
한중경제문화연구 Korea-China Economic & Cultural Review 韓中經濟文化硏

이 간행물 논문 검색


vol. 21 (2023년 2월) 16

2023.02 서비스 종료(열람 제한)
With the development of the times, Chinese traditional culture not only has a positive impact on the economy, but also restricts the development of the economy. The cultural heritage and development of a country depends to a certain extent on its own strength. Traditional culture is cultural and national, but also non-renewable. In the current international trade, traditional culture and international trade are mutually influenced, and the relationship between the two is inseparable. The position of cultural industry and related cultural commodities in international trade is becoming more and more important. Under the influence of economic globalization, the international cultural product trade market is constantly expanding, and a series of problems arising from this need to be highly valued. We should strengthen cultural exchanges, promote the development of economic exchanges, reduce differences between languages, and attach importance to the development of science and technology. Only with good material life and advanced science and technology can cultural trade have a considerable market and attractiveness. At the same time, the problem of cultural barriers cannot be underestimated. Traditional culture needs to be managed carefully, and one’s own culture needs to be carefully maintained. Only by fully protecting traditional culture and making it continue to develop can we continue to create traditional cultural products.
2023.02 서비스 종료(열람 제한)
The RCEP rules are the basic guarantee for the settlement of international trade competition disputes. Only by establishing fair competition in relevant markets can the objectives of the Free trade Agreement be fully realized. Therefore, we should study the RCEP rules and summarize the shortcomings of the RCEP rules. In view of these deficiencies, a scientific and reasonable solution to the RCEP international competition dispute settlement rules will be found to solve the practical difficulties existing in the relevant rules of international competition dispute settlement, so as to promote the better realization of the objectives and purposes of international competition dispute settlement, and ultimately provide a fair market environment for further promoting the development of foreign trade of all countries.
2023.02 서비스 종료(열람 제한)
The recent introduction of numerous outstanding tabletop games from Europe and America, coupled with the thriving domestic tabletop game crowdfunding platforms, highlights the huge potential of the board game market in China. Additionally, studies have demonstrated that board games not only provide leisure and entertainment, but also have a positive impact on children’s education, corporate management, and the medical field. However, the Chinese board game industry is facing certain challenges in the digital age. The lack of excellent domestic board game works, designers, and brands are hindering its development. This paper examines the Chinese tabletop game brands from a digital perspective and offers suggestions for the building of strong Chinese board game brands.
2023.02 서비스 종료(열람 제한)
Since the establishment of diplomatic relations between China and South Korea in 1992, the development speed of bilateral economic and trade relations is getting faster and faster, and the quality is getting higher and higher. According to the United Nations Commodity Trade Statistics Database, China became the largest trading partner of South Korea in 2018, while South Korea became the third largest trading partner of China. Under the background of the Belt and Road Initiative, the trade of agricultural products between China and South Korea has become increasingly frequent. This paper discusses the measurement of agricultural trade level between China and South Korea, and analyzes the influencing factors for reference.
2023.02 서비스 종료(열람 제한)
Over the past 40 years of reform and opening up, China’s use of foreign direct investment (FDI) has had all-round, multilevel, and wide-ranging implications. In the early stages of reform and opening up to attract foreign capital inflow to the country, relatively strong tax-preferential policies were implemented. The main purpose of this study is to analyze the impacts of FDI and foreign-related taxation on China’s total tax revenues as well as explore the direct and indirect effects of FDI on China’s taxation over the last 40 years to compare the contributions of FDI in different regions of China. Based on the results, some suggestions are proposed for the adjustment of China’s policies to promote foreign capital inflow in the future; moreover, suggestions are also provided for using foreign capital to stabilize employment and foreign trade, while promoting taxation.
2023.02 서비스 종료(열람 제한)
The ongoing impact of global inflation, economic pressures and the current complex international geopolitical and trade situation have created new challenges for international settlement activities, including debt recovery. One of the characteristics of international documentary collections is to obtain payment mainly relies on the commercial credit of the payer, rather than the bank’s bank credit, so the risk is relatively high. We use the typical stationery misuse -- from the perspective of export companies -- to analyze the problems and risks of stationery itself, and put forward relevant measures to avoid and evade risks. We hope that practitioners living in this field can learn from it.
2023.02 서비스 종료(열람 제한)
Based on the perspective of cultural protection and non-material cultural heritage, this paper probes into the regional history and cultural characteristics of Bashu and explores the origin and evolution of Emei Wushu culture. Emei Wushu culture as an important part of Chinese culture, in the process of rendering traditional national culture, Emei Wushu’s survival status quo appears difficult. With the development of society, the value and function of Emei Wushu become imperceptible, and the functional excavation of Emei Wushu becomes the culture miniature of the practitioners. Therefore,the comprehensive protection of Wushu intangible cultural heritage has become an urgent problem. Through the analysis of Emei Wushu’s technological style and characteristics, this paper explores the problems existing in the development of Emei Wushu and how to protect its intangible cultural heritage more comprehensively.
2023.02 서비스 종료(열람 제한)
Today, with the deepening cooperation between China and South Korea on public service advertising, it is very necessary to conduct a comparative study on public service advertising between China and South Korea. Due to the cultural differences between China and South Korea, there are certain differences in the theme, appeal methods and audience acceptance psychology of public service advertisements. This paper makes a comparative analysis of the two countries’ TV public service advertisements, aiming to explore the different presentation of theme design, creativity, appeal performance and advertising effect in the two countries’ TV public service advertisements and analyze the influencing factors of the difference formation, as well as to analyze and discuss the development strategies of Chinese and Korean public service advertisements.
2023.02 서비스 종료(열람 제한)
The art field of contemporary society is developing rapidly, and digital media is developing at a high speed. The installation art, which is rooted in contemporary art, has gradually become an important art form of new media art with its unique conceptual, experimental, on-site and interactive nature. In the late 20th century, the media scene has become more diversified with the development of science and technology, and the creation form and content of installation art have been more fully developed, and once became the patent of avant-garde fashion designers. On this basis, with the help of outdoor art behavior, the article makes an in-depth exploration and research on the integration and development of digital media technology and installation art.
2023.02 서비스 종료(열람 제한)
The art field of contemporary society is developing rapidly, and digital media is developing at a high speed. The installation art, which is rooted in contemporary art, has gradually become an important art form of new media art with its unique conceptual, experimental, on-site and interactive nature. In the late 20th century, the media scene has become more diversified with the development of science and technology, and the creation form and content of installation art have been more fully developed, and once became the patent of avant-garde fashion designers. On this basis, with the help of outdoor art behavior, the article makes an in-depth exploration and research on the integration and development of digital media technology and installation art.
2023.02 서비스 종료(열람 제한)
With the continuous rise of China-Chic culture in recent years, a cultural atmosphere with Chinese characteristics has poured into people’s minds. The emergence of Chinese cartoon has also led to a new trend in China’s animation derivatives. Animation derivatives are an indispensable part of the cultural and creative industries. The creation of relevant brands of China’s animation derivatives can reshape the cohesion of the animation derivatives industry, but China’s animation derivatives brands lack fresh blood. This article will discuss how Chinese animation derivatives, under the influence of China-Chic culture, can be put into the brand design boom with national flavor.
2023.02 서비스 종료(열람 제한)
농촌진흥 전략, 농촌발전 전략, 농민의 자체적 발전, 풍부한 농촌의 음식자원과 방대한 관광객 시장, 다양한 농촌관광 수요 등의 요인의 작용 하에 중국 농촌 음식관광은 점차 발전하면서 관광촌, 특색마을, 음식축제 등 세 가지 발전의 모델을 갖게 되었다. 그러나 중국 농촌 음식관광의 발전은 정책 및 관리, 관광객 시장, 문화적 함의의 결여, 부족한 브랜드 의식 등의 문제에 의한 제약을 받고 있다. 이러한 문제를 해결하기 위하여 중국 농촌 음식관광의 발전은 시장의 수요 및 농촌관광 발전 추세에 부응한다는 전제 하에 계획적 지도와 부처 간 협력,정책적 지원과 제도 개선,건전한 농촌 음식관광 관련 법체계 구축,음식관광 관련 인재 육성 강화,지역 간 연동과 차별화된 발전,관광객 시장 개척과 브랜드 구축,문화와의 융합을 통한 내부 소양의 발전,요리 교육 등의 조치를 취하여야 한다.
2023.02 서비스 종료(열람 제한)
세계자연유산은 자연이 인류에게 가져다 준 소중한 자원이다. 중국 옌청황해습지 (中国盐城黄海 湿地)가 세계자연유산으로 등재된 후 인지도가 급속히 높아져 유산 지역을 보호하고 합리적으로 개발 이용하는 것이 관심의 초점으로 되고 있다. 본 논문에서는 옌청황해습지의 개황과 의미, 가치를 서술하는 기초위에서 이 유산 지역의 관광 상품화의 현황과 문제점을 좀 더 분석하고 관광 제도, 정책 지원, 브랜드 이미지 정립 및 마케팅 강화 측면에서 관광지 활성화 방안을 제시하고자 한다.
2023.02 서비스 종료(열람 제한)
본 논문에서는 2000년-2020년까지 중국의 연구개발비 투자와 기술비지니스 창업보육센터가 R&D 투자 성과에 미치는 영향에 관하여 분석하였다. R&D는 한 나라 경제의 지속적 성장을 위한 필수적인 요소로 자본과 노동의 추가 투입에 의한 경제성장이 점차 한계에 접어드는 경제구조에 있어서는 더욱 중요한 요소로 인식되고 있다. 올해 3분기 중국의 경제성장률이 3.9%로 예상을 뛰어넘기는 했지만 여전히 4% 미만으로 이전의 고성장 국면으로 반등이 어려울 것으로 예측되고 있다. 무역이 경제성장의 절대적인 요소로 자리매김하는 우리나라의 경우에는 중국이 세계 경제성장의 1/3 이상을 담당하는 상황에서 중국의 경제성장률 둔화는 부담스러울 수밖에 없다. 중국의 R&D 투자를 살펴보고 R&D 활동을 통한 산출물을 분석함으로써 중국 경제의 지속적인 성장 가능성은 논하고자 한다.
2023.02 서비스 종료(열람 제한)
본 논문은 해외의 연구성과를 분석하여 중국의 삼림 휴양 건설 계획에 대한 시사점을 모색하였다. 본 논문은 해외 삼림 휴양 산업 시스템 계획을 바탕으로 다음과 같이 연구한다. 첫째, 삼림 휴양의 개념, 내용 및 삼림 휴양 시스템의 발전 현황을 포함하여 삼림 휴양 및 실제 운용에 대하여 검토한다. 둘째, 해외 삼림 휴양 소도시와 기지 등 사례에 대한 분석과 연구를 통하여 삼림 휴양과 관련된 건설내용을 총결하고 해외 선진 삼림 휴양 시스템의 건설계획 개념과 실행 경험을 분석한다. 셋째, 삼림 휴양 소도시의 건강관리 기능, 계획, 경관, 문화 등 설계이념과 시각, 청각, 후각, 촉각, 미각 등 오감을 포함한 자연자원을 분석하여 휴양 소도시의 자원상황에 대해 기본적인 내용을 파악한다. 마지막으로 독일 바덴바덴 온천 삼림 소도시 프로젝트 기지 계획 현황, 휴양 상품 개발 현황, 휴양 문화, 환경 및 시설의 장점에 대한 연구를 진행하고, 해외 선진 휴양 소도시의 건설과정에서의 선진성과 시사성을 분석하여 독일 삼림 휴양 소도시의 건설분석을 바탕으로 중국 삼림 휴양 소도시의 향후 건설 및 계획시 방법, 목표 및 방향을 명확히 한다.
2023.02 서비스 종료(열람 제한)
본 연구는 서브 헬스의 원인, 증상 및 위험성에 대한 인지와 이해를 통해 서브 헬스 치료를 위한 심리적인 이완 운동을 탐색하였다. 그중 노래 부르기가 신체적, 정신적 건강 치료에 효과가 있음을 발견하고 선행 연구 중 학계 연구자들이 검증한 것을 참고하여 이를 분석하고 논리적으로 서브 헬스 및 치료의 과학적 역할을 논증해 노래 부르기가 건강에 실제로 효과가 있음을 입증하였다.