Currently, the number of animals administered in animal hospitals and drugs prescriptions has increased. At the same time, the number of cases of violation of administrative measures due to violations of the Narcotics Control Act has also increased. Therefore, it is necessary to review whether the current status of drug prescriptions, management and supervision systems in animal hospitals are correct and whether there is anything to be supplemented. Although drug handling is managed through NIMS, there are problems such as poor supervision due to the NIMS single system, reporting exceptions that form blind spots for management supervision, and lack of connection between prescriptions and medical departments within the system. In order to overcome these problems, the following improvement plans are proposed. First, reduces the hassle of handling reports and facilitates verification of medical records and prescriptions by strengthening the link between NIMS and animal hospital electronic charts, and strengthens the link between drug handling reports of medical institutions and drug handling reports of animal hospitals to prevent exposure to medical shopping. Second, by introducing a preliminary notification system into the veterinary system, drug misuse is prevented through prior notification in accordance with the criteria for preventing misuse of animal drugs. Third, by modifying the NIMS reporting system by introducing disease classification symbols, the exact cause of the increase in use is identified by preparing drug use data for each disease. Based on these improvements, it is expected that a management system that reflects the actual medical environment of animal hospitals will be established and drug abuse will be prevented based on guidelines.
As increasing number of stray cats, it recently has more chance for stray cats to invade people area. Inevitably, the number of cases of inconvenience and damage caused by street cats is also increasing proportionally. Therefore, we investigated and analyzed the current status and implementation of TNR in Korea and suggested the direction in which Korea's policy should go. Domestic TNR has been implemented for about 20 years, but the ratio of stray cats to which TNR is applied insufficient and post-management after TNR is also insufficient. In the case of other countries, a large percentage of TNR is conducted by selecting TNR target cats based on scientific grounds and adoption or additional observation is carried out after TNR. Based on this strategy, the conditions for successful TNR need to expand the decision-making authority of veterinarians involved in TNR and actively invigorate subsequent solutions such as adoption. In addition, the policy should be improved in the way of expanding management and supervision after TNR through food service centers and shelters.
In recent years, there is rising conversation about animal welfare with increasing concern about animals. However, disease control is still not being carried out effectively. It is hard to discuss the specific plan of the domestic animal shelter and pet shop due to limited information about their present condition. Thus, we analyzed existing data and suggested a new disease control system. Disease management reports of pet shops and animal shelters investigated by local government and animal protection organizations were the main reference of this study. As the euthanasia rate of shelters has recently decreased, animals stay in shelters for extended periods. As a result, mortality rate from disease has increased. Also, many animals in pet shops die due to health problems. In animal shelters, there is always a certain proportion of individuals with disease, and many shelters do not treat them or vaccinate animals before infection. In pet shops, information such as each individual’s health condition and vaccination records is not properly disclosed, and contagious pathogens are detected in hygiene tests. In order to improve the condition, each animals’ information should be dealt with using a system based on ICT technology. Also, it is necessary to perform antibody tests and infectious disease kit tests provided by local governments, set up breeding environment manuals, and supervise the management of local governments.
Chlorine dioxide gas is a relatively new sanitizer in the food industry and has more accessibility than its aqueous form. Depending on the generation method of ClO2, there can be byproducts like chlorite and chlorate ions that can decrease the disinfectant efficacy and purity of ClO2. Recently, a new technology has been developed that generates chlorine dioxide without using chlorine gas. This new electrochemical method generates gaseous chlorine dioxide from aqueous sodium chlorite (NaClO2). Unlike earlier methods, there is reduced generation of byproducts, including chlorite and chlorate. Additionally, the purity of ClO2 obtained by this method can be as high as 98%.
The aim of this study was to evaluate the effect of ClO2 gas, generated by the electrochemical method, against the foodborne microorganisms occurring on slaughter equipment and livestock carcasses. Using AISI 304 stainless steel in livestock processing equipment, the disinfectant effect of chlorine dioxide gas, in presence of organic matter such as yeast extract and feces, on E. coli and S. typhimurium contamination, was examined. Both E. coli and S. typhimurium counts were reduced by more than 5 log cycles in presence of 2.5% and 5% feces. When beef, pork skin, and chicken wings were treated with chlorine dioxide gas, despite significant differences in comparison with the control group, the microbial count was reduced by less than 2 log cycles.
Overall, our results confirmed the applicability of gaseous chlorine dioxide as a disinfectant in livestock processing equipment and livestock products.
Chlorine dioxide gas is a relatively new sanitizer in the food industry that has more accessibility than its aqueous form. Depending on the method by which ClO2 gas is generated, there can be byproducts like chlorite and chlorate ions, which can decrease its disinfectant effect and purity. Recently, new technology that generates chlorine dioxide without using chlorine gas has been developed to remove those defects. This new electrochemical method generates gaseous chlorine dioxide from aqueous sodium chlorite (NaClO2). The present study was conducted to evaluate the effects of ClO2 gas generated by an electrochemical method against foodborne microorganisms. To accomplish this, ClO2 gas at different concentrations (1, 5, 10 and 20 ppm) was applied to E. coli and S. Typhimurium for different exposure times (1, 5, 10, 15 and 20 min) under room temperature conditions at <40% relative humidity. The results revealed ClO2 gas was highly effective for the inactivation of E. coli and S. Typhimurium and showed a reduction in populations of over 5 log CFU/ml under ambient conditions with low relative humidity (30–40%). In conclusion, ClO2 gas treatment is highly applicable to control of foodborne pathogens.
Disinfectant-filled footbaths are the most commonly used infection control measures on livestock farms. The purpose of this study was to evaluate the efficacy of six commercial disinfectants, as used in footbaths on farms, for reducing Salmonella Typhimurium contamination of footwear. When used at the recommended concentrations, most disinfectants showed over 91% reduction efficacy in absence of organic matter. The greatest reductions were seen with oxidizing agents including potassium peroxymonosulfate-based products and sodium dichloroisocyanurate. These results suggest that disinfectant footbaths could be useful for reducing bacteria; however, footbaths should not be relied upon as the only method of controlling infectious pathogens. General good hygiene practice, for example cleanliness of boots, should be emphasized.
The efficacy of chemical disinfectants is reduced owing to the inactivation of active ingredients after dilution. This study investigated the effect of time on the efficacy of six different disinfectants, after dilution, against avian influenza virus. When used at the recommended concentration, most disinfectants showed efficacy at a high concentrations in the presence of organic materials immediately after dilution, while sodium dichloroisocyanurate-based products, after dilution, showed reduced efficacy over time at low concentrations in the absence of organic materials. Most disinfectants were neutralized by organic materials; however, this could be compensated for by increasing the product dosage. For successful decontamination in farms, disinfectants should be used at high concentrations in accordance with the manufacturers’ recommendations. Furthermore, the presence of organic materials must be taken into consideration, and diluted disinfectant solution should be prepared no more than a day before use.
Blood from livestock is a common by-product which is obtained in industrial slaughterhouses. Blood is mainly composed of three fractions, red blood cells (RBCs), white blood cells (WBCs) and plasma. Plasma contains about 8% proteins, which is mainly composed of albumin, globulins and fibrinogen. Hemoglobin is the major protein within whole blood including RBC. These proteins isolated from animal blood have been used in variety of industry such as food, medical, pharmaceutics, animal feed and laboratory. Initially, blood is sterile in healthy animals thus adequate blood collecting system helps to minimize the risk of contamination. In Europe, closed-draining systems are adopted and a high-quality blood product is produced. European Union lays down health rules as regard animal by-products and derived products called Regulation (EC) No 1774/2002 which is improved to No 1069/2009. This regulation lays down strict animal and public health rules for the blood collection, transport, storage, handling, processing and use or disposal of all animal by-products. In spite of the significant using of blood from livestock, almost blood from slaughtering is considered a waste except only small part for use and causes a serious environmental pollution in Korea. Because of the environmental pollution by blood from slaughterhouse, the great expense is loosed, and blood-related products are small and are imported from foreign countries in Korea. For successful blood utilization, suitable infrastructure facilities are needed to control microbial contamination of blood from slaughterhouses and more specific plans on animal blood control may be established at the same time.