
결과 내 재검색





        검색결과 15

        2023.07 구독 인증기관·개인회원 무료
        This study investigated which factors impact esports viewership for League of Legends matches through Live and highLight streaming video. This research anaLyzed League of Legends viewership factors' differences between the three Leagues (LCK, LCS, and LEC) where viewership factors infLuence esports viewership demand through LOL’s Live and highLight streaming video. League of Legends not onLy has the highest audience among different various esports, aLso has formed a huge market from diverse countries. In order to soLve each League's unbaLance viewership trend issue between the three Leagues, and facing worLdwide viewership decrease, this study examined viewership impact factors from three Leagues with the highest viewership ratings: Korea's LCK, North America's LCS, and Europe's LEC. After that, differences in viewership impact factors for the research were anaLyzed and compared to each League. SpecificaLLy, this study investigated which factors impact esports viewership for League of Legends (LOL) matches. Data (N=1581) of reguLar season matches from the LCK, LCS, and LEC Leagues (2020 spring to 2021 summer) were coLLected and anaLyzed. This study anaLyzed the average number of visitors per minute of Twitch Live streaming and the number of views on YouTube highLights. Five main viewership factors(the uncertainty of match, consumer preferences, match importance, team attributes, match content, and controL variabLes), and seventeen independent variabLes were verified by muLtipLe regression anaLysis using STATA 15. As a resuLt of the anaLysis, the modeL with the number of reaL-time audience as the dependent variabLe demonstrated different trends between Leagues in terms of the uncertainty of match factors (rank difference, win rate difference, goLd difference, kiLL difference, object difference), and consumer preference factors(fan, operating period of both teams, number of worLd championship wins, the number of championship semifinaL advances). WhiLe the match importance factors(week, top-rank matches) and match content factors (the sum of kiLLs, the sum of assists, the sum of objects) indicated somewhat simiLar tendencies between Leagues. In the modeL with the number of highLights views as the dependent variabLe, consumer preference factors and match importance factors tended to be somewhat simiLar, but match content factors prone to be sLightLy different between Leagues. In addition, the uncertainty of the match factors did not show a significant infLuence across the three Leagues. Findings from this research expand and appLy the variabLes derived from the demand determination theory of traditionaL sports to e-sports demand research. This study heLps stakehoLders understand various esports cuLtures from different regions. Furthermore, it is meaningfuL in that it provides information that wiLL contribute to the growth of the entire League of Legends market through baLanced deveLopment between Leagues.
        2023.01 KCI 등재 SCOPUS 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
        The Crab nebula is widely used as a polarization angle calibrator for single-dish radio observations because of its brightness, high degree of linear polarization, and well-known polarization angle over a wide frequency range. However, the Crab nebula cannot be directly used as a polarization angle calibrator for single-dish observations with the Korean VLBI Network (KVN), because the beam size of the telescopes is smaller than the size of the nebula. To determine the polarization angle of the Crab nebula as seen by KVN, we use 3C 286, a compact polarized extragalactic radio source whose polarization angle is well-known, as a reference target. We observed both the Crab nebula and 3C 286 with the KVN from 2017 to 2021 and find that the polarization angles at the total intensity peak of the Crab nebula (equatorial coordinates (J2000) R.A. = 05h34m32.3804s and Dec = 22◦00′44.0982′′) are 154.2◦ ±0.3◦, 151.0◦ ±0.2◦, 150.0◦ ±1.0◦, and 151.3◦ ±1.1◦ at 22, 43, 86, and 94 GHz, respectively. We also find that the polarization angles at the pulsar position (RA = 05h34m31.971s and Dec = 22◦00′52.06′′) are 154.4◦ ±0.4◦, 150.7◦ ±0.4◦, and 149.0◦ ± 1.0◦ for the KVN at 22, 43, and 86 GHz. At 129 GHz, we suggest to use the values 149.0◦ ± 1.6◦ at the total intensity peak and 150.2◦ ± 2.0◦ at the pulsar position obtained with the Institute for Radio Astronomy in the Millimeter Range (IRAM) 30-meter Telescope. Based on our study, both positions within the Crab nebula can be used as polarization angle calibrators for the KVN single-dish observations.
        2022.02 KCI 등재 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
        위 논문은 아시아에서 연방주의가 정착된 과정을 비교하고, 제도화에 필요한 조건을 특정하고자 했다. 그 결과 연방제의 정착은 연합정당의 규모와 그 조직화 정도에 달려있음을 논했다. 연정의 규모와 그 수명은 반비례한다는 통념에도 불구하고, 체제 전환기 등 특수한 환경 아래 연 정 역시 견고한 정당조직으로 발전할 수 있음을 전제했다. 인도와 말레 이시아에서는 독립 초 연정이 연방주의의 제도화를 주도했지만, 연정이 일찍이 붕괴된 네팔과 파키스탄에서는 과거 연정을 주도했던 지배층이 연방주의의 제도화를 방해했다. 하지만 연정의 조직화 및 수명은 대개 외생적인 조건에 의해 결정된다. 이는 지속 가능한 연정이 부재한 상태 에서, 연방제 개혁을 위한 내부적인 노력은 필연적으로 실패할 수 밖에 없음을 시사한다.
        2021.03 KCI 등재 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
        The objective of this study is to identify the emission characteristics of VOCs from small-scale painting facilities, such emissions being pollutants that impact nearby living areas and to devise improvement measures to enhance management plans regarding pollutant emissions from painting facilities. VOCs emissions from painting facilities were estimated according to Clean Air Policy Support System (CAPSS) data based on the National Institute of Environmental Research (NIER)'s emission list in 2017. Three automotive painting facilities in Seoul were chosen for evaluation of the adsorption system. We analyzed the characteristics of VOCs generated by type of different operation and measured the removal efficiency of the adsorption system. Therefore, we analyzed current emissions of VOCs from automotive painting facilities based on field measurements. According to such detailed analysis, a systematic management plan was proposed.
        2015.11 KCI 등재 서비스 종료(열람 제한)
        최근 교량의 노후화에 따른 유지관리 활동이 교통체증, 환경오염, 막대한 비용의 소모로 인하여 어려움을 겪으면서 조립식교량 공 법을 이용하는 모듈러 교량 연구가 진행 중이다. 본 연구는 모듈러 교량과 관련된 연구의 일환으로 연결부를 가지는 1방향 모듈러 슬래브를 대 상으로 반복하중 재하시 단면2차모멘트의 변화를 분석하고 콘크리트구조기준의 유효단면2차모멘트 식과 비교하였다. 반복하중 재하 실험을 위하여 일체형, 모듈러 실험체 각각 1개씩을 제작하였다. 실험결과, 모듈러 실험체는 일체형 실험체의 비슷한 휨 성능을 가지고 있었으나, 극한 변위는 20% 부족한 모습을 보였다. 반복하중 재하 실험에서는 모듈러 실험체는 일체형 실험체와는 상이한 처짐 거동을 보였고 단면2차모멘트 의 변화가 상이하였다. 또한 콘크리트구조기준의 유효단면2차모멘트 계산식은 모듈러 슬래브의 단면2차모멘트를 적절히 반영하지 못하고 있 음을 확인하였고, 실험값을 기반으로 하중과 균열모멘트의 비율을 새로운 값인 4.53을 구하였다.