It has been known that as oxide layer (ZrO2) forms on the nuclear fuel cladding during irradiation in nuclear power plants, the corrosion kinetics are influenced by various parameters such as chemical environments. One of those environments, crud deposition driven by coolant chemistry has an adverse effect on the formation of oxide (ZrO2) and leads to increase thickness of the layer. In this study, crud formation was performed through loop experiment equipment on the surface of intentionally-made oxide layer (ZrO2) on cladding tubes and then the composition and characteristics of cruds were examined for the investigation of nuclear power plant environment. As a result, various cruds in composition and microstructure were formed depending on the exquisite methods and conditions such as metal ion concentration.
This study is carried out to know the insect diversity at Gonggeomji wetland in Sangju city where the first designated as a rice paddy wetland protection area from Ministry of Environment of Korea. As the results, 330 species of 234 genera belonging to 90 families in 10 orders were collected and a total of 1,327 individuals were surveyed in this study. Among them, highest collection ratio was 54. 3% (162 species) of Coleoptera, next order was 22% (66 species) of Hemiptera. In seasonal variation, 28 species were surveyed in the first quarter, 81 in the second, 78 in the third, and 87 in the fourth. Ancylopus pictus asiaticus in Coleoptera, Nysius (Nysius) plebejus in Hemiptera were the most dominant species. As a diversity analyses, species diversity index (H'), dominance index(DI), species richness index and evenness index (EI) were provided in here.
본 연구는 1999년 헝가리에서 수집한 고추 유전자원 35점을 평가하여 원예적 형질을 조사하고 유용한 자원을 선발하고자 실시하였다. 한국시판 대비 품종 ‘금당’과 ‘슈퍼비가림’과 비교했을 때 개화소요일은 거의 유사하였으며, 초장은 한국 품종이 평균 163cm이었으나 헝가리 자원은 133cm로 작게 조사되었다. 과형은 한국 품종과 유사한 sweet banana형이 83%로 가장 많았고, 소형은 cherry형이 14%였다. 과중은 대체로 한국 품종 25g에 비해 무거워 평균 34.7g이었다. ASTA 값은 100이상이 9자원이었으며, 당함량은 15% 이상이 4자원이었다. Capsaicinoids 함량은 10mg% 이하인 자원이 69%, 10~40mg%가 17%, 40mg% 이상은 14%로 대부분 매운맛 성분이 적은 자원이었다.