This research aimed to Kimchi to be well known in the World, which to be international food on the each nation and each people, each religion cultural area, with having done Kimchi adaptation plan for localization. Among the plan, Kimchi utilization ways with the localization strategy in Turkish dietary life were investigated to the Kimchi preference, improvement points on Turkish view, for the Turkey person it would be able to apply in Turkish food culture, and the results are as follows. 1. According to sex of Chinese cabbage Kimchi preference, men (M=3.75 ± 0.89) appeared higher than women (M=3.62 ± 0.88). Color or appearance preference after Chinese cabbage Kimchi taste was investigated in order that red 〉 burnish felt 〉 transparent 〉 yellow, and the smell preference which was hot(M=4.64 ± 1.37) appeared highest. A hot taste felt most intensely, and it was investigated in order that aftertaste〉 salty taste 〉 sourness 〉 off flavor taste 〉 fermented fish source taste 〉 sweetness〉 carbonic acid by the followings. For the feeling of texture of Kimchi, the crunch was higher than durable tough(it was visible the consider difference of the sex 2. That the Korean Kimchi hit to a palatable taste, against 109 people (72.2%) answered suitable appetite to this taste, and the reason which was in order of that hot tasty 〉 appearance 〉 chewing texture 〉 red 〉 fermented flavor was investigated. Did not hit to a taste 42 people (27.8%) answer back, with the reason that was investigated in order of hot tasty 〉 appearance 〉 red 〉 fermented flavor 〉 chewing texture. The hot tasty of Kimchi was commonly presented that hit and did not hit to appetite taste against people. 3. Among the Turkish food, similar foods for Kimchi were answered in order of Lahana Tursu (44.2 %) 〉 Kapuska (25.9 %) 〉 Lahana Prasa (11.1%), and similar food category were that Chinese cabbage or various vegetables to be pickling food and to be dressing salad with salt and vinegar. The accompanied or garnished Turkich food category for Kimchi were answered in order of cooking meat (34.1%)〉 steamed cooking rice (22.7%)〉 cooking fish (17.0%)〉 cooking soybean (14.2%). This result was same tendency with steamed cooking rice accompaniment for Kimchi in Korea and Turkey, and could be applied a new main menu like meat cooking and fish cooking dish which matched and accompanied with Kimchi.
Site response analyses were performed based on equivalent linear technique using shear wave velocity profiles of 162 sites collected around the Korean peninsula. The site characteristics, particularly the shear wave velocities and the depth to the bedrock, are compared to those in the western United States. The results show that the site-response coefficients based on the mean shear velocity of the top 30m (V_{S30}) suggested in the current code underestimates the motion in short-period ranges and overestimates the motion in mid-period ranges. The current Korean code based on UBC is required to be modified considering site characteristics in Korea for the reliable estimation of site amplification. From the results of numerical estimations, new regression curves were derived between site coefficients (F_{a}\;and\;F_{v}) and the fundamental site periods, and site coefficients were grouped based on site periods with reasonable standard deviations compared to site classification based on V_{S30}. Finally, new site classification system and modification of design response spectra are recommended considering geotechnical characteristics in Korea.
여수 돌산도의 동쪽 승망 어장 주변 해역을 중심으로 수온, 해저지형, 조류의 이동과 어획량을 조사하여 대상어장의 환경을 평가하였다. 또한 동 해역의 5개 정점에서 체장 22.0~51.0cm의 숭어 160마리를 5회에 걸쳐 표지 방류하여 숭어의 이동방향을 파악하였다. 그 결과를 요약하면 다음과 같다. 1. 승망 어장에서 수온은 2월에 가장 낮고, 3월 이후 점점 상승하여 8월에 최고가 되며 9월부터 다시 하강하여 10월과 11월 사이에 급격하게 하강하였으며, 그 범위는 6.9~27.4℃이었다. 월별 숭어의 여획량은 3월부터 9월까지 양호하였으나, 10월과 11월 사이에 수온이 급격하게 하강하면서 어획량이 줄어들었다. 숭어는 연중 수온범위 6.9~27.4℃에서 어획되었으며, 특히 수온이 높아지기 시작하는 15.0~25.0℃의 범위에서 어획이 양호하였다. 2. 돌산도 동쪽 해역의 승망 어장에 분포한 등심선은 승망 어구가 설치되어 있는 연안쪽에는 6~13m의 범위로 조밀하게 분포하고, 어장의 외해쪽에는 14m 이상의 넓은 간격으로 분포하고 있다. 3. 승망 어구가 설치되어 있는 연안쪽에서 낙조류와 창조류는 해안선을 따라 각각 남류와 북류하였다. 연안 외해측에서 조류는 우전환류가 나타나 낙조류는 남동류로 평균유속은 43cm/secdldjTdmsk, 창조류는 북서류로 평균 유속은 25cm/sec이었다. 4. 숭어의 표지방류 후 재포율은 평균 9.4%로 높게 나타났으며, 어장별 재포율은 계동 연안이 33.3%로 다른 연안어장보다 높았다. 돌산도 연안에서 숭어의 이동은 육수의 유입이 많은 내만을 찾아 이동한 경향이 뚜렷하였으며, 남하이동보다는 북상이동하는 경향을 나타내고 있다.
In order to investigate the relation between the environmental factors influencing on the fluctuation of fishing condition and the catch of anchovy in gill nets in the coastal waters of Yosu, five oceanographic factors, i.e., water temperature, salinity, chlorophyll-a and the catch of anchovy in gill nets are observed from June 6 to August 12 in 1993. The results obtained are summerized as follows: 1) The water temperature ranged from 16.0℃ to 22.6℃ and the salinity from 30.13‰ to 33.65‰. the water temperature and salinity showed no significant influence on the catch of anchovy, but the catch did not expose high values in low temperature and salinity. 2) The catch of anchovy increased with the amount of chlorophyll-a. It is therefore emphasized that the amount of chlorophyll-a is the greatest one of environmental factors influencing on the catch of anchovy.
In order to find out the environmental factors influencing the catch of anchovy lift nets in kamakbay, the three oceanographic factors, i. e., the water temperature, the salinity, the amount of chlorophyll-a were observed respectively from August 1 to 12, 1995 and from September 20 to 26, 1995, and each of them was compared with the catch of anchovy by the lift net. The results obtained are summerized as follow : 1) The water temperature was ranged from 17.3 to 29.6℃ and its difference between the surface and bottom was 1 to 3℃. In the three areas, A, B and C, the area A was the hightest in temperature, the area B being a second, and the area C being the lowest. 2) The salinity was ranged from 32.20 to 33.47‰ and its difference between the surface and bottom was not significant. In the three areas, the area A was the highest in salinity, the area B being a second, and the area C being the lowest. 3) The amount of chlorophyll-a was ranged from 0.19 to 5.30mg/m supper(3) and its difference among the three areas was not significant. Daily variation of the amount was very irregulated because the position operated was changed daily. 4) A comparison of the water temperature, the salinity and the amount of chlorophyll-a with the catch gave that the water temperature and the amount of chlorophyll-a had large influence on the catch and the salinity did not so. However, the influence of the amount of chlorophyll-a was larger than that of the water temperature. 5) The catch of anchovy was large respectively during two hours after sun set and during two hours before sun rise.
여수 연안 정치망 어장의 주변 해역을 중심으로 1990년 4월부터 11월까지 매월 채집해서 분석한 식물플랑크톤의 분포량과 여수수협 위판장으로부터 구한 어획량 자료등을 이용하여 여수 연안 정치망 어장의 환경요인인 식물플랑크톤의 분포량과 어획량 변동과의 관계를 분석 정리한 결과를 요약하면 다음과 같다. 1) 식물성 플랑크톤의 출현량은 춘계와 추계보다 하계에 최대가 되고, 특히 육수의 유입이 많은 여수만 중 돌산연안 수역 분포량이 많고, 소리도와 세존도부근의 식물성 플랑크톤 분포량은 내만수의 확장 경향을 추정하는데 유익하게 이용될 수 있다. 2) 여수 연안 정치망에 어획되는 주요 어종의 어획량은 삼치, 갈치, 고등어, 정어리, 멸치, 전갱이 및 방어의 순이고, 어획되는 시기는 정어리와 멸치가 4~6월, 전갱이, 갈치 및 고등어는 6~10월이 였으며, 삼치는 전 어기에 걸쳐 어획되었다. 3) 여수 연안 정치망 어장의 어획량은 식물성 플랑크톤 출현량과 상관 관계가 있고, 이들 식물성 플랑크톤량은 하계 육수의 영향을 많이 받는 내만수에 최대의 출현량을 보인다. 또, 이 어장의 어획량은 하계에 많으므로 여수 연안 정치망 어장은 육수의 유입에 의해 풍부한 영양염류를 공급받는 내만수내의 이료생물의 생산력이 어획량을 좌우하는 어장의 중요한 환경요인이 될 수 있다
In order to investigate the environmental properties of set net grounds located in the coastal waters of Yeosu. The current in the vicinity of set net grounds was observed by drogue and current meter in 1990 and 1992. The results obtained are summarized as follows: The direction of tidal current at the north enterance of Yeosu bay was southerly in ebb and northwesterly in flood without the distiction of the neap tide and the spring tide. In spring tide the maximum Velocity of the tidal current was 68 cm/sec in ebb and 66 cm/sec in flood. In neap tide the maximum velocity of the tidal current was 37 cm/sec in ebb and 35 cm/sec in flood. And so the direction of residual current was the south ward mainly and 21 cm/sec. The direction of tidal current at set net fishing grounds was southwesterly in ebb and westerly or northwesterly in flood. Regardless of the distinction of neap and spring. The maximum velocity of the current in spring tide was 50 cm/sec in ebb and 40 cm/sec in flood and that in neap was 28 cm/sec in ebb and 25 cm/sec in flood. In spring tide the speed vector along the major axis of semidiurnal tide component was three times as large as diurnal tide. In neap tide, however, the speed vector was about 50% less then that in spring tide, and the semidiurnal tide and diurnal tide were equal in the size of current ellipse and the direction of major axis. The sea area had a southwesterly residual current. 11 cm/sec in spring tide and 7 cm/sec in neap tide. According to the result of drogue tracking, the vicinity of set net fishing ground had a southerly residual current which formed in Yeosu Bay and a weak westerly residual current toward Dolsando from Namhedo. Therefore, set net fishing ground in coastal water of Yeosu was distributed in boundary of inner water which formed from Seamjin river and offshore water supplied from the vicinity of Sorido and Yochido.
In order to investigate the environmental properties of set net grounds located in the coastal waters of Yeosu, oceanographic observations on the fishing grounds were carried out by the training ship of Yeosu Fisheries University from Jun. 1988 to Dec. 1990. The resultes obtained are summarized as follows; 1) The water mass in the fishing grounds were divided into the inner water (29.50-31.00‰), the mixed water (31.10-32.70‰) and the offshore water (32.70-34.30‰) according to the distribution of salinity from T-S diagram plotted all salinity data observed from Jun. 1988 to Dec. 1990. In spring the mixing water prevailed and in summer the inner and mixing water. But in autumn and winter the mixing and offshore waters prevailed. 2) The inner water which was formed by land water from the river of Somjin and the precipitation in the Yeosu district flowed southerly along the coast of Dolsando and spread south-easterly in the vicinity of Kumodo. The inner water and offshore water which supplied from the vicinity of Sorido and Yokchido formed the thermal front and halofront. 3) As the mixing water flowing from the western sea of Cheju to the southern coast of korea was low in temperature, the water mass of low temperature which appeared at the offshore bottom of Sorido in summer was considered not to be the Tsushima warm current. 4) As vertical mixing was made frequently in spring, autumn and winter, the differences in temperature and salinity between surface and bottom was respectively small. In summer, however, the mixing was not made because of the inner water expanded offshore through the space between surface and 10m layer and so a thermocline of 2.0℃/10m and halocline of 4.0‰/10m respectively in vertical gradient was formed. 5) In the vicinity of Dolsando and Kum a water low in salinity prevailed, but in the vicinity of Namhaedo and YoKchido the reverse took place. The inner and mixing waters formed at these arease was limited to the observation area not to spread widely.
여수연해 정치망 어장의 6월, 7월, 8월의 해황변화에 따른 어황관계를 조사하고 분석한 결과는 다음과 같다. 1) 하천수의 유입이 많은 내해와 돌산연안의 정치망 어장에서는 고온.저염분수가 분포하고 외해에는 저온 고염분수가 분포한다. 2) 정치망 어장부근에는 6월의 와류형성과 8월의 수온약층 형성으로 어류가 군집을 하는데 영향을 미쳐 좋은 어획량을 보여 주고 있다. 3) 정치망 어장에서 어획수온범위는 11℃~28℃이며 좋은 어획량을 나타내는 범위는 21℃~27℃였다. 또한 염분의 범위는 31.60‰~34.80‰이고 어획이 가장 좋은 범위는 33.80‰~33.99‰였다. 4) 어획대상물의 어획순위는 삼치, 전갱이, 삼치, 정어리, 고등어, 갈치의 순으로 나타났다.
2005년 10월부터 2006년 11월까지 경남 산청군의 농업기술센터 약초전시포에서 32목 50과 121속 132종의 약용식물을 가해하는 절지동물들을 조사하였다. 그 결과 9목 44과 86속 98종의 해충류가 채집되었는데, 대부분의 약용식물에서 5종 이하의 해충이 채집되었다. 그러나 부용 (Hibiscus mutabilis), 갯기름나물 (Peucedanum japonicum), 독활 (Aralia cordata), 물푸레나무 (Fraxinus rhynchophylla), 바디나물 (Angelica decursiva), 뻐꾹채 (Rhaponticum uniflorum), 인동덩굴 (Lonicera japonica), 자작나무(Betula platyphylla), 짚신나물(Agrimonia pilosa)등에서는 5종 이상의 해충이 채집되었다. 채집된 절지동물 중 98.5%가 약용식물의 잎을 가해하고 있었다. 시기별로는 5월이 6목 20과 32속 36종으로 가장 많았다. 해충들은 대부분 5종 이하의 약용식물에서 채집되었지만 섬서구메뚜기 (Atractomorpha lata) 와 알락수염노린재(Dolycoris baccarum), 복숭아혹진딧물 (Myzus persicae), 애긴노린재(Nysius plebejus)는 각각 42종, 22종, 20종, 15종의 약용식물에서 채집되었다. 그리고 섬서구메뚜기와 복숭아혹진딧물의 기주범위가 넓었으며 발생량도 많아 가장 문제되는 해충들이었다. 5월에는 목화진딧물 (Aphis gossypii)이 우점 해충이었으며 6월에는 알락수염노린재, 8월과 9월은 섬서구메뚜기, 10월에는 복숭아혹진딧물이 우점 해충이었다.