
한중경제문화연구 Korea-China Economic & Cultural Review 韓中經濟文化硏

이 간행물 논문 검색


vol. 12 (2019년 2월) 13

2019.02 서비스 종료(열람 제한)
With the continuous development of northeast Asian integration, the establishment of free trade zones between China, Japan and South Korea has become a development trend. This paper USES the GTAP model to simulate the changes and impacts brought by the reduction of agricultural tariffs in the free trade zones of China, Japan and South Korea on agricultural trade. The research results show that: first, the gradual reduction of tariff barriers for agricultural products of China, Japan and Korea will have a greater trade effect on China; Second, the creation effect of China-south Korea trade is far greater than that of China and Japan. Third, the reduction of agricultural tariffs will promote the growth of the overall economic aggregate of the three countries and change the terms of trade.
2019.02 서비스 종료(열람 제한)
In the context of the internationalization of higher education, "Sino-foreign cooperation in running a school" is a new mode of running a school arising from the cooperation between China and other countries or regions in the field of higher education. But the school-running mode in China is still in the exploration period, the research present situation and existing problems from China and South Korea's cooperation in running schools, by analyzing the current general situation of the China and South Korea cooperation in running schools, puts forward some problems existing in the China and South Korea in the process of cooperation in running schools, and in view of the questions related to thinking and Suggestions are given.
2019.02 서비스 종료(열람 제한)
At present, global warming has posed a greats challenge to human development and survival. The shortage of traditional fossil energy, such as oil and coal, is becoming ever serious. Against such backdrop, low-carbon economy comes into being. However, "low-carbon" economy first appeared in the official document "2003 White Paper" Our Energy Future: Creating Low-Carbon Economy". In 2006, the Stern Report, led by former World Bank Chief Economist Nicholas Stern, pointed out that the global investment of 1% of GDP per year could avoid the loss of 5% to 20% of GDP in the future, and it called for the global transition to a low-carbon economy. In July 2007, the United States Senate proposed the Low-Carbon Economy Act, indicating that the development path of low-carbon economy is expected to serve as an important strategic choice for the United States in the future. In 2008, the United Nations Environment Programme (UNEP) designated the theme of World Environment Day as "Transforming Traditional Concepts and Promoting a Low-Carbon Economy". Low-carbon economy refers to an economic development pattern that, minimizes the consumption of high-carbon energy such as coal and oil and reduces the emission of greenhouse gases by means of technological innovation, institutional innovation, industrial transformation, new energy development and other means, under the guidance of the concept of sustainable development, under the guidance of the concept of sustainable development, so as to achieve a win-win result between economic and social development and ecological and environmental protection.10) Operation and management is a series of management and operation activities carried out within an enterprise for the purpose of smooth implementation and effective adjustment of production, business, labor, financial and other businesses according to the business objectives. Enterprises should pay more attention to the impact of low carbon economy era on China's enterprise management, because it is a challenge as well as an opportunity, which rapidly actively develops the financial risk in the operation and management links, cost management, performance evaluation sets up the culture of enterprise of low carbon and coordinated development, changes the marketing idea, so as to help the enterprise stands on a low carbon economy era for the long-term development.
2019.02 서비스 종료(열람 제한)
In 1929, an American businessman wanted to put Mickey's image on a child's sketch pad, and since then, many animation companies have extended their work to commercial areas, promoting the advancement of their own industries. Since 1955, Disney has instilled its animated scenes, characters, and magic into the amusement parks in the United States, Japan, France, China's Shanghai and Hong Kong to build large-scale paradises. These parks contain several cartoon merchandise stores, in addition to catering and hotel services. Revenue from Disneyland theme parks currently comprise of 70% of Disney group's profits. Disney relies upon the influence of its own products and the development strategy of creative diversified merchandise. Disney is among the forefront of world-class entertainment media enterprises, and has become one of the hallmarks of the globalization of American culture.
2019.02 서비스 종료(열람 제한)
‘중국 전통예술'을 시역(視域)으로 '애니메이션영화 캐릭터 디자인'을 투시한 이 글은 중국의 초기 애니메이션 작품인 ‘대요천궁(大鬧天宮)’을 예로 들며, 구체적인 시공간적 상황 속에서, 전통희곡(傳統戲曲)예술, 회화예술, 전지예술(剪紙藝術)및 민악예술의 관점에서 접점을 만들어 보고, 전형적인 캐릭터를 분석하면서 '민족화(民族化)' 애니메이션 캐릭터의 디자인 핵심을 탐구한다. 또한 애니메이션 영화와 중국전통예술을 결합한 것은 살아있는 전승보호체계를 구축하는 중요한 조치중 하나이며, 산업육성, 홍보등을 통해 전통예술의 생명력과 영향력을 어느 정도 강화할 수 있다.
2019.02 서비스 종료(열람 제한)
With the increasingly mature development of China's Internet technology, China's e-commerce has developed, which has given a huge boost to China's economic growth. In recent years, mobile payment has become a bright spot in China's economy, promoting the further development of e-commerce. On the one hand, various e-commerce sales and service platforms in China have greatly developed and with Alibaba as the representative, the annual turnover of e-commerce sales platform has increased year by year. On the other hand, with the implementation of the "one belt and one way" policy, cross-border electricity providers have promoted China's trade with the world and become China's new economic growth point. This paper analyzes the current situation of e-commerce in China and puts forward Suggestions for the further development of e-commerce in China.
2019.02 서비스 종료(열람 제한)
In recent years, China has produced many excellent animation films. In this paper, we will explore the animation films: Monkey King: Hero Is Back, Big Fish and Begonia and Da Hu Fa. By comparing and contrasting these films, we will be able to discover their similarities and differences. Specifically in the aspect of animation script creation, the director pursued a stylized film creation and make a bold adaptation to the original stories. Regarding the animated character creation, the main characters are highly personalized and humanized. There are also many breakthroughs in the audio-visual language of animation. Domestic animation is no longer for children but also a viable entertainment option for adults.
2019.02 서비스 종료(열람 제한)
As a new-fashioned tourism style, Traditional Chinese Medicine (TCM) health tourism has been going through a more and more rapid development in recent years. The development of TCM health tourism of Shandong Province mainly depends on the unique TCM resources and profound TCM cultures in different regions. The exploitation of TCM health tourism can not only protect the unique TCM resources and inherit TCM culture, but also promote the economic development of the province. Based on the analysis of the related resources, exploitation present conditions and the problems emerged in the development of TCM health tourism in Shandong Province, this article put forward a frame proposal of industry-based, industry-leaded and tourism idea-guided development mode for the TCM health tourism development in Shandong Province, in order to achieve the goals of integrated development between TCM and health tourism in Shandong Province. This will be of quite significant strategies and measurements to the TCM health tourism development in Shandong Province.
2019.02 서비스 종료(열람 제한)
Education is the manifestation of culture, and is an important component part of culture. International education and international students are vital for the country’s economy. The trump administration, under the slogan "America first," overhauled the U.S. immigration policy that has been in place for nearly half a century, with the core idea of prioritizing immigrants who can succeed in the United States and stand on their own feet economically, ensuring that immigrants identify with American values. Stop immigration in areas where terrorism is rampant and background checks are difficult to carry out. Deport illegal immigrants and reduce the number of immigrants; Encourage "quality immigration", eliminate "link immigration", abolish the green card lottery system, adopt points system and so on. The new immigration policy triggered heated debate, the American higher education and strict immigration policy or a willingness to stay in the United States, will affect the students work visa or reform will lead to high quality international talent loss, cumbersome application program, or will affect the quality of education for international students, the policy of science and engineering major is preferred, or will affect balance of American colleges and universities. The implementation of the trump administration's new immigration policy will not only affect the development of education, but also change the international competition pattern of education.
2019.02 서비스 종료(열람 제한)
외국어로서의 한국어 교육에 관한 연구들이 문법 중심의 교육에 관심을 기울여 왔다. 외국어 교육에서 중요하고 기초가 되어야 할 어휘 교육에 대해 서는 소홀히 해 왔다는 것을 알 수 있다. 본 논문에서는 다의 동사를 중심으로 다의어를 설명하고 분석하여 효과적인 교수법을 모색하려고 한다. 결론은 다음과 같다. 지금 어휘 학습의 방법 중에 학습자가 가장 많이 사용하는 방법 또한 교재에 제시된 어휘를 암기하는 방법이다. 구체적인 학습 방법에 대해서는 많이 부족한 편이다. 학습자들이 다의어의 의미에 대한 인지가 아직 부족하다. 다의어의 다양하고 복잡한 의미 확장에 대한 체계가 이루어지지 않은 상황에서는 학습자들이 쉽게 사용하고 접할 수 있는 의미를 중심으로 어휘 확장이 이루어질 수 있도록 해야 한다는 것이다. 다의어의 교수법을 크게 의미 확장 원리에 근거한 교수법, 연어 관계를 활용한 교수법, 교실 활동을 통한 교수법으로 나누어 제시하겠다.
2019.02 서비스 종료(열람 제한)
Tourism catering water footprint is an important part of the tourism water footprint. The paper takes 17 cities in Shandong Province as the research object, draws on the relevant literature research results, combines the actual situation of tourism catering industry development in Shandong Province, establishes the water footprint measurement model of tourism catering industry in Shandong Province, and evaluates the tourism catering water footprint in Shandong Province. The results show that there is a large regional difference in the total amount of tourism catering water footprints in Shandong Province. The water consumption level of tourism catering industry in Shandong Province is decreasing year by year, and the utilization efficiency of tourism catering water resources is increasing year by year. The water consumption level of the tourism and catering industry in Shandong Province is generally high in the east, the second in the middle, and the low in the west.
2019.02 서비스 종료(열람 제한)
Modernization is an important stage in the process of human civilization. It is believed that Industrial Revolution of 18th century occurred in UK represents the starting point of modernization. This process occurs not only in the social changes of developed countries but also in the process taken by developing countries to catch up with the advanced countries after the Second World War. Developing China's modern industrial system typified by “Made in China 2025” is in line with world’s common practice and Chinese government’s aspiration of enhancing well-beings of its people. The study of modernization goes through a theoretical development process from classical modernization to the second modernization. China's modern industrial system policy making complements and improves the classical modernization process. It is also a strategy aimed at keeping up with and leading the second modernization process. From the perspective of theoretical application, China's modern industrial system is a compound mode of industrial modernization. Based on the review of modernization theory, this paper studies the policy evolution of China's modern industrial system and comprehensively evaluates its policies. In the policy evolution part, China’s different industrial policies in the stages of planned economy and market economy are distinguished, based on an explanation to the concept description of China's "modern industrial system" proposed by the 19th National Congress of the Central Committee of the Communist Party of China and the meaning of various policy elements. The comprehensive evaluation of China's modern industrial system includes characteristic evaluation, effect evaluation and spillover evaluation. This research aims at helping other countries to gain a better understanding of China's modern industrial system.
2019.02 서비스 종료(열람 제한)
최근 국경 간 전자상거래 수출은 중국 수출 비즈니스의 중요한 요인으로 성장하고 있다. 정보 기술의 발전과 함께 중국의 국경 간 전자상거래 수출은 급속하게 성장을 하고 있다. 그러나 중국의 국경 간 전자상거래 수출 기업들은 또한 몇 가지 도전에 직면하고 있다. 따라서 중국의 국경간 전자상거래 수출 기업들의 현황 및 당면한 문제들을 분석하는 것은 그 기업들이 딜레마를 벗어나는데 유용할 것이다. 본 연구는 PEST와 4P 전략을 포함한 마케팅 분석 도구를 사용하여 중국의 국경 간 전자상거래 기업들을 둘러싸는 내부 및 외부 환경을 분석하고, 그 마케팅 전략에 존재하는 문제들을 지적한다. 중국의 국경 간 전자상거래 수출 전략을 개선하기 위한 제안들이 본 연구에서 제안된다. 본 연구의 성과는 선행 연구의 갭을 채우는 것뿐만 아니라 또한 중국의 국경 간 전자상거래 수출 기업들로 하여금 그들의 시장을 보다 효과적으로 확대하는데 시사점을 주고자 한다.