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        검색결과 26

        2019.02 서비스 종료(열람 제한)
        With the continuous development of northeast Asian integration, the establishment of free trade zones between China, Japan and South Korea has become a development trend. This paper USES the GTAP model to simulate the changes and impacts brought by the reduction of agricultural tariffs in the free trade zones of China, Japan and South Korea on agricultural trade. The research results show that: first, the gradual reduction of tariff barriers for agricultural products of China, Japan and Korea will have a greater trade effect on China; Second, the creation effect of China-south Korea trade is far greater than that of China and Japan. Third, the reduction of agricultural tariffs will promote the growth of the overall economic aggregate of the three countries and change the terms of trade.
        2018.08 서비스 종료(열람 제한)
        The rising of E-business and network trade has promoted the transform and new development of international trade. Due to this, this paper attempts to investigate the impact of E-business on international trade between China and South Korea. On the grounds of rapid development of E-business, the E-business is regarded as a determinant that can impact the international trade between China and South Korea. Meanwhile, the quarterly data form the first quarter of 2000 to the fourth quarter of 2017 are employed to conduct an empirical analysis under the vector auto-regressive model. The international trade between China and South Korea is treated as an independent variable. The E-business, the foreign direct investment and the real exchange rate are treated as dependent variables. Furthermore, a menu of statistic approaches such as the Granger causality test and the vector auto-regressive estimates will be used to testify the impact of E-business on international trade between China and South Korea. Via the Granger causality test, the results report that the E-business is major reason that can drive the development of international trade between China and South Korea. Through the vector auto-regressive estimates, the results also report that the E-business has a positive effect on international trade between China and South Korea. Furthermore, this paper provides a view that the E-business is a kind of a determinant that can promote the international trade between China and South Korea. Therefore, the China’s government should pay much attention to the infrastructure of E-business so as to enlarge the trade volume between China and South Korea.
        2017.08 서비스 종료(열람 제한)
        As China has gradually enhanced the levels of economic development and national income or consumption in recent years to increase the consumption of baby products, markets for high-quality baby products are spotlighted so that the scale of markets for baby products is predicted to grow from 180 million yuan in 2015 to more than 360 million yuan in 2020. In the trade of major baby products in China, milk powder is much larger in import than in export in that its imports reached 2.52 billion dollars in 2015, whereas its exports reached 8.46 million dollars. As the trade of baby diapers has tended to increase, their exports amounted to 1.92 billion dollars in 2015, whereas their imports amounted to 1.277 billion dollars. In the trade of baby clothes, of which knitting products were given important weight, their exports came to 3.23 billion dollars in 2015, whereas their imports came to 140 million dollars. In the trade of baby products in Korea, the exports of baby products had increased by 2.3 times during the recent period of 2011-2015, whereas their imports had increased by 1.4 times, as the items leading export and import increase were diapers, milk powder, and cosmetics. Of them, the exports of milk powder had increased by 3.1 times from 36.23 million dollars in 2011 to 112.26 million dollars in 2015 and the exports of diapers had increased greatly from 9.91 million dollars in 2011 to 143.13 million dollars in 2015, whereas the exports of baby clothes had decreased from 33.56 million dollars in 2011 to 28.91 million dollars in 2015 According to the current status of trading principal baby products between Korea and China, for 5 years during the period of 2011-2015, the exports of milk powder to China had increased by 3.9 times from 23.85 million dollars to 93.97 million dollars, so that they tend to increase continuously. Korea exports the largest diapers to China in that their exports had increased by 21.4 times from 5.50 million dollars to 117.63 million dollars for 5 years. In Korea’s trade of baby clothes with China, their exports reached 4.09 million dollars in 2015, whereas their imports reached 29.25 million dollars, so that their exports accounted for 14% of the total exports (based on 2015).
        2017.08 서비스 종료(열람 제한)
        "One belt, one road" initiative has the potential to create greater opportunities for the logistics sector in China-Korea FTA. According to the signing and negotiating of the China -Korea Free Trade Agreement will build a comprehensive institutional framework for the trade, investment and cooperation within the two countries, promote the opening of each others market and push forward the integral development and prosperity of the regional economy. The logistics related system in China is dispersed over different,regulations,international rules and technological specifications of every links of logistics;so there is the lack of system aticness,coordination,legal force and international perspective of this system. China should promote the standardization of logistics related system and regulation,establish an independent and uniformed logistics department,and accelerate amendment of related system to meet the requirement of the development of times.
        2014.02 서비스 종료(열람 제한)
        한·중 수교 전에 양국 간 교역은 홍콩을 경유한 간접교역 형태로 이루어져서 양국 간 교역액은 미미하였다. 1992년 8월 24일에는 한·중 수교가 이루어지면서 한국이 대중국 해외직접투자를 시작했다. 그리고 중국정부의 적극적인 외국인직접 투자 유치정책, 중국시장의 잠재력과 지리적 근접성, 조선족 노동력 활용의 용이성, 양국경제의 상호 보완성 등이 복합적으로 작용하여 중국은 한국기업이 가장선호하는 투자대상국이 되었다. 한국은 대중국직접투자의 산업별의 효과에 대해서는 지금까지 많은 논의가 있어서 본 연구는 중국의 1998-2011년 데이터를 이용하여 한국의 대중국직접투자와 지역별로 수출입에 미치는 영향을 분석하고 시사점을 찾아보고자 한다. 분석의 결과는 한국 대중국 외국인직접투자가 동부지역은 FDI의 유입이 중국 대한국의 수출입의 영향을 중·서부보다 효과가 크게 나타나다. 이러한 이유는 한국대중국 외국인직접투자가 동부 연해지역에 집중되기 때문이고 반면에 중·서부지역은 동부지역에 비해 중·서부지역의 경우 투자 환경 및 기반시설이 미비하여 외국인직접투자가 미미하다.
        2012.03 KCI 등재 서비스 종료(열람 제한)
        The economic exchanges have become increasingly frequent between China and Korea and the average annual growth rate of the total trade volume has increased by 30% since the establishment of diplomatic relations between the two countries. With the rapid economic growth and industrial upgrading of China , there are changes in the investment of Korea in China and domestic demand of China, and the trade structure of Sino- Korea has changed a lot in recent years. The changes have mainly manifested in the following aspects, including the increased proportion of high-tech products , raw materials and the intra-industry trade, the decreased proportion of consumer goods ,the inter-industry trade and the trade deficit of China. With the development of the situation of international economy, the scale of Korea and China trade will continue to expand and the structure of Korea and China trade will also keep on changing in the long run.
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