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        검색결과 4,574

        2022.09 KCI 등재 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
        게임플레이는 플레이어가 게임과 상호작용을 진행하면서 게임 상황에 대한 판단과 행동의 일련의 과정의 반복이라고 볼 수 있다. 잘 설계된 게임플레이는 플레이어로 하여금 게임에 몰입하도록 유도하며, 지속적으 로 몰입상태를 유지할 수 있도록 한다. RPG에서 게임플레이의 핵심과정중 하나는 몬스터와 상호작용하는 것이다. 일반적인 RPG의 몬스터는 패턴플레이로 구성되어 반복적으로 플레이가 진행되는 상황에서 지루함 을 유발하는 요인으로 작용한다. 이로 인해 게임을 플레이하는 플레이어중 고 레벨 플레이어는 레벨업을 위 해 습득해야 하는 경험치의 양의 증가로 인해 같은 필드에서 같은 몬스터를 오랜 시간동안 플레이하는 것 이 일반적이어서 시간이 지날수록 투자한 시간과 성취욕구 사이에서 만족도가 떨어지는 문제점이 발생한다. 본 연구에서는 플레이어의 성장과정에서 몬스터가 제공하는 정보에 대한 위계의 설정을 통하여 플레이어의 인지과정에 패턴의 변수를 인식하게 하여 다양한 게임플레이가 가능하도록 하며 이를 바탕으로 플로우 (Flow) 과정에서 경험하는 지루함의 요소를 극복하고 지속적으로 몰입과정을 느낄 수 있도록 한다.
        2022.09 KCI 등재 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
        최근 디지털 의상으로 제품을 만드는 것이 활성화됨에 따라서 삼차원 공간의 컴퓨터 그래픽을 이용하는 게 임엔진을 및 3D Tool로 샘플을 만들기 시작했다. 이러한 트렌드에 따라서 밴드 기업들은 디지털 의류 모델 을 화상 회의 프로그램을 이용하여 협업하기 시작했다. 하지만 화상 회의에서의 원격화면 공유 기능은 각 공유자의 바탕화면 혹은 각 사용자가 사용하고 있는 데스크탑에 보여지는 화면만을 공유하여 발표화면을 보여주는 기능에 그치고 있어 협업작업에서 필요한 사용자 간의 상호작용을 지원하기에는 부족한 점이 있 다. 본 연구에서는 디지털 의상 협업 작업 시 화상 회의를 사용함에 있어서 불편한 점들을 개선하고 회의를 효율적으로 진행하기 위한 Framework를 제작했다. 프레임워크 제작을 위해 Unity3D 게임엔진과 WebRTC 그 리고 Javascript를 사용하였으며, 중계서버 제작을 위하여 클라우드 AWS 서비스를 사용했다. 시연 결과 화상 회의 참여자들은 스크린에 인터랙션을 할 수 있었으며 따로 프로그램을 설치할 필요가 없었다. 그리고 최대 해상도를 1440p까지 높여 기존의 화상 회의에서의 화질을 더 개선할 수 있었다. 해당 시연 결과를 통하여 기존의 다른 화상 회의 앱과 기능들을 비교하여 제안한 Framework의 효용성을 검증했다.
        2022.09 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
        최근 비풀러렌 전자수용체 소재 개발로 태양전지 및 광검출기 등 유기광다이오드 분야의 상당한 진보를 나타내고 있 다. 비풀러렌 소재의 자유로운 구조 개질 가능성을 바탕으로 흡광대역 자유 제어가 가능한 장점으로, 기존 태양전지 에서 구현이 힘들었던 고성능 반투명 태양전지, 실내 저조도 태양전지, 파장선택적 광검출기 등 다양한 응용을 가능 하게 한다. 본 리뷰에서는 유기태양전지를 비롯한 유기광다이오드의 광활성층에 활용되는 유기반도체 소재의 최신 연 구동향에 대해 다루고자 한다.
        2022.09 KCI 등재 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
        New buildings have been designed using different seismic design standards that have been revised. However, the seismic performance of existing buildings is evaluated through the same performance evaluation guidelines. Existing buildings may not satisfy the performance targets suggested in the current guidelines, but there are practical limitations to discriminating the existing buildings with poor seismic performance through a full investigation. In this regard, to classify buildings with poor seismic performance according to the applied standard, this study aimed to evaluate performance-based investigation of the seismic design proposals of buildings with different design standards. The target buildings were set as RC ordinary moment frames for office occupancy. Changes in seismic design criteria by period were analyzed, and the design spectrum changes of reinforced concrete ordinary moment resisting frames were compared to analyze the seismic load acting on the building during design. The seismic design plan was derived through structural analysis of the target model, compared the member force and cross-sectional performance, and a preliminary evaluation of the seismic performance was performed to analyze the performance level through DCR. As a result of the seismic performance analysis through the derived design, the reinforced concrete ordinary moment frame design based on AIK 2000 has an insufficient seismic performance level, so buildings built before 2005 are likely to need seismic reinforcement.
        2022.08 KCI 등재 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
        국제해사기구(IMO)의 대기오염물질 배출 규제에 대응하기 위해 액화천연가스(LNG)를 연료로 사용하는 선박이 증가하고 있다. 이와 함께 선박의 안정적인 연료 수급을 위한 LNG 벙커링 인프라 확대의 필요성이 대두되고 있다. LNG 벙커링은 TTS(Truck to ship), PTS(Pipe to ship), STS(Ship to ship) 3가지 방식으로 진행된다. 외국에서는 3가지 방식 모두 진행하고 있지만, 국내의 경우 인프라 부족으로 TTS 방식으로만 LNG 벙커링이 진행되고 있다. LNG 벙커링은 위험 요소가 많은 작업으로 안전한 벙커링 작업을 위해 작업 종사자의 역량 이 아주 중요하며 역량 강화를 위한 전문교육과정이 필요하다. 본 연구는 LNG 벙커링 전문인력 육성과 안전하고 체계적인 벙커링 작업 수행을 목적으로 LNG 벙커링 종사자 교육 콘텐츠를 설계하기 위해 진행되었다. 이를 위해 LNG 연료추진선박 및 벙커링 현황을 파악하고 국내외 관련 교육내용을 분석하였다. 더불어 전문가 설문을 통해 교육내용의 중요성에 대한 의견을 수렴하였다. 연구의 결과로서 다양한 교육 대상에 적합한 교육 콘텐츠 설계를 하고, 이를 총 4일이 소요되는 기초교육과 상급교육 과정으로 구분하여 제안하였다. 설계된 교육 콘텐츠를 바탕으로 우리나라 벙커링 환경을 충분히 반영하여 추가 연구가 진행된다면 LNG 벙커링 종사자 역량 증진을 도모하고 인적 자 원 육성에 큰 도움이 될 것으로 사료 된다.
        2022.08 KCI 등재 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
        The purpose of this study is to understand the concept of zero-waste design and to apply Sophia Vyzoviti’s folding techniques to develop a zero-waste fashion design method that contributes to sustainable fashion design. In this study, we explore the method and characteristics of zero-waste fashion design based on the concept of folding described in Sophia Vyzoviti’s book on folding techniques. Using the autonomy of Sophia Vyzoviti’s folding technique, four changeable folding fashion designs were developed and produced, demonstrating zero-waste fashion design. The results were as follows. First, the development of fashion designs using Sophia Vyzoviti’s folding techniques enabled the development and production of free and creative zero-waste fashion designs that were three-dimensional, continuous, fluid, and full of potential. Second, the production of zero-waste patterns was further developed into a transformable fashion design that can be used with geometric patterns. These folding techniques produced a fashion design method that could transform one piece of clothing, demonstration the potential for maintenance of creativity using a zero-waste design based on these folding techniques. Third, the double-faced fabric, Neoprene, was chosen as an appropriate material as it emphasizes the depth of folding with application of two colors and its cotton/polyester blend that is suitable for folding.
        2022.08 KCI 등재 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
        In this study, to develop and verify the Jeju-type groundwater thermal system design program, the energy consumption and system performance derived by input into the design program based on the load calculated on the demonstration site and the groundwater temperature were compared and analyzed with the actual measured values. The theoretical values ​​of energy consumption and heating and cooling COP ​​obtained through the Jeju-type groundwater thermal system design program were 11.24kW, 5.28 for heating, 13.31kW, 3.94 for cooling respectively. The measured values ​​of energy consumption and COP of the Jeju-type groundwater thermal system were 3967.2kW and 4.5, respectively. The error between the theoretical value and the measured value obtained through the design program is 0% and 2.39%, respectively. The errors that occur in the predicted values ​​and the actual values ​​are due to variables that are ignored in the system assumptions. If users consider errors and use it when designing groundwater thermal systems, they can estimate the cost of required drilling works, heat exchangers, and heat pumps and analyze economic feasibility.
        2022.08 KCI 등재 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
        In this study, numerical analysis is conducted to investigate the flow characteristics of a turning type flood gate fishway with various design factors. The shapes of the fishway are circular and rectangular type. Baffles are installed to reduce the velocity in the fishway, and the gap and rotational arrangement of the baffles are set as design factors. To reduce the maximum velocity, a cavity-shaped break region is installed to examine the flow characteristics according to the presence of the break region. As a result, in the condition where the shape of the fishway is rectangular, the outlet average flow velocity is larger than that in the circular condition. The highest flow velocity occurs when the baffle is rotated in 90-degree arrangement. As the baffle gap increases, the average velocity increases. The cavity-shaped break region creates a recirculation zone in the fishway, and as a result, shows a decrease in the maximum velocity of up to 5.8%.
        2022.08 KCI 등재 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
        Most of automobile steering parts are manufactured through the multi-stage cold forging process using round-bar drawn materials. The same process is applied to the ball stud parts of the outer ball joint, and various research activities are being carried out to reduce the extreme manufacturing cost in order to survive in the limitless competition. In this paper, we present a quantitative prediction method for the limiting life of the die as a method for cost reduction in the multi-stage cold forging process. The load on the die was minimized by distributing the forming load based on process optimization through finite element analysis. In addition, based on the quantitative prediction algorithm of the limiting life of the die, the application of the split die and the optimization of the phosphate treatment of the material surface are presented as a conclusion as a method to improve the limiting life of the die.
        2022.08 KCI 등재 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
        본 논문에서는 1차원 오일러 보 요소(Euler-Bernoulli Beam Element)를 이용한 회전익기 축계에 대한 중량 최적설계를 수행하였다. 회전 축계의 특성을 고려해 비틀림(Torsion)과 베어링과 같은 축지지 강성 및 플랜지(Flange) 질량을 모두 고려하였고, 동적 안전성 확 보를 위해 고유치 해석을 수행하여 임계속도(Critical Speed)와 기어박스로부터 오는 치 변형 가진을 회피할 수 있도록 하였다. 축의 길 이는 고정된 상태에서 두께와 반경을 조절하여 중량 최적화를 수행하였으며, 최적화 과정은 2단계로 나누어 진행하였다. 1단계에서 는 비틀림 강도를 제약조건으로 하여 중량을 최적화한 후 2단계에서는 축계 안정성 확보 기준(Headquarters, U.S. Army Material Command, 1974)에 따라 축의 비틀림 강도에 대한 제약조건을 만족시키며, 축의 1차 모드가 임계속도를 회피할 수 있도록 축 1차모드 와 임계속도의 차이가 최대가 되도록 최적화를 진행하였다. 주어진 1차원 보 요소를 이용하여 최적설계를 한 결과를 3차원 유한요소 모델과 실제 제작된 축게의 시험결과와 비교하여 제안된 방법을 검증하였다.
        2022.08 KCI 등재 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
        This paper describes the design of H-infinity controller for robust control of a DC motor system. The suggested controller can ensure robustness against disturbance and model uncertainty by minimizing H-infinity norm of the transfer function from exogenous input to performance output and applying the small gain theorem. In particular, the controller was designed to reduce the effects of disturbance and model uncertainty simultaneously by formalizing these problems as a mixed sensitivity problem. The validity of the proposed controller was demonstrated by computer simulations and real experiments. Moreover, the effectiveness of the proposed controller was confirmed by comparing its performance with PI controller, which was tested under the same experimental condition as the H-infinity controller.
        2022.06 KCI 등재 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
        The aim of this study was to develop Jiangxi Nuo masks using 3D digital fashion design technology and suggest various ways to utilize traditional culture based on the characteristics of Nuo masks, a traditional Chinese artifact of intangible cultural significance. The researchers conducted a literature review to gather information about Nuo culture and masks that could represent Jiangxi. Features of the masks were analyzed and classified. The result are as follows. First, the symbolic characteristics of Jiangxi’s Nuo masks can be divided into those based on their origin and history, the user’s social status, and the notions of primitive beliefs of the chosen people, such as naturism and totemism. Second, Nuo masks’ splendid decorations convey meanings such as luck, the bixie, longevity, wealth, and peace in the family. Third, playfulness in mask-making is about dismantling the original form of the mask, re-creating it through application. Fourth, the masks express primitiveness mostly by conserving the wood’s original color or material. The initial masks carved to represent images of figures aptly deliver the primitive forms and images of Nuo culture. In this study, Nuo masks were developed and produced using the 3D digital technology CLO 3D by adopting the expressive characteristics and applying design methods such as asymmetricity, exaggeration, and modification. The results of this study demonstrate the possibility of creating diverse as well as economical designs through the reduction of production.
        2022.06 KCI 등재 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
        The purpose of this study was to develop a 3D mesh-type impact protection pad with excellent motion adaptability and functionality by applying 3D printing technology. The hexagonal 3D mesh, which constitutes the basic structure of the pad, comprises two types: small and large. The bridge connecting the basic units was designed as the I-type, V-type, IV-type, and VV-type. After evaluating the characteristics of the bridge, it was found that the V-type bridge had the highest flexibility and tensile elongation. The hip joint pad and knee pad were completed by combining the hexagonal 3D mesh structure with the optimal bridge design. The impact protection pad was printed using a fused deposition modeling-type 3D printer with a filament made of thermoplastic polyurethane material, and the protection pad’s performance was evaluated. When an impact force of approximately 6,500N was applied to the pad, the force attenuation percentage was 78%, and when an impact force of approximately 8,000N was applied, the force attenuation percentage was 75%. Through these results, it was confirmed that the 3D-printed impact protection pad with a hexagonal 3D mesh structure connected by a V-shaped bridge developed in this study can adapt to changes in the body surface according to movement and provides excellent impact protection performance.
        2022.06 KCI 등재 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
        The purpose of this study is to develop Korean clothing designs that can satisfy future consumer’s needs based on the elements extracted through the content analysis method in a study on the design elements expressed in traditional outfits in the 2010s. To this end, data analyzing Hanbok in wedding magazines were used, and after extracting design elements, research methods for empirical design development were used. After subclassifying the major design elements, factors with a steady increase in frequency and appearance rate were identified. Through this, five elements capable of aesthetic sampling were extracted by complex expression methods and expressed in a total of seven combinations. The types extracted from the design elements are items, silhouette, top shape, skirt shape, skirt length, mixed items with increasing frequency. In the element of color, the adjacent color harmony, which showed the highest frequency of color, and the white-blue harmony, which showed an increase among them, were extracted. When using materials, top and skirt have similar usage rates of the same and different materials, so both contents were extracted, and many patterns were arranged in the top and the whole, but these three were extracted because there were increasing cases where there were no patterns. In the case of decoration, embroidery, pintuck, sakdong, applique, lace, ribbon on the top, silver foil and print on the skirt were extracted. Through this study, it was possible to propose a future Korean costume design model.
        2022.06 KCI 등재 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
        The purpose of this study is to investigate historical and geographical environments in the development of the Naxi costumes of Chinese ethnic minorities and their characteristics—including religious cultures and totem worship—and to suggest the direction of fashion design toward the modernization of traditional costumes. The research methodology involved the collection of materials and investigatation into the history, culture, and characteristics of Naxi costumes; in particular, the “seven-star” sheepskin cape, one of the Naxi people’s important ethnic costumes as demonstrated by the women’s clothing that has been designed in reflection of this traditional costume. The results are as follows. First, Naxi costumes are found to have overall coherence and distinct locality when retained in the process of modernizing the traditional costume. The theme of this work is titled “By the Light of the Moon and the Stars,” which is expressed in contemporary fashion by the use of grey and dark red against a background of black, a color preferred by the Naxi people. Second, the Naxi people’s seven-star sheepskin cape is a symbol of women’s clothing with its characteristic patterns, shapes, and colors, and it is subject to creative modernization while retaining its unique ethnic characteristics. Third, the work expresses the contemporary stylishness of the costume while maintaining the customary decorative accessories from the Naxi people’s traditional culture.
        2022.06 KCI 등재 SCOPUS 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
        This work provided a review of three techniques—(1) spectrochemical, (2) electrochemical, and (3) spectroelectrochemical– for molten salt medias. A spectroelectrochemical system was designed by utilizing this information. Here, we designed a spectroelectrochemical cell (SEC) and calibrated temperature controllers, and performed initial tests to explore the system’s capability limit. There were several issues and a redesign of the cell was accomplished. The modification of the design allowed us to assemble, align the system with the light sources, and successfully transferred the setup inside a controlled environment. A preliminary run was executed to obtain transmission and absorption background of NaCl-CaCl2 salt at 600°C. It shows that the quartz cuvette has high transmittance effects across all wavelengths and there were lower transmittance effects at the lower wavelength in the molten salt media. Despite a successful initial run, the quartz vessel was mated to the inner cavity of the SEC body. Moreover, there was shearing in the patch cord which resulted in damage to the fiber optic cable, deterioration of the SEC, corrosion in the connection of the cell body, and fiber optic damage. The next generation of the SEC should attach a high temperature fiber optic patch cords without introducing internal mechanical stress to the patch cord body. In addition, MACOR should be used as the cell body materials to prevent corrosion of the surface and avoid the mating issue and a use of an adapter from a manufacturer that combines the free beam to a fiber optic cable should be incorporated in the future design.
        2022.06 KCI 등재 SCOPUS 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
        The design of a wooden impact limiter equipped to a transportation cask for radioactive materials was optimized. According to International Atomic Energy Agency Safety Standards, 9 m drop tests should be performed on the transportation cask to evaluate its structural integrity in a hypothetical accident condition. For impact resistance, the size of the impact limiter should be properly determined for the impact limiter to absorb the impact energy and reduce the impact force. Therefore, the design parameters of the impact limiter were optimized to obtain a feasible optimal design. The design feasibility criteria were investigated, and several objectives were defined to obtain various design solutions. Furthermore, a probabilistic approach was introduced considering the uncertainties included in an engineering system. The uncertainty of material properties was assumed to be a random variable, and the probabilistic feasibility, based on the stochastic approach, was evaluated using reliability. Monte Carlo simulation was used to calculate the reliability to ensure a proper safety margin under the influence of uncertainties. The proposed methodology can provide a useful approach for the preliminary design of the impact limiter prior to the detailed design stage.