several bacteria have been known as the causal agents of certain diseases of cultivated button mushroom(Agaricus bisporus) oyster mushroom(Pleurotus ostreatus) and winter mushroom(Flammulina velutipes). It is well known as bacterial diseases of the cultivated mushroom such as brown blotch, mummy disease, bacterial pit, bacterial rot, weeping disease, ginger blotch, and drippy gill. Black rot has been recognized as a major problem within the mushroom industry. Pseudomonas tolaasii has been shown to be associated with a black disorder of the caps and stipe of the mushroom. Recently, P. tolaasii was isolated from disease cultivated winter mushrooms grown in Korea. Its symptom appeared as dark brown and sunken lesions on the caps and stipes of affected mushrooms. Inoculation of bacterial isolates into mushroom caps and stipes showed characteristic black rot symptoms and sunken lesions. Results of Gram stain, staining of flagella and biochemical tests identified these isolates as P. tolaasii. This was confirmed by pathogenicity, physiological and biochemical characteristics, and results of an analysis of the 16S rRNA gene sequences.
Agaricus bisporus grows on a substrate known as compost, which is a product of aerobic fermentation by various microorganisms. These organisms convert and degrade the straw and form lignin humus complex which is utilized later on by the population of organisms. Theses microflora play a key role in the process of composting and can be regarded as the active agents in the preparation of nutrient medium as many of them may ultimately contribute themselves to the nutrition of A. bisporus. The diversity of microflora according to growing farmhouse and fruiting body of Agaricus bisporus were investigated. The aerobic bacteria and Bacillus as longer of turning stage of compost pile were increased. And, thermophilic actinomycetes and fluorescent Pseudomonas sp. showed high density after the pasteurization stage. But Tricoderma sp. was decreased toward the end of turning stage of compost pile. Ten mushroom farms was selected to research of microflora of fruiting body of button mushroom. The microflora showed significant difference according to mushroom farms. The bacteria density was 0.4~41.6×105 cfu/ml and the fungus was 1.3~3.9×103 cfu/ml. But The microorganism density was not significant change for the storage periods. These isolates were classified into Chryseobacterium indologenes(6 strains), Pseudomonas agarici(5 strains), Sphingobacterium multivorum(2 strains), Flavobacterium anhuiense(2 strains), Microbacterium sp.(10 strains), Pseudomonas sp.(13 strains) on the basis of 16 rDNA analysis. The most dominants of these species were Chryseobacterium indologenes and Pseudomonas agarici.
Mushroom is cultivated as one of the major economical crops in many areas of the Korea. The total production have steadily increased approximately 151,913 M/T in 2000 to 186,400 M/T in 2007. This study was carried out to investigate applicability of mushroom production using various organic media resources within the country. Eight organic resources were collected from various areas. Pleurotus ostreatus and Fulammulina velutipes showed the highest growth at the media of 10% red ginseng marc, 20% lacquer tree, 20% Juglans mandshurica, 10% Cudrania tricuspidata, 10~20% Acer pensylvanicum, 10% Lindera glauca. Mushroom mycelial growth at red ginseng marc media was slower than that of the control. But the sponin of the red ginseng was not detected at the fruiting body grown from red ginseng marc media, And three organic resources(barly powder, sweet potato powder, potato powder) was used to substitute rice bran used in mushroom cultivation. Pleurotus ostreatus and Fulammulina velutipes showed the highest growth at 10~30% sweet potato powder, 20% barly powder and 10% potato powder.
Several bacteria have been known as the causal agents of certain diseases of the cultivated button mushroom (Agaricus bisporus) and oyster mushroom (Pleurotus ostreatus). It is well known as bacterial diseases of the cultivated mushroom such as brown blotch, mummy disease, bacterial pit, bacterial rot and weeping disease, ginger blotch, and drippy gill. Brown blotch is the most critical cause of crop loss in the commercial mushroom industry. The classical bacterial blotch disease of mushrooms is caused by a fluorescent pseudomonad, Pseudomonas tolaasii. Affected mushrooms show lesions which become dark chocolate-brown, are wet, and deeply pit the caps and stalks. Although Pseudomonas tolaasii has been known as the casual agent of bacterial blotch, much controversy exists regarding the identification of this bacterium and whether blotch may be caused by more than one organism. This study was carried out to investigate characterization and biological control of Pseudomonas tolaasi and other possible browning pathogens isolated from cultivated mushrooms. One hundred seventy four bacteria were isolated from the cultivated mushroom and collected from main producing districts throughout the country. The isolates were classified into Pseudomonas tolaasii(20 strains), Pseudomonas gingeri(1 strains), Pseudomonas agarici(4 strains), Pseudomonas putida(11 strains), Pseudomonas sp.(46 strains), Ewingella americana(14 strains), Stenotrophomonas sp.(4 strains), and others(74 strains) on the basis of 16 rDNA analysis. The most dominants of these species were Pseudomonas tolaasii and Ewingella americana. Pseudomonad isolates were mainly divided into two groups in white line test and a sharply defined white line of precipitate forms in Pseudomonas agar F(Difco) between the opaque white colonies of P. tolaasii and translucent colonies of certain unidentified pseudomonads. The white line test was positive when 20 isolates of P. tolaasi from different countries were examined, whereas 62 isolates of pseudomonads did not give the white line reaction with a reacting translucent colony Pseudomonas. All the isolates tested for white line forming bacteria including P. tolaasi were highly pathogenic to mushroom tissue. Although browning of mushrooms in host tests does not perfectly help in the identification of P. tolaasi, a conspicuous pitting produced at the cut surface of mushroom tissue is as specific as the white line test in detecting P. tolaasii in suspension in distilled water. URP2F primers of 20-mer were used to assess the genetic diversity of white line forming bacteria. The phylogenetic tree was constructed by using the neighbor-joining method. In the analysis of RAPD pattern, all isolates of white line precipitate have some of the different genetic traits as collected districts. Phylogenetic analysis of 16S rDNA revealed that twenty isolates including white line forming bacteria were closely related to P. tolaasii and showed high similarity. To biological control on bacterial browning disease of cultivated mushrooms, six hundreds plant extracts (332 EtOH extracts, 268 water extracts) was used for control of mushroom disease. Thirty plant extracts in bacterial disease(Pseudomonas tolaasii, P. agarici, B. gladioli, E. americana) and thirty three in fungus disease(T. harzianum, C. mycophilum, V. fungicola) showed strong anti-microbes activity. They showed stronger anti-microbes activity at ethanol extracts than water extracts. MIC of extract BCW128 on Pseudomonas tolaasii was 700ppm and HDE17 was 330ppm. MIC of extract YCE107 on P. agarici was 330ppm, JGE96 was 330ppm and BCW128 was 700ppm. The bacteria inhibit tolaasin secreted by Pseudomonas tolaasii was selected three genus(Bacillus sp. etc). Now we are carrying out more research on these bacteria.
The price of mushrooms harvested by bottle cultivation is rapidly dropping and the income of farm households is also rapidly decreasing due to the increase of production cost. Although some of these mushroom farms have employed the systems of mass production, they are in financial difficulty because of the investment they need to do for facilities such as cultivation room and automated systems. In the other hands, some retailers want to buy a small volume of mushrooms of many different mushrooms produced by the small farms and these small farms was required to investigate the common cultural condition for mushroom production of many different mushrooms. In this study, we investigated the common cultural conditions for production of many different mushrooms (e.g., Pleurotus eryngii and Agrocybe cylindracea) at the bottle cultivation farms. The cultural period of Pleurotus eryngii and Agrocybe cylindracea was 30~35 days. The optimum temperature of the mycelial growth was 25~28℃ with the growth room being maintained about 20~23℃ with the consideration of the respiration heat of the mycelium. The temperature of mushroom growth room was 16~18℃ for all growth periods. In our results, Pleurotus eryngii and Agrocybe cylindracea produced the highest yields at the substrate formulation of sawdust 75%, rice brain 20%, soybean cake wastes 5%, water contents 70% and 850 ml P.P. In the long run, our results will result in the development of new automatic cultivation model and increase the income of small production farms.