
결과 내 재검색





        검색결과 6

        2023.05 구독 인증기관·개인회원 무료
        Licensing for the application of the Polymer Concrete High Integrity Container (PC-HIC) to nuclear power plants has been completed or is in progress. Approval for the expanded application to all domestic nuclear power plants has been completed to utilize the 860 L PC-HICs for the 2nd stage surface repository, and the regulatory body is reviewing the license application to use the 510 L PCHICs for the 1st stage underground repository in the representative nuclear power plants. The 860 L PC-HICs, which have been licensed for all domestic nuclear power plants, will be used for safe storage management and disposal of low-dose dried concentrate waste and spent resin, and a total of 100 units is expected to be supplied to representative nuclear power plants that have been licensed first. The 510 L PC-HICs are planned to be used for underground disposal of high-dose spent resin and dried concentrate waste. Prior to the application of PC-HICs to nuclear power plants and disposal to the repository, it is necessary to establish realistic and reasonable requirements through close consultations between waste generator and disposal operators to ensure the suitability for disposal of PC-HIC packages and to carry out disposal delivery and acceptance work. Since the Polymer Concrete High Integrity Container (PC-HIC) has long-term integrity of more than 300 years and the barrier does not temporarily collapse, spent resin and dried concentrate waste, which are radioactive wastes to be solidified, can be disposed of much more safely in PC-HIC packages than solidified types. Acceptance criteria for the PC-HIC packages should be prepared fully reflecting the advantages of PC-HIC, and quality assurance methods for physical/chemical/radiological characterization results based on the Waste Certification Program (WCP) should be supported. In addition, infrastructure should be secured for safe transportation, handling, and storage of the PC-HIC packages. In this paper, we have tried to find a reasonable acceptance criteria, quality assurance method, and infrastructure level according to the dose and disposal conditions of PC-HIC packages.
        2023.05 구독 인증기관·개인회원 무료
        Domestic nuclear power plants developed the scaling factors for the radioactive waste generated from 2004 to 2008 for the first time. Afterwards, the effectiveness of continuous application of the scaling factors have been evaluated for newly generated radioactive waste over the past two years. It was confirmed that most of the initially developed scale factors were effective within a factor of 10 principle, which is an acceptable range. The scaling factors were updated using the analysis data base from 2004 to 2016. A scaling factor refers to the calculated abundance ratio between Key (Easy-to- Measure) and DTM (Difficult-to-Measure) nuclide at the time of generation of radioactive waste based on the source term in the reactor of an operating nuclear power plant. The effectiveness of continuous application of scaling factors can be evaluated at regular intervals regardless of operation status or when there are events that change scaling factors during nuclear power plant operation, such as zinc injection, large-scale facility replacement, and long-term shutdown etc. Even in the case of a permanently shut down nuclear power plant in which fuel is withdrawn from the reactor and generation of new nuclides by nuclear fission and radiation has stopped, periodic verification is conducted to confirm whether the scaling factor developed before permanent shutdown can be effectively applied to the radioactive waste generated after permanent shutdown. However, depending on the nuclear power plant decommissioning strategy or conditions, the period of permanent shutdown prior to decommissioning can be very long, so preparations are needed to ensure the appropriateness of scaling factor operation. In the case of domestic nuclear power plants, Kori Unit 1, a light water reactor, was permanently shut down in June 2017, and as a heavy water reactor nuclear power plant, the permanent shutdown of Wolseong Unit 1 was finally decided in December 2019 after twists and turns including large-scale facility replacement and long-term shutdown. In this paper, we have predicted when the scaling factors will change significantly due to radioactive decay and the difference in halflife between the Key and DTM nuclides over time after permanent shutdown. We also have tried to find appropriate countermeasures for the operation of scaling factors during permanent shutdown period, such as updating scaling factors or applying correction factors.
        2022.10 구독 인증기관·개인회원 무료
        Radioactive spent resin and concentrate waste powder generated from the primary system of nuclear power plants (NPPs) should be treated and disposed of in the form of solidified products or high integrity container (HIC) packages. We are preparing for the application of polymer concrete high integrity containers (PC-HICs) that has been approved for disposal and field application after going through the disposal suitability review of the repository operator and the license review process of the regulatory body. A reliable assessment of nuclide inventory in waste drum is required for the disposal of the radioactive waste drums, and the representative samples should be collected for both the indirect (non-destructive assessment based on the scaling factor, average radioactivity concentration, etc.) and direct (destructive analysis) evaluation of the difficult-to-measure (DTM) nuclides. It is important to secure the representativeness of samples for reliable and accurate evaluation of radionuclide inventory and approval of methodologies for highly radioactive waste such as spent resin and concentrate waste poser, and in order to secure the radiation safety of the sampling workers and representativeness of the samples, a remote sampling method is required with excellent convenience and safety and sufficient representativeness of the sample. The simple sampling device used in the past to collect samples for the scaling factor does not have a remote control function, so high-radiation samples must be collected within a very short time and it is difficult to obtain sufficiently representative samples due to structural characteristics that cannot collect the entire sample in the axial direction of the package. Therefore we developed concept designs for a remote sampling device that can satisfy both sample representativeness, operator convenience and safety.
        2022.10 구독 인증기관·개인회원 무료
        High Integrity Container (HIC) made of polymer concrete was developed for the efficient treatment and safe disposal of radioactive spent resin and concentrate waste in consideration of the disposal requirements of domestic disposal sites. Permission for application of Polymer Concrete High Integrity Container (PC-HIC) to the domestic nuclear power plants (NPPs) has been completed or is under examination by the regulatory agency. In the case of 860 L PC-HIC for very-low-level-waste (VLLW) or low low-level-waste (LLW), the application of four representative NPPs has been approved, and the license for extended application to the rest NPPs is also almost completed. A licensing review is also underway to apply 510 L PC-HIC for intermediate and low-level-waste (ILLW) to representative nuclear power plants. In order to handle and efficiently store and manage PC-HICs and high-dose PCHIC packages, a gripper device that can be remotely operated and has excellent safety is essential, and the introduction of NPPs is urgent. The conventional gripper device developed by the PC-HIC manufacturer for lifting test to evaluate the structural integrity of PC-HIC requires a rather wide storage interval due to its design features, and does not have a passive safety design to handle heavy materials safely. In addition, work convenience needs to be reinforced for safety management of high radiation work. Therefore, we developed a conceptual design for a gripper device with a new concept to minimize the work space by reflecting on-site opinions on the handling and storage management conditions of radioactive waste in NPPs, and to enhances work safety with the passive safety design by the weight of the package and the function of checking the normal seating of the device and the normal operation of the grip by the detector/indicator, and to greatly improves the work efficiency and convenience with the wireless power supply function by rechargeable battery and the remote control function by camera and wireless monitoring & control system. Through design review by experts in mechanical system, power supply and instrumentation & control fields and further investigations on the usage conditions of PC-HICs, it is planned to facilitate preparations for the application of PC-HIC to domestic NPPs by securing the technical basis for a gripper device that can be used safely and efficiently and seeking ways to introduce it in a timely manner.
        2022.05 구독 인증기관·개인회원 무료
        In order to indirectly evaluate the inventory of difficult-to-measure (DTM) nuclides in radioactive waste, the scaling factor method by key nuclide has been used. It has been usually applied to low-and intermediate-level dry active waste (DAW), and the tolerance of 1,000% margin of error in the US, that is the factor of 10, is applied as an allowable confidence limits considering the inhomogeneity of the waste and the limitation of sample size. This is because the scaling factor method is based on economic efficiency. Confidence limits is the uncertainty (sampling error) according to predicting the mean value of the population by the mean value of the sample at 95% confidence level, reflecting the limitations of sample size (representation) with the standard deviation. If the standard deviation is large, the sample size can be increased to satisfy the allowable confidence limits. In the new nuclear power plants, the concentration of cesium nuclide (137Cs) in radioactive waste tends to be very low due to advances in nuclear fuel and reactor core management technology, which makes it very difficult to apply cesium as a key nuclide. In addition, it is inevitable to apply the mean activity concentration method, which reasonably and empirically derives the concentration of DTM nuclides regardless of key nuclide, when the correlation between key and DTM nuclides is not significant. The mean activity method is a methodology that applies the average concentration of a sample set to the entire population, and is similar to applying the average concentration ratio between key and DTM nuclides of a sample set to the population in the scaling factor method. Therefore, in this paper, the maximum acceptable uncertainty (confidence limits) at a reasonable level was studied when applying the mean activity concentration method by arithmetic mean unlike the scaling factor method which usually uses the geometric mean method. Several measures were proposed by applying mutatis mutandis the acceptable standard deviation in radiation measurement and the factor of 10 principle, etc., and the appropriateness was reviewed through case analysis.
        2015.09 KCI 등재 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
        본 연구는 인쇄광고물에 있어서 복수의 제품(고가제품과 저가제품)을 대상으로 하는 인쇄광고물에서 효과적인 레이아웃을 도출하기 위한 연구를 시도하였다. 실증분석에서는 두 유형 제품에 대해 4종류의 인쇄광고물(좌/우 제 시 2종류와 상/하 제시 2종류)을 디자인하여 고가제품과 저가제품의 배열에 대한 소비자 반응을 분석하였다: 디자 인A(고가제품-좌측, 저가제품-우측), 디자인B(저가제품-좌측, 고가제품-우측), 디자인C(고가제품-상단, 저가제품-하 단), 디자인D(저가제품-상단, 고가제품-하단). 분석결과에서는 고가제품의 경우는 대각선의 시작점에 제시되었을 때 소비자의 선택이 증가하고 저가제품의 경우에는 대각선의 끝점에 제시되었을 때 소비자의 선택이 증가하는 것 으로 나타났다. 이는 고가제품과 저가제품을 동시에 광고하는 경우 고가제품의 광고물은 좌측 또는 상측에 배치하고 저가제품의 광고물은 우측 또는 하단에 배치함으로써 두 제품의 매출을 증가시킬 수 있음을 의미한다.