Korea Radioactive Waste Agency (KORAD), regulatory body and civic groups are calling for an infrastructure system that can more systematically and safely manage data on the results of radioactive waste sampling and nuclide analysis in accordance with radioactive waste disposal standards. To solve this problem, a study has been conducted on the analysis of the nuclide pattern of radioactive waste on the nuclide data contained in low-and intermediate-level radioactive waste. This paper will explain the optimal repackaged algorithm for reducing radioactive waste based on previous research results. The optimal repackaged algorithm for radioactive waste reduction is comprised based on nuclide pattern association indicators, classification by nuclide level of small-packaged waste, and nuclide concentration. Optimization simulation is carried out in the order of deriving nuclide concentration by small-packaged, normalizing drum minimization as a function of purpose, normalizing constraints, and optimization. Two scenarios were applied to the simulation. In Scenario 1 (generating facilities and repackaged by medium classification without optimization), it was assumed that there are 886 low-level drums and 52 very low-level drums. In Scenario 2 (generating facilities and repackaged by medium classification with optimization), 708 and 230 drums were assigned to the low-level and very low-level drums, respectively. As a result of the simulation, when repackaged in consideration of the nuclide concentration and constraints according to the generating facility cluster & middle classification by small package (Scenario 2) the low-level drum had the effect of reducing 178 drums from the baseline value of 886 drums to 708 drums. It was found that the reduced packages were moved to the very low-level drum. The system that manages the full life-cycle of radioactive waste can be operated effectively only when the function of predicting or tracking the occurrence of radioactive waste drums from the source of radioactive waste to the disposal site is secured. If the main factors affecting the concentration and pattern of nuclides are systematically managed through these systems, the system will be used as a useful tool for policy decisions that can prevent human error and drastically reduce the generation of disposable drums.
본 연구는 우리나라의 대표적인 난대 상록활엽수종 중의 하나인 가시나무의 고품질 용기묘 생산을 위한 적정 시비수준을 구명하고자 실시하였다. 용기는 임업시설양묘용 플라스틱 용기(350 ㎖/구)를 사용하였고, 시비처리는 무시비구와 함께 수용성 복합비료인 Multifeed 19 (N:P:K =19:19:19, v/v)를 1000 ㎎․L-1, 2000 ㎎․L-1, 3000 ㎎․L-1로 조절하여 시비하였다. 실험결과, 수고와 근원경 생장은 시비수준이 높아짐에 따라 높은 생장값으로 나타났다. 건물생산량도 전체적으로 수고 및 근원경 생장 결과와 유사한 경향으로 나타났다. 뿌리발달은 2000 ㎎․L-1 시비구에서 가장 왕성하였다. 묘목의 품질을 나타내는 지수인 QI (Quality Index)도 2000 ㎎․L-1 시비구에서 가장 높았다. 연구결과를 종합하면, 가시나무 용기묘의 우량한 묘목생산을 위한 적정 시비수준은 2000 ㎎․L-1 시비구로 판단된다.
본 연구는 대체에너지, 생태복원 및 밀원식물용 등으로 이용되어 묘목 수요가 증가되고 있는 쉬나무의 우량한 용기묘 생산을 위한 적정 시비수준을 구명하고자 실시하였다. 공시용기는 임업시설양묘용 플라스틱 용기(350 ㎖/구)를 사용하였다. 시비처리는 무시비구와 함께 수용성 복합비료인 Multifeed 19 (N:P:K=19:19:19, v/v)를 500 ㎎·L-1, 1000 ㎎·L-1, 1500 ㎎·L-1, 2000 ㎎·L-1로 조절하여 시비하였다. 실험결과, 간장과 근원경 생장은 시비수준이 높아짐에 따라 높은 생장값을 나타내다가 1000 ㎎·L-1 이상의 시비에서는 낮아지는 경향을 보였다. 뿌리발달은 1000 ㎎·L-1에서 가장 왕성하였다. 건물생산량도 1000 ㎎·L-1에서 가장 높았고 전체적으로 간장 및 근원경 생장 결과와 유사한 경향으로 나타났다. 묘목의 품질을 나타내는 지수인 QI (Quality Index)도 1000 ㎎·L-1에서 0.97로 다른 처리구 보다 높게 조사 되었다. 연구결과를 종합하면, 쉬나무 용기묘의 우량한 묘목생산을 위한 적정 시비수준은 1000 ㎎·L-1로 판단되며, 쉬나무 용기묘의 대량생산을 위한 기초자료로 활용될 것으로 기대된다.
Modern society has become an aging society, and the National Statistics Office(NSO) expects that Korea will be also an aging society by 2019, that is, people over the age of 65 will account for 14 percent from the total population. In addition, the increase of labor flexibility is also one of the dramatic features in modern society. However, this social shift have unpredictable results, that is, the advent and increase of grandparent and grandchildren family. Modern medical technology has given Koreans longer expectancies, and structural and economic changes in society have brought early retirement. One of the main reasons that grandparent and grandchildren family increase is below an average of two children per family. There are various services available such as Health support center, Dream start center, Youth support center, Community child center, and Community welfare center. Besides, schools operates various programs for grandparent and grandchildren family with social workers and school counselors. But, most of all, what is necessary is a change of perspective on them. Basically, we need to develop a clear perspective on grandparent and grandchildren family as a not dismantling family type but alternative family type with creating a separate program or service
Oral squamous cell carcinoma (OSCC) is the most common type of oral malignancy. Numerous therapies have been proposed for its cure. Research is continually being conducted to develop new forms of treatment as current therapies are associated with numerous side-effects. Luteolin, a common dietary flavonoid, has been demonstrated to possess strong anti-cancer activity against various human cancer cell lines. Nevertheless, research into luteolin-based anticancer activity against oral cancer remains scarce. Thus, the objective of this study was to assess the effect of luteolin as an anti-cancer agent. After treatment with luteolin, Ca9-22 and CAL-27 oral cancer cells showed condensed nuclei and enhanced apoptotic rate with evidence of mitochondria-mediated apoptosis. Epithelial-mesenchymal transition (EMT) is closely related to tumor migration and invasion. Luteolin suppressed cancer cell invasion and migration in the current study. Elevated expression of E-cadherin, an adherens junction protein, was evident in both cell lines after luteolin treatment. Luteolin also significantly inhibited transcription factors (i.e., N-cadherin, Slug, Snail, Twist, and ZEB-1) that regulated expression of tumor suppressors such as E-cadherin based on Western blot analysis and quantitative PCR. Thus, luteolin could induce mitochondrial apoptosis and inhibit cancer cell invasion and migration by suppressing EMT-induced transcription factors.
본 연구는 우리나라의 대표적인 조림수종인 소나무를 대상으로 조림지 식재 후 활착률을 높이기 위해 상대적으로 생육이 좋은 용기묘로 생산하고자 할 때, 관수처리 수준에 따른 생장 반응 특성을 조사하고 이를 통하여 적정 관수 수준을 구명하고자 실시되었다. 104구 용기에서 생육된 소나무 용기묘는 대조구(무관수)를 포함하여 파종 후 15주부터 8주 동안 각각 1, 2, 3, 5, 7, 10, 15 일 간격으로 관수되었다. 관수처리에 따른 소나무 용기 묘의 간장과 근원경 생장, 건물생산량을 조사한 결과 가장 좋은 생장 반응은 관수처리 1일 간격에서 가장 높게 나타났다. 관수주기가 짧아질수록 소나무 용기묘의 생장이 좋아졌지만, 전체뿌리길이는 2일이나 1일 관수주기보다 3일에서 더 높게 나타났다. 묘목품질지수의 경우 1일 간격에서 가장 높고 관수주기가 길어질수록 낮아지는 경향을 보였다. 본 연구결과를 종합하면 1~2일 간격의 관수가 소나무 용기묘의 생육에 있어 적합한 것으로 판단 된다.
본 연구는 수요가 확대되고 있는 산부추를 대상으로 환경조절(온도, 차광수준)에 따른 산부추의 발아반응과 초기생장을 조사하여 산부추의 생산량 증대와 증식기술 개발에 활용하고자 수행하였다. 발아 실험은 저온습윤 처리기간(0, 20, 40, 60일)과 온도(5, 10, 15, 20, 25, 30oC)를 조절하였고 생육시험은 용기(128구, 200구)와 차광수준(전광(대조구) 및 35%, 50%, 75% 차광)을 달리 하여 수행하였다. 발아율은 저온습윤 처리 20일의 10oC 에서 81.7%로 가장 높았으며, 온도가 높아질수록 낮아지는 경향을 보였다. 용기 및 차광을 달리한 조건에서 산부추의 생장특성은 128구와 200구의 50% 차광에서 초장, 엽면적, 엽장, L/W이 각각 24.2cm, 2.76cm2, 22.3cm, 223.4와 22.6cm, 2.29cm2, 19.4cm, 190.5로 양호한 생장을 보였으며, 뿌리는 전광에서 좋은 생장을 보인 것으로 나타났다. 특히, 지상부의 생중량의 경우에는 128 구와 200구 모두 50% 차광에서 0.241g과 0.212g로 높았다. 종합해보면 산부추 종자는 발아율 향상을 위해서는 20~40일의 저온습윤 처리가 필요할 것으로 생각되며, 생육 시에는 50% 차광을 유지하는 것이 산부추의 좋은 생장과 생산량 증대에 보다 효과적일 것으로 판단된다.
To identify factors affecting the regeneration of Abies koreana, we examined environmental conditions on Mt. Halla. In three seedbed types (Sasa site, shade by rock, forest floor), we investigated temperature and soil moisture content. Stratified A. koreana seeds were placed on each seedbed types and counted germinated seedlings. Snow cover period in north-facing slope, 102±17 days, was significantly longer than that of southfacing slope, 94±14 days. Average temperature of May to July, the period of seed germination, was significantly lower in forest floor than around rocks and under Sasa quelpaertensis. Germination rate of on each seedbed types was not different. This study suggests that the proper environmental conditions of A. koreana's regeneration may be affected on more complex factors.
조명나방의 유충성장(幼蟲成長)에 따른 탄수화물대사(炭水化物代謝)의 변화(變化) 및 혈림프와 충체(蟲體)내 항상성(恒常性)을 구명(究明)키 위해 Glucose, Trehalose 그리고 Glycogen을 측정한 결과는 다음과 같다. 헐림프내 Glucose는 3령유충에서 최고함량(最高含量)을 나타냈으며 4령유충에서 급격히 감소(減少)하다가 종령유충으로 성장(成長)하면서 다시 증가(增加)하였고, 충체(蟲體)에서는 유충기(幼蟲期) 성장과정동안 서서히 감소(減少)하는 현상(現象) 나타냈다. Trehalose는 혈림프에서 유충기의 성장과 더불어 증가하면서 높은 함량을 나타낸 반면, 충체(蟲體)에서는 낮은 함량을 보였다. Glycogen은 혈림프에서 Trehalose와 같은 패턴으로 증가하였으나, 충체(蟲體)내에서는 Trehalose와 반대현상(反對現象)을 나타내면서 증가하였다.
This study examines how economic preparation for later life directly influences life after retirement. As people’s life cycle is gradually getting longer, preparation for the later time with less economic activity after retirement is becoming more important. Thus, this study analyzes the factors influencing life after retirement. Data comes from the Korean Retirement and Income Study (KReIS) surveyed carried out by the National Pension Research Institute in 2015. The analysis includes Cronbach’s alpha, Pearson Product Moment Correlation Coefficient and Sobel Test. This study confirms that voluntary retirement has a positive influence on life satisfaction. Results are in line with previous research about the relationship between voluntary retirement and retired life. When a person retires voluntarily, financial preparation can be made in advance for retirement. In case of involuntary retirement, people may experience a sense of loss in personal standing and financial difficulties due to the unexpected situation. Especially, early retirement from the main workplace leads to unstable later life. The study’s policy recommendation, in particular, calls on government and businesses to agree on social responsibility for helping employees to retire in the predictable retirement time and, thus, enabling the retiree to decide all aspects of the path after retirement.
Purpose - In this study, we would like to analyze how the general characteristics of retired senior citizens affect directly the satisfaction of retirees' lives. As the life cycle continues to grow longer, post-retirement environment is recognized as important, and this study is conducted to analysis the factors that concerns which parts influence future retirement life. Research design, data, and methodology - First, Pearson’s correlation analysis was conducted to analyze the correlation between the satisfaction of retirement life and the characteristics of the elderly. Secondly, a one-way analysis of variance was conducted to find out the difference in the satisfaction level of post-retirement life depending on the characteristics of the elderly. Results - First, the demographic factors for the satisfaction of retirement life have shown a definite difference. Second, the family factors for the satisfaction of retirement life have shown a clear difference. Third, financial factors for the satisfaction of retirement life have shown a clear difference. Conclusions - Early retirement, especially in major jobs, is the basis for incomplete retirement preparation, which is a factor in unstable later life. If a prospective retiree can retire in a predictable retirement age, it would be sufficient to prepare for retirement in various areas, or to prepare for further directions.
Purpose - This study is to verify the mediating effect of voluntariness in retirement and the moderating effects of leisure life to examine which parts of later life preparations have influence on the retired life.
Research design, data, and methodology - In this study, the 6th Korean Retirement and Income Study was conducted on 5,254 members of households with householders over the age of 50. To examine the relationship between later life preparation and retired life, this study used personal data based on the serial number of the household members. Results - First, physical preparation for later life had a positive influence on retired life satisfaction among retirement satisfaction. People showed higher retired life satisfaction. Secondly, physical preparation for later life had a positive influence on satisfaction over relationship after retirement among retirement satisfaction. People showed higher satisfaction over relationship after retirement when they were more physically prepared for later life.
Conclusions – In particular, leisure life had a mediating effect for the influence of physical preparation for later life on the retired life. Also, leisure life and physical preparation for later life showed a close influencing relationship. People showed active leisure life and higher retired life satisfaction when they were more physically prepared for later life.
Purpose – The purpose of this research is to verify mediation effects of finance stress within relation structure between income inequality recognized by the elderly and life satisfaction.
Research design, data, and methodology - In order to achieve the purpose of this research, we investigated recognition of income inequality of the elderly, finance stress and life satisfaction by using examination data aimed at 541 elderly people whose age is over 65 living in Chungcheongbuk-do. We conducted reliability, correlation, regression analysis_(tolerance limit and variance inflation factor) by using SPSS ver. 18.0.
Results – From the result of analysis, it was proved that there are mediation effects of finance stress within the relation between income inequality recognized by the elderly and satisfaction with life. Based on this result, we suggest practical and political proposals to increase life satisfaction of the elderly.
Conclusions - The purpose of this research is to verify mediation effects of finance stress in the relationship between income inequality and life satisfaction recognized by the elderly. From the result of research, first, a direct effect was discovered that as income inequality becomes high, life satisfaction will be decreased. Second, partial mediation effect of finance stress was confirmed in the relationship between income inequality and life satisfaction.
Purpose - This study aims to determine whether history education for Korean-Chinese living in Korea affects their understanding for Korean society. It also aims to determine Korean-Chinese compatriots to recognize the necessity for History education. Research design, data, and methodology – In this study, two parts were examined, which were the analysis on the influence of history education and the Korean-Chinese compatriots’ adaptation to Korean society. In the case of data survey, Korean-Chinese compatriots were selected who are living in Korea. The survey was conducted using the samples of 200 questionnaires in total. Results - The results of the analysis shows that their residence adaptation in Korea has a positive impact on future nationality. Moreover, the residence adaptation in Korea has positive implications for their future nationality and their longer residence duration in Korea has an effect on their hope for living in Korea. Conclusions - The study showed the historical consciousness and related demographic characteristics of Korean compatriots living in Korea. It also showed that the longer their education duration for Korean history in China, the more difficult their adaptation would be. Therefore, the long term effects of adaptation depended on the emphasis of Korean history.
Purpose - This study aims to analyze the effects of the social support on the economic activities from the Korean Chinese residing in Korea. Particularly, this paper focuses on the consequence of the economic activity intention according to the three kinds of social support. Research design, data, and methodology - For the statistics process of data collected by this survey, SPSS 19 statistics package program was used through data-coding and data-cleaning processes to analyze the data in this study. Results - This hypothesis was selected partially. As a result of investigating hypotheses in detail, Hypothesis 1-2 was significant as shown in the significance level 0.1, and when the emotional support was regarded important, the will of economic activities was also higher. Hypothesis 1-2 was found to be meaningful with the significance level of 0.05, and when the social support was regarded important, the will of economic activities was also higher. Lastly, Hypothesis 1-3 was found to not be statistically significant. Conclusions - The results of this study are expected to be used as basic data for vitalization of the Korean Chinese’ economic activities and governmental support for it, and to be a guideline in preparing successful strategies for expansion of the Korean Chinese’ economic activities in the future by applying these results.
Purpose This study investigated – the demographic characteristics of retirees who sought not to be reemployed or join an organization but, instead, to be self-employed. This study verified self-employment by regional and/or educational features to determine the self-employment factors and the policies required.
Research design, data, and methodology – Models and hypotheses were used to verify the conversion into self-employment depending on retirees’ demographic characteristics. This study investigated regions according to precedent studies and used SPSS 18.0 as follows. First, frequency was used to investigate the general characteristics. Second, a factor correlation analysis was done.
Results – Hypothesis 1, which stated that, "retirees with low educational background often start a self-employed business," was significant. Hypothesis 2, which stated that, "retirees in metropolitan areas frequently start a self-employed business," was significant. Hypothesis 3, which stated that, "retirees in a megalopolis frequently start a self-employed business," was significant.
Conclusions – A preliminary startup education was needed to lessen the losses. Retirees should have preliminary knowledge of actual self-employment conditions to be given a startup education.