
결과 내 재검색





        검색결과 26

        1996.09 KCI 등재 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
        Time-temperature relationship and microbiological quality were assessed and critical control points were identified through hazard analysis during the phases of production in two different packaged meals (Dosirak) manufacturing establishments (A, B:Kim Pab). Microbiological tests on foods, equipments and utensils were done according to standard procedures and included total plate count, coliforms and fecal coliforma. The results of the study are summarized as follows : time-temperature control management was needed because timetemperature abuse more than 8 hours at dangerous temperature zone (5-60℃) was observed from pre-preperation to distribution phase; Poor sanitary practices of employees were observed in hand washing and using disposable gloves; Microbiological analysis results of equipments and utensils showed possible cross-contamination risks when foods were contacted with them; Kim Pab needed thorough quality control because it included various mixed ingredients of cooked and uncooked and had many apportunities of cross-contamination either by equipments or hands through whole production processes.
        2018.11 KCI 등재 서비스 종료(열람 제한)
        This study was conducted to establish scores according to the importance levels of each HACCP evaluation item in cattle farm. The importance levels and score of each HACCP evaluation item was derived through the non-compliance rate and severity levels of hazard. In order to change the score criteria according to the importance of each HACCP evaluation item, we analyzed the importance of each HACCP evaluation item by using the portfolio mapping method according to the occurrence frequency and severity levels of hazard. The scores were classified into 3 point, 2 point, and 1 point, respectively, by classifying the importance of each category as ‘high’, ‘middle’ and ‘lower’. Accordingly, we have established a now scoring system of each HACCP evaluation item through this study. Through the result of this study, the objectivity of the comparative evaluation was verified by implementing the currently used HACCP evaluation item to the cattle farm. In conclusion, Implementation of the result of this study to cattle farm may help to increase the objectivity and also improve more safety and hygienic cattle management and raw milk production.
        2018.08 KCI 등재 서비스 종료(열람 제한)
        본 연구는 HACCP 제도를 적용하고 있는 소규모, 중규모, 대규모 양돈농장의 HACCP 제도 적용 전과 후의 폐사율을 비교분석하기 위한 목적으로 실시하였다. 본 연구를 위하여 전국에 산재한 60개의 양돈농장(소규모, 중규모, 대규모 양돈농장 각각 20개)을 선별하였다. 선별된 양돈농장의 평균 사육두수는 소규모 1,429.72두, 중규모 양돈농장은 3,392.95두 그리고 대규모 양돈농장은 1,034.60두로 조사되었다. 폐사 원인 구분은 호흡기로 인한 폐사, 설사로 인한 폐사, 유산 및 사산으로 인한 폐사, 사고로 인한 폐사 그리고 기타 폐사로 구분하여 분류하였다. 소규모 농장의 평균 폐사두수는 HACCP 적용 전 373.25두로 조사되었으나 HACCP 적용 후에는 334.49두로 통계적 유의성 없이 감소하였다. 중규모 농장은 HACCP 적용 전에 평균 615.09두가 폐사하였으나 HACCP 적용 후에는 558.09두로 유의적으로 감소하였다. 또한 대규모 양돈농장도 HACCP 적용 전에는 평균 폐사두수가 887.17두에서 HACCP 적용 후에는 696.56두로 21.60%가 감소한 것으로 조사되었다. 이러한 결과는 HACCP 제도 중 선행요건프로그램에 해당되는 농장방역, 소독, 사육환경관리, 체계적인 시설 및 위생관리, 질병관리 등으로 인하여 나타나는 효과인 것으로 판단된다.
        2017.08 KCI 등재 서비스 종료(열람 제한)
        The purpose of this study was to analyze the purpose, effectiveness and problems of HACCP system implementation for small, medium and large scale of swine farms implementing HACCP. Small and medium scale swine farms stated that the primary purpose of HACCP implementation was to receive government funding, but large scale swine farm was answered to improve the farm's competitiveness. In the case of small farms, the effect of HACCP implementation responded to systematic farm management as the top priority, while mid-scale and large-scale swine farms were said to improve farm sanitation. In addition, the biggest problems caused by the implementation of HACCP were the difficulty of improving the consciousness of the employees (small farm) and the records management (medium scale, large farm) by HACCP implementation. In order to solve these problems, it is necessary to adjust the number of HACCP evaluation items of pig farm and HACCP education for employees.
        2017.06 KCI 등재 서비스 종료(열람 제한)
        본 연구는 양돈농장에 HACCP 제도 도입이 폐사두수에 미치는 영향과 HACCP 제도 적 용 목적 및 장․단점을 분석하기 위한 목적으로 실시하였다. HACCP 제도 적용 전․후에 따 른 돼지의 폐사두수 변화는 HACCP 제도 적용 전 호흡기와 설사로 인한 폐사두수가 각각 288.30두와 122.90두로 나타났으나 HACCP 적용 후에는 각각 261.60두와 101.10두로 감소하 는 것으로 나타났다. 또한 유․사산, 사고사 및 기타 폐사두수는 HACCP 적용 전에 각각 91.08두, 18.22두, 108.10두로 나타났으나 HACCP 적용 후에는 85.91두, 16.37두, 108.60두로 조사되었다. 따라서 총 폐사두수는 HACCP 적용 전 628.70두에서 HACCP 적용 후 573.60두 로 감소하였다. 양돈농장의 HACCP 적용 목적 중 1순위와 2순위는 각각 농장의 경쟁력 향 상(26.92%)와 위생적이고 안전한 돼지생산(23.43%)인 것으로 나타났다. 또한 HACCP 적용 에 따른 가장 큰 장점으로는 농장의 위생관리 수준 향상(20.90%)이었으며, 단점은 HACCP 기록(23.10%)으로 조사되었다.
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