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        검색결과 418

        2013.10 구독 인증기관·개인회원 무료
        A new species of the genus Onychiurus is described from Korea(Jeoksang Mountain in Muju). The genus Onychiurus was elected by Gervais in 1841 with type species Podura ambulans Linneus, 1758. 49 specis of Onychiurus have been reported worldwide, of which only one species, O. polychaetosus, have been recorded from Korea. This genus is characterized by postantennal organ with compound vesicles, antennal Ⅲ sense organ with 2 sensory clubs, furca reduced to a small area of fine ganulation with 2+2 posterior setulae arranged in a row, seta d0 on a head and anal spines present. Onychiurus sp.1 is characterized by the peculiar distribution of dorsal (32/0,2-3,2-3/33333) and ventral (1/000/0101) pseudocelli that allow to distinguish it from the other congeneric species. Antennal segment Ⅲ with four guard setae, two sensory rods, two bent and granulated sensory clubs and five papillae irregular in shape. Postantennal organ consists of 10-12 finely granulated vesicles and tibiotarsi with distal whorl composed of nine setae.
        2013.10 구독 인증기관·개인회원 무료
        The subfamily Sterictiphorinae which include 324 species from 26 genera is widespread group of sawfly. Most recorded species of Sterictiphorinae distributed in the Palaearctic, Nearactic, Oriental and Afrotropic regions. Among them, only 20 species have been reported from the Eastern Palaearctic region. Unfortunately, this group is very poorly studied in Korea. In the Korean fauna were reported only one species, Sterictiphora tanoi Togashi 1997(Togashi, 1997). The larvae of genus Sterictiphora feed on cherry and serviceberry (Smith, 1979). The adults of genus Sterictiphora are easily distinguished from the other genera of Sterictiphorinae by following characters: convex anterior margin of the head in dorsal view, hind wing with very long anal cell. As a result of this study, we report five new species, Sterictiphora rugosa sp. nov., S. gapjangensis sp. nov., S. flavicollis sp. nov., S. koreana sp. nov. and S. daeguensis sp. nov. and provide a key to Korean species and diagnosis with photos of five new species.
        2013.10 구독 인증기관·개인회원 무료
        The genera Aproceros and Yasumatsua have not been recorded in Korea previousely. Genus Aproceros is small genus among genera of subfamily Sterictiphorinae with 10 described species. Almost species of this genus recorded in Eastern Palaearctic region except A. scutellis Wei & Nie, 1998 from Oriental region. Also, genus Yasumatsua has been reported only two species: Y. albitibia Togashi, 1990 and Y. nigra Togashi, 1970 in the world. Key characters of the genera Aproceros and Yasumatsua as following: (1) Aproceros: anal cell of hind wing absent; head narrowed behind eyes; basal anal cell of fore wing open, (2) Yasumatsua: anal cell of Hind wing closed; claw with a basal lobe; face between antennal sockets narrow with sharp median carina (Meicai, 1997). Biology and ecology of these two genera are poorly studied. In this study we record one unrecorded species of genus Aproceros and described one new species of genus Yasumatsua from Korea. Also, key to korean genera of subfamily Sterictiphorinae, diagnoses of Aproceros and Yasumatsua and photos of morphological characters are provided.
        2013.10 구독 인증기관·개인회원 무료
        Probles is apredominantly Holarctic genus with about 44 species in the Palearctic region (Yu et al. 2012). Palearctic fauna of Probles is rather irregularly studied: West European species were revised by Horstmann (1971, 1981; Horstmann and Kolarov 1988), and Palearctic species of five small subgenera, Microdiaparsis Horstmann, Probles s. str., Rhynchoprobles Horstmann, and Rugodiaparsis Horstmann, were reviewed by Khalaim (2003), whereas the most species rich subgenus, Euporizon Horstmann, is virtually unknown outside Europe. Only two species of Euporizon, P. (E.) sibirica Khalaim, 2007 from Mongolia and Russian Siberia and P. (E.) vulnifica Khalaim & Sheng, 2009 from the Palearctic part of China, are known to occur in the East Palearctic region, and one Oriental species, P. (E.) vietnamica Khalaim, 2011, was recently described from Vietnam (Khalaim, 2011; Khalaim and Sheng 2009). Some species of Probles were recorded as parasitoids of the beetle families Ciidae, Curculionidae, Endomycidae, and Melandryidae in Europe (Horstmann 1971, 1981). In this paper, we describe three closely related new species of Euporzon belonging to one species-group. Three closely related species of the genus Probles Förster, P. fulgida sp. n., P. korusa sp. n., and P. rukora sp. n. differ from other Palearctic species of the genus based on a combination of long and weakly sinuate apically ovipositor and short temple. A portion of the key for identification of this species-group is provided here.
        2013.10 구독 인증기관·개인회원 무료
        Rhyssinae Morley, 1913 is a relatively small group belonging to the family Ichneumonidae and recorded 286 species in eight genera from the world. Most rhyssines are Idiobiont ectoparasitoid of wood boring Symphyta and Coleoptera. South Korean Rhyssinae were poorly known. In the recent study of the Rhyssinae of South Korea, only four species belonging to the genera Megarhyssa and Rhyssa, have been reported: M. gloriosa (Matsumura), M. jezoensis (Matsumura), M. praecellens (Tosquinet) and R. persuasoria (Linnaeus). Five genera of the subfamily Rhyssinae (Epirhyssa, Megarhyssa, Rhyssa, Rhyssella and Triancyra) are recognized in South Korea. Two genera, Megarhyssa and Rhyssa, were previously recorded from South Korea, whereas the other three genera are recorded for the first time in Korea. A key to the five genera of Rhyssinae occurring in South Korea is provided. Genus Epirhyssa is reviewed here, and a key to the four species (E. latimandibularis (Hu & Wang), E. moiwana Matsumura, E. sapporensis Uchida and E. nigrithorax sp. nov.) is provided.
        2013.10 구독 인증기관·개인회원 무료
        The genus Xenylla Tullberg in the family Hypogastruridae is cosmopolitan, containing about 131 species at present in the world. However, the genus Xenylla of Asia has been very poorly investigated; in Japan, four species, X. acauda Gisin, X. arenosa Uchida & Tamura, X. brevispina Kinoshita, and X. longicauda Folsom, were recorded, only three species, X. boerneri Axelson, X. changlingensis Wu and Yin, and X. changchunensis Wu and Yin, was known to occur in China. In Korea, the first recognizable species of the genus Xenylla was only one listed by Lee in 1973: Xenylla brevispina Kinoshita, 1916. Later Park et al (2005) added four new species, X. convexopyga, X. dotata, X. longistriata, and X. marina, which collected from litter of coniferous and broad-leaved trees, soil layer of a deciduous forest and dry accumulated organic matter on the margins of saline water. One new species of the genus Xenylla that were found from Korea is found. The new species characterized by labral setae arrangement and tiny anal spines. The present species resembles X. dotata in the arrangement of dorsal and ventral setae. But it is easily distinguished from X. dotata by the length ratio of furca, morphology of mandible, the shape of dorsal setae upon fourth antennal segment, and the length of anal spine. As result of this study, Korean faunal list of Xenylla adds up to 6 species.
        2013.10 구독 인증기관·개인회원 무료
        The genus Paraloconota was described as a subgenus of the genus Atheta by Cameron (1939) including seven species and he noted that it is similar to Aloconota Thomson, but can be distinguished by transverse impression of abdominal tergite IV and absence of tubercle of male tergite VII. Since then, Coiffait (1982) first treated it as a genus and described a new species. Pace (1993) proposed it as a subgenus of the genus Liogluta Thomson, 1858. Later, however, he (1998) treated it as a different genus related Liogluta. Smetana (2004) followed Coiffait (1982) and Pace (1998), and listed a subgenus Paraliogluta Pace of Liogluta as a synonym of Paraloconota. Members of the Paraloconota can be distinguished from other aleocharine genera by combination of the following characters: infraorbital carina incomplete or absent; labium with ligula divided in 2 lobes at base, lateral pseudopores absent on prementum; mesoventral process reaching to half length of mesocoxae, pointed at apex; metaventrite not produced between metacoxae narrowly separated; pubescence relatively long; legs long; empodial seta distinctly longer than claw; male tergite VII without tubercle; median lobe of aedeagus narrow apically in ventral aspect. (Cameron 1939, Pace 1991) The genus Paraloconota contains 26 species with a limited distribution in the East Palaearctic and Oriental regions (Smetana 2004) and they are usually found in the long moss attached to boulders in swiftly running mountain streams (Cameron 1939). While studying on Korean Athetini, the genus Paraloconota and a new species, P. koreana sp. n., are identified for the first time in Korea. Also we found that they are in agreement with the diagnostic characters of the tribe Geostibini Seevers, 1978 presented by Elven et al. (2012). In this study we transfer from Athetini to Geostibini and provide a habitus photograph and illustrations of the diagnostic characters of Paraloconota koreana sp. n..
        2013.10 구독 인증기관·개인회원 무료
        The genus Psallus Fieber, 1858 (Phylini) is the largest group, with twenty six described species in Korea (Duwal et al., 2012). Due to recent collection in 2013, three new species are recognized from Korea. All these species are described, with images of dorsal habitus and genital structures. A checklist of the East Asian species and geographic distribution of Psallus is revised.
        2013.10 구독 인증기관·개인회원 무료
        The genus Panonychus has been reported only two species, P. ulmi and P. citri, in Korea. Two new species, P. mori Yokoyama, 1929 and P. caglei Mellot, 1968 were firstly identified from jujube orchards in Gyeongsan and kudzu vine in Byunsan peninsula in Korea. Morphological differences among four species have been described especially in aedeagus shape. Comparison of nucleotide sequences of both the internal transcribed spacer 2 (ITS2) region of nuclear ribosomal RNA gene and the mitochondrial cytochrome oxidase subunit I (COI) gene were compared between four species. Phylogenetic analysis of ITS2 and COI sequences using neighbor-joining method showed that P. mori and P. caglei were most similar to each other and more closely related to P. ulmi than P. citri. In addition, species-specific primer sets of each species were designed based on ITS2 sequencesand can be used to diagnose species in this genus.
        2013.10 구독 인증기관·개인회원 무료
        Cave-dwelling springtail studies in Korea initiated during 1960s by the Japanese Collembola researcher, R. Yosii, and comprehensive taxonomic studies on Korean Collembola were conducted by B. H. Lee during 1970-1990s wherein the new family Gulgastruridae was established using the type species Gulgastrura reticulosa from the Gossidonggul cave in Gangwon-do, South Korea. Eight families of cave-dwelling Collembola are known in Korea, and the family Tomoceridae is the most abundant and diverse group of cave-dwelling Collembola with 11 known species belonging to 4 genera in Korea. In this study, 12 species of Korean Tomoceridae are reviewed, and 1 new species from the genus Plutomurus and 2 new species from the genus Tomocerus are described.
        2013.10 구독 인증기관·개인회원 무료
        Since Linneaus (1758) named 4,162 species of living organism, 1.75 milion species have been described and named. It is less than 20% of the commonly accepted estimates of 10 million species on the planet earth. An average of 7,000 species per year was described during last 250 years, and, at this rate of species description, it will take another 1400 years to complete documentation of them. Who will do it? The real facing problem is the number of trained and practising taxonomists is declining worldwide at a time when demands for taxonomic science are increasing. A recent estimate suggests that the number of professional taxonomists worldwide is only 4,000-6,000 (Haas and Hauser, 2006). How about the situation is in Korea? In addition, the change of weather and the global warming accelerates more frequent invasion of harmful subtropical species, and taxonomist’s activity is needed more than ever. In shortly speaking, we are facing with a taxonomic “crisis” with erosion of taxonomy during last decades. The major reason is maybe that systematics has made little impact on the science with a narrow intellectual perspective, and most taxonomists have become accustomed to working on their speciality taxon without concern for relating their work to other broader environmental and societal issues in the facing with the global warming; e.g., invasive species, quarantine, use of bioresources, and ecosystem services. There is no question that taxonomy is the fundamental disciplines of biology, however, first of all, taxonomists should realize that how their research is related to other related sciences and how they make collaborative works. Especially, the basic taxonomic knowledge and skills generated by taxonomists is more needed to cope with the change of weather, due to the global warming which make critical change of the ecological structure in nature. In the presentation, the strategy for innovation of the living organism on our planet, with a crisis of taxonomy, will be discussed, and emphasized how taxonomists serve and contribute to other related topics. In addition, author will introduce his acitivity for innovation works on Lepidoptera, representing more than 500 new species and 23 new genera of moths described worldwide during last 40 years of his taxonomic research. The total number of new species described in Korea by him is 104 species, including 57 species of Gelechiidae, and more than 400 species and 22 new genera in the subtropical region, including Thailand, Vietnam, and New Guinea. Will it be possible to exceed 500 insect species described worldwide by a taxonomist in future?
        2013.09 KCI 등재 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
        한국산 딱부리반날개속(Stenus Latreille)의 미기록 3종[Stenus (Stenus) latissimus latissimus Bernhauer, S. (S.) hammondi Puthz 및 S. (Hypostenus) dissimilis Sharp]을 보고한다. 성충 사진, 수컷의 생식기 및 9번째 복판 그림을 제시한다.
        2013.09 KCI 등재 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
        명나방과의 2종, Hypsopygia iwamotoi Kirpichnikova & Yamanaka, 1995와 Synaphe amuralis (Hampson, 1900)이 중국에서는 처음으로 보고된다. 본 연구에서는 이들 2종에 대하여 재기재하고 성충 및 생식기의 도해도를 제시하였다.
        2013.06 KCI 등재 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
        코뿔애접시거미속 (Walckenaeria)의 3종, 내장애접시거미 (Walckenaeria chikunii), 북방애접시거미 (Walckenaeria furcillata), 계곡애접시거미 (Walckenaeria ichifusaensis), 를 한국미기록종으로 보고한다. 북방애접시거미 (W. furcillata)는 구북구에 널리 분포하고 있으나, 내장애접시거미 (W. chikunii)와 계곡애접시거미 (W. ichifusaensis)는 일본내의 모식산지에서만 알려져 있다. 사진과 진단형질의 그림을 첨부하였다.
        2013.06 KCI 등재 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
        울릉도 성인봉의 토양 시료에서 발견한 육각사다리응애 (신칭, Punctoribates hexagonus Brelese, 1908)를 국내에서 처음으로 보고한다. 이종의 형태적 특징을 기재하고 지리적 분포 정보를 제시한다.
        2013.06 KCI 등재 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
        초 록 무궁화 ‘대일’은 2001년 ‘서봉’(H. sinosyriacus ‘Seobong’)과 ‘남원’(H. syriacus ‘Namwon’)을 종간교잡하여 2004년부터 3 년간 후대검정을 통하여 2006년 최종 선발하였고 2008년 품종 보호권을 등록하였으며 얻어진 결과는 다음과 같다. 신품종 ‘대 일’은 수세가 강한 교목성의 특성을 지니고 있으며 가지의 밀도 는 중간이고 방향이 약간 위로 향하여 생장하며 녹갈색을 띠고 있었다. 잎 길이와 폭 역시 신품종 ‘대일’은 각각 7.95 ± 1.3cm, 4.95 ± 1.7cm으로 대조품종에 비하여 크고, 잎의 너비와 어깨너 비의 비 역시 넓은 편이었다. 신품종 ‘대일’의 꽃잎의 색이 약간 보라색을 띤 분홍색으로 꽃잎이 완전 겹치는 I-c형이었다. 또한 꽃의 크기가 11.4 ± 1.7cm로 기존 품종에 비해 크고 꽃잎의 폭 과 길이가 큰 특징이 있다. 또한 단심의 길이는 보통이나 꽃잎 에 방사선 무늬가 길게 뻗어 있다. 개화기는 6월 30일로 대조 품종의 7월 13일에 비해 2주정도 빠른 여름 개화형이고, 10월 16일 개화가 끝이나 총 개화기간이 108일로 대조품종의 73일에 비해 길다. 신품종은 임실성이 낮고 꼬투리의 크기 역시 대조품 종에 비해 작은 것으로 나타났다.
        2013.04 구독 인증기관·개인회원 무료
        A genus Schoutedenia (Hemiptera: Greenideinae) is an ancient group of Gondwanaian distribution occurring on the plant family Euphorbiaceae. In this study, we newly report Schoutedenia sp. nov., collected from Phyllanthus sp. (Euphorbiaceae) from Cambodia. Review for three species including Schoutedenia sp. nov., with identification key are presented.
        2013.04 구독 인증기관·개인회원 무료
        The genus Pristomerus Curtis, 1836 is one of among 36 genera belonging to the subfamily Cremastinae. This genus is a large genus with 100 worldwide species distributed (Yu et al., 2012). Also, from this genus have been reported 15 species in Eastern Palaearctic, eight species from China, seven species from Japan and three species from Korea. Subfamily Cremastinae is known as koinobiont endoparasitoids of solitary larval-pupa mostly Lepidoptera and Coleoptera (Fitton & Gauld 1980). Spectrum of host species of Pristomerus include various small Lepidoptera living in tunnels, leaf rolls, buds and other hidden areas (Rousse et al., 2011). Genus Pristomerus can be easily distinguished from other genera by the following characters: hind femur with ventral tooth; deep gastrocoelus on tergite II. Three species from this genus, Pristomerus chinensis Ashmead, 1906, P. erythrothoracis Uchida, 1933, and P. vulnerator (Panzer, 1799), have been reported from Korea previously. In this study we report three newly recorded species, Pristomerus rufiabdomenalis Uchida, 1928, P. parilis Kusigemati, 1984, P. kendarensis Kusigemati, 1984, and described three new species. Here we provide the descriptions and photographs of six species of genus Pristomerus, and species key.
        2013.04 구독 인증기관·개인회원 무료
        Two families of checkered beetles (Cleridae and Thanerocleridae) contain approximately 3,600 described species. Clerus is one of genera belonging to the Omadius genus-group (Cleridae: Clerinae: Clerus series), and distributed in Palaearctic, Indo-Australian and Afrotropic regions containing 17 species. Among the known species, 11 species have been recorded from Palaearctic region (seven from East Asian countries). Through a taxonomic study on the Korean Clerus species, a total of three species, C. dealbatus (Kraatz, 1879), C. pilosellus (Gorham, 1878) and Clerus sp. nov. are recognized. From the present study, it was confirmed that C. dealbatus was misidentified as Thanasimus lewisi (Jacobson, 1911) in the country, due to the similarity of the body coloration. The presence of the latter species in Korean insect fauna is very doubtful. Diagnostic characters of three Korean Clerus species are presented.
        2013.04 구독 인증기관·개인회원 무료
        The genus Phyllotreta Chevrolat belonging to the subfamily Alticinae (Coleoptera: Chrysomelidae). One of the largest alticine genera with approximately 150 species in the Palearctic region and more than 250 species worldwide. In Korea a total of 6 species were known by Lee and An (2001). New species of Phyllotreta Chevrolat, 1837 are described: P. hamata Park sp. nov. from South Korea. The relationships of the new species with the actual species groups of Phyllotreta are discussed. Also, illustrations of diagnostic characteristics of the new species including male aedeagus and spermatheca are provided with a key to South Korean Phyllotreta species. Up to now 7 species of Phyllotreta have been recorded from the South Korea, including the present species.