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        검색결과 491

        1999.06 KCI 등재 서비스 종료(열람 제한)
        Yeo, Kyunghee. 1999. The Effects of Focus on Form in Elementary EFL Class. Studies in Modern Grammar 16, 221-236. In the history of second language teaching, the synthetic approach, in which parts of the language are taught separately and step by step, and the analytic approach, which advocates the incidental learning in meaning-oriented context, have been rivaled. Recently, focus on form (not focus on forms) which stands in the middle of the synthetic and analytic approaches, is spotlighted by several researchers. Focus on form draws learner`s attention to linguistic features as they arise incidentally in lessons whose main focus is on meaning or communication. In order to testify the effects of focus on form in EFL situation, an experiment of which the targeted linguistic feature was English plural -s was conducted in this paper. The results show that focus on form in the form of input enhancement through children`s games worked in grade four English class of elementary school. Especially the progress in accuracy of plurals was significant in comprehension test. It can be concluded that the appropriate focus on form activities are feasible and helpful in elementary English class.
        1997.06 KCI 등재 서비스 종료(열람 제한)
        In this paper, important parameters of fast catamaran hull form are investigated. Praticularly, length-displacement ratio, demihull spacing, trim and hull form on resistance performance are analyzed. Also, the usefulness of SHIPFLOW program for hull form development is studied. The computed results by using SHIPFLOW program are compared with experimental results in model test.
        1994.11 KCI 등재 서비스 종료(열람 제한)
        In marine transportation of bulk cargoes such as crude oil. ore, coal etc., a lot of full form ship which have poor manoeuvrability were presented in many countries. Since ship manoeuvrability depends upon many parameters namely hydrodynamic derivatives, interference factors etc., as external forces, it is of great importance that we investigate these values of parameters on analysis of manoeuvrability. In this paper, we investigated and analyzed interaction coefficients among hull-propeller-rudder for a full form ship by captive model test in circulating water channel, and then compared with experimental results by PMM test. A tanker model ship which has 0.83 as block coefficient and MMG mathematical models were used in this experiment. Almost same tendencies were found in qualitative analysis, even though more serial experiments were demanded in quantitative analysis.
        1992.09 KCI 등재 서비스 종료(열람 제한)
        Handling performance of a vessel is greatly related with her steering characteristics which consist of two kinds of motion characteristics ; namely course stability and turning ability. The correct prediction of the qualities, especially the steering characteristics is as much important in ship handling as in ship design. It is the purpose of this paper to provide ships handlers better understanding of steering characteristics and then to help them in safe controlling and maneuvering of vessels presenting distinct inherent steering characteristic difference that lies between a fine-form vessel and full-form vessel. The authors calculated dynamic course stabilities of two kinds of ideal models, one of which represents a fine-form ship and the other a full-form ship, based on hydrodynamic data of forces and moments obtained by model tests in maneuvering tanks. The result of calculations indicated that a ship of full-form configuration has inhernet course instability. Though significant nonlinearties affect ship montions in maneuvers, application of linear theory is sufficient for prediction of the maneuvering characteristics of vessels on calm waters for handling reference.
        1991.09 KCI 등재 서비스 종료(열람 제한)
        The analysis and investigation are described for White's[2] equations compared to the equations of Runeburg[3] and Milano[5] for continuous icebreaking mode, Tunik[8-1] and Ghoneim[8-2] for ramming icebreaking mode. Calculation results compare reasonably well with published model-scale and full-scale icebreaker data by Baker[1] and Dick[11]. During continuous and ramming mode operation, using characteristics of an incebreaker, down ward force on ice and standard ice thickness broken are predicted. Additionally draft, trim and extraction difficulty are also predicted. The bow part line of an icebreakin gply vessel is designed aiming to maximize the ice breaking capabiltiy as following conditions-low bow angle[20 degrees] at designed waterline, small spread angle complement [6 degrees] at designed waterline, small spread angle complement [6 degrees] and high propeller thrust [220tons]. with plow, two reamers and wave type bumper.
        1988.03 KCI 등재 서비스 종료(열람 제한)
        The high aluminous meta-claystones are thinly bedded to metasedimentary rocks which belong to Chununsan Formation. Major high aluminous minerals in the ores ae andalusite, kaolinite and pyrophyllite. The other significant constituents are sericite, chloritoid and carbonaceous material, etc. Ores can be classified into 4 types according to mineral compositions; andalusite- kolinite-sericite, andalusite-kaolinite-chloritoid, kaolinite-sericite-pyrophyllite, and kaolinite-chloritoid-sericite ore. The formation of ore minerals are resulted from sedimentary, diagenetic, metamorphic and hydrothermal processes. Andalusite are formed by low-grade metamorphism under the conditions of 400~500℃ and below 4kb, from the view-point of mineral stability field, illite-mica crystallinity and graphitization degree of the carbonaceous material. Andalusites are partly altered to kaolinite, forming major mineral phase in the ores.