
결과 내 재검색





        검색결과 5

        2024.05 KCI 등재 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
        It was found in this study that fluorinated microporous carbon aerogels with enhanced hydrophobicity could be successfully prepared by direct fluorination to separate water-in-oil emulsions at high flux. The fluorinated carbon aerogel (F-CA) surface treated by the fluorination method had a water contact angle of 151.2° and could immediately absorb oil. In addition, the unique network structure of F-CA and its hydrophobicity allow surfactant-stabilized water-in-oil emulsions to be effectively and simply separated under gravity without requiring external forces such as vacuum or pressurization. The network structure of F-CAs consists of randomly connected spherical particles that form fluorinated permeation channels, which induce high flux during emulsion separation. The F-CA spherical particles have nanosized pores and high hydrophobicity, which repel and trap water droplets to increase the separation purity. Therefore, F-CA exhibited excellent performance, such as high filtrate purity (up to 99.9954%) and flux (up to 11,710 L/m2h). Furthermore, F-CA reusability was demonstrated as it did not lose its hydrophobicity and maintained its performance even after repeated use. This type of aerogel has great potential to be utilized throughout various environmental fields, including oil remediation.
        2024.03 KCI 등재 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
        The effects of different plasma agent species ( CF4, N2) over the conductivity of CFX cathode material were identified. Both plasma treatments have surface etching effect, while the CF4 plasma treatment has C–F bond modification effect and the N2 plasma treatment has defluorination effect. The changes of surface chemical species and porosity along the plasma agent were elucidated. Moreover, the electrochemical properties of plasma-treated CFX confirmed the effects of plasma treatments. The charge-transfer resistance of plasma-treated CFX was maximum 60.3% reduced than the pristine CFX. The effects of surface chemical modification coupled with etching along the plasma gas agents were compared and identified with their reaction mechanisms.
        2023.06 KCI 등재 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
        In this study, we investigate the opportunity of using waste tire char as a cathode material for lithium-ion primary batteries (LPBs). The char obtained by carbonizing waste tires was washed with acid and thermally fluorinated to produce CFX. The structural and chemical properties of the char and CFX were analyzed to evaluate the effect of thermal fluorination. The carbon structure of the char was increasingly converted to CFX structure as the fluorination temperature increased. In addition, the manufactured CFX- based LPBs were evaluated through electrochemical analysis. The discharge capacity of the CFX reached a maximum of 800 mAh/g, which is comparable to that of CFX- based LPBs manufactured from other carbon sources. On the basis of these results, the use of waste tire char-based CFX as a cathode material for LPBs is presented as a new opportunity in the field of waste tire recycling.
        2022.12 KCI 등재 SCOPUS 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
        The Seoul Radio Astronomy Observatory (SRAO) operates a 6.1-meter radio telescope on the Gwanak campus of Seoul National University. We present the efforts to reform SRAO to a Very Long Baseline Interferometry (VLBI) station, motivated by recent achievements by millimeter interferometer networks such as Event Horizon Telescope, East Asia VLBI Network, and Korean VLBI Network (KVN). For this goal, we installed a receiver that had been used in the Combined Array for Research in Millimeterwave Astronomy and a digital backend, including an H-maser clock. The existing hardware and software were also revised, which had been dedicated only to single-dish operations. After several years of preparations and test observations in 1 and 3-millimeter bands, a fringe was successfully detected toward 3C 84 in 86 GHz in June 2022 for a baseline between SRAO and KVN Ulsan station separated by 300 km. Thanks to the dual frequency operation of the receiver, the VLBI observations will soon be extended to the 1 mm band and verify the frequency phase referencing technique between 1 and 3-millimeter bands.