
결과 내 재검색





        검색결과 5

        2024.12 KCI 등재 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
        Because intact FMDV particles (146S) are often unstable in vitro, stabilizing foot-and-mouth disease virus (FMDV) antigens remains a key challenge in studying viral charateristics. Therefore, finding optimal condition to stabilize the FMDV is essential. In this study, we investigated formulations and potentials of several stabilizers such as appropriate buffer, excipients, and storage conditions to enhance the stability of 146S. Inactivated FMDV O-Jincheon (O-JC) was dissolved in various buffer formulations, and stored at 4℃ for two months to evaluate quantity of 146S at every 2-week interval. Among phosphate buffered saline (PBS), Tris buffered saline (TBS), HEPES buffered saline (HBS), and MOPS buffered saline (MBS), PBS showed more effective 146S stabilization that showed 1.3-1.6 fold higher 146S fraction than TBS, HBS, and MBS after storage for 2 weeks. However, constant dissociations of 146S were observed in all formulations at 8 weeks. Compared with other FMDVs, A22 Iraq and SAT-1, in PBS, O-JC proved to be the least stable in PBS. A variety of excipients including carbohydrate, sugar alcohol, cryo-protectant were tested for the capability in protecting O-JC from dissociation. By adding 4-8% sucrose, more than 60% of 146S fractions were maintained at 8 weeks, those were at least 1.8 fold higher than the PBS-only control. Addition of 1% β-cyclodextrin showed synergistic enhancement in O-JC stability. As the results of this study, it could be suggested that the PBS-based buffer together with 4-8% sucrose + 2% sorbitol or 2% sucrose + 2% sorbitol + 1% β-cyclodextrin could help the better stability of the O-JC in vaccine preparation.