
현대문법연구 KCI 등재 Studies in Modern Grammar

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제16권 (1999년 6월) 10

1999.06 서비스 종료(열람 제한)
Kim, Yong-Ha. 1999. Scrambling and Economy of Representation. Studies in Modern Grammar 16, 1-38. Scrambling is known to have mixed properties of A-movement and A´-movement. One of the defining characteristics of A-scrambling is that scrambled elements can bind anaphors in their c-command domain. On the other hand, A´-scrambling has the undoing property, which can be best attributed to the reconstniction effect and hence is a typical A`-movement property. Work in the minimalist program generally explains these dual properties of scrambling by assuming that there are two kinds of scrambling in the fast place. However, it is very dubious to treat seemingly identical operations as different ones. Thus, it seems reasonable to take a unified approach to scrambling if there is any possible way to do. In this paper, we suggest a unified way of explaining the dual properties of scrambling in the framework of Chomsky`s (1995) minimalist program. We regards scrambling as a case of MSC. The unique feature of scrambling, under our approach, is that its identity as A-movement or A´-movement is not determined a priori. Rather, scrambled elements are only affected by deleted strong features of functional heads. What is predicted from our approach is that scrambling can take place only when all necessary feature-checking is completed.
1999.06 서비스 종료(열람 제한)
Yong-Suk. 1999. Syntax of Wh-Interrogatives: A Minimalist Perspective. Studies in Modern Grammar16, 39-88. This paper argues for two kinds of minimalist proposals concerning the constructions of wh-interrogatives: (i) the computational system of human language (C_(HL)) guarantees the same LF forms for wh-interrogatives of natural languages in accordance with the minimalist principle of poverty of interface interpretation, and (ii) the mechanism of unselective binding must be embodied as an LF principle for the scope-interpretation of wh-in-situ`s in multiple wh-interrogatives. The argumentation here proves that, for wh-interrogatives in English and Korean, the minimalist version of Kim`s (1988, 1990) LF uniformity hypothesis, proposed in this paper, must be adopted against such competing analyses as are suggested by Chomsky (1981, 1980, 1995), Huang (1982), Pesetsky (1982, 1984, 1987), Lasnik & Saito (1984), May (1985), Aoun (1985, 1986), Nishigauchi (1986), Choe (1987) and Watanabe (1992, 1993) among others, implying, from the perspective of minimalist assumptions, that the Q-.feature in C is virtually [-interpretable] at LF in all natural languages.
1999.06 서비스 종료(열람 제한)
Kim Young-roung. 1999. A Minimalist Analysis of Weak Crossover Effects. Studies in Modern Grammar 16, 89-101. This paper aims to find out a more persuasive theory of a weak crossover principle by comparing some linguists` arguments concerning crossover phenomena. By reviewing various examples regarding weak/strong crossover and linking preferred to coindexation, this paper shows that a minimalist explanation of linking renders it possible to account for weakest crossover data without the use of null epithets, while scrutinizing the environments of the so-called weakest crossover phenomena. A linking approach can finesse weak crossover effects. This paper also notes that the constructions with psych verbs are judged more acceptable than those without psych verbs. Following Chomsky`s (1993) assumption that objects move out of the VP to Spec AgrO for case-checking at LF, we can find further evidence favoring a linking approach to weak crossover effects.
1999.06 서비스 종료(열람 제한)
Lee Jae-Choel. 1999. The Locality Condition of Movement. Studies in Modern Grammar 16, 103-119. The main purpose of this paper is to point out the problems of the shortest move requirement and the Attract-F proposed in Chomsky (1993) and Chomsky (1995) respectively, and to propose an alternative. The existing locality conditions restrict the domain of either the moving elements or the feature checkers. But both approaches cannot explain Islands Violations, Superraing and Crossing Effects. To solve these problems, I argued that the existing Attract-F requirement be maintained as the locality condition of feature checkers, but the Minimal Link Condition be required as independent locality condition of moving elements. In contrast with Chomsky(1995), I assume that [+WH] feature of Wh-phrases is [-interpretable] in order to explain the asymmetries of Islands Violations and Crossing Effects.
1999.06 서비스 종료(열람 제한)
Hakyeon Kim. 1999. An Optimality Analysis of Null Arguments. Studies in Modern Grammar 16, 121-138. The aim of this paper is to survey the distribution of null subjects and null objects found in Korean and to show that the previous approaches to explain their licensing have not been so successful. We will also show that the licensing of the null arguments are better explained through the methodology of Optimality theory. In accordance with the optimality theory, the constraint ranking such as DropTopic = Parse or DropTopic >> Parse can solve the problems remained in control theory and Huang`s generalized control rule because by changing the constraint ranking even the pro-drop parameters can be explained better. Particularly the asymmetry found in the licensing of null subjects and null objects can be solved with a couple of constraints. However, there remain some detailed problems in the licensing related with pragmatic context and some idiosyncratic features of individual word. And further research for the interpretation of null arguments in Optimality methodology is expected.
1999.06 서비스 종료(열람 제한)
Im Che-Gyong. 1999. Interpretation of "-self": An Optimality Theoretic Approach. Studies in Modern Grammar 16, 139-159. The distribution and the interpretation of the English reflexive "-self" have been controversial among scholars since it was first suggested in Chomsky (1980, 1982). In this paper, we try to show that the English reflexives can be divided into two groups: core vs. non-core reflexives, adopting Webelhuth`s (1995) suggestion. Core reflexives are the ones which obey the Binding Principles at morpho-syntactic level and non-core reflexives are the ones which are used logophorically in a discourse. We argue that as long as the interpretation of a reflexive is finding its antecedent, a non-core reflexive has its prominent antecedent in a dicourse. The hedges to maintain the Principles of Binding can be converted into the constraints of Optimality Theory, the hierarchy of which plays the decisive role to select the optimal candidate for the antecedent of a reflexive. To select the optimal antecedent of non-core reflexives, we suggest a pragmatic constraint which can save the logophoric use of the reflexives. We also suggest that if those constraints are ranked properly, not only the interpretation of core and non-core reflexives can be obtained in a systematic way but their complementary distribution can be clarified as well.
1999.06 서비스 종료(열람 제한)
Kim Myung-Bae. 1999. An Optimality Theoretic Approach to Clitic Sequences in Italian. Studies in Modern Grammatical Theories 16, 161-180. Clitic Sequences in the Romance languages have been the subject of much work in generative linguistics with respect to their morphosyntactic properties and their phonological properties. The purpose of this paper is to examine the clitic sequences in Italian in the framework of Optimality Theory. I will examine how clitics combine and which clitics are chosen when their combination is prohibited. I will show that the conditions on the combination of clitics are best formulated as morphological constraints on the clitic sequences within an Optimality Theoretical Account. Thus, with the morphological constraint ranking I will explain both the order of clitics and the combinatory conditions on clitic sequences in Italian. I will show where the opaque clitics originate from in Italian. Then I will demonstrate how the phonological constraint ranking can explain the opaque clitics in Italian. Finally, I will suggest a tentative ranking for these types of constraints to select the optimal clitic sequence in just one evaluation process.
1999.06 서비스 종료(열람 제한)
Park Boon-Joo. 1999. The Syntactic Category of Small Clause. Studies in Modern Grammar 16, 181-198. This paper shows briefly some kinds of small clause syntactic categories that is, S category in Chomsky (1981) and Rothestein (1983), S` category in Kitagawa (1985), INFL` category in Homtstein & Lightfoot (1987), IP category and PrP category in Bowerss (1993). Among these I take the PrP category of Bowers (1993) and show the advantages and evidences of this category. The advantages of this category are i) it gives the uniform structural definition to the definition of external argument and predication relation for the SC and main clause. ii) it solves the problem of finding an appropriate dominating node for SC constructions within the framework of X-bar theory. iii) it can make keep the uniform in X` theory. iv) it solves the `as` in SC. And this category has evidences in coordination structure and the positions of adverbs. Finally I try to find Korean small clauses and analyse according to the types of predicates to clarify the syntactic and semantic properties different from English SC. I include these properties and applied PrP category to Korean SC.
1999.06 서비스 종료(열람 제한)
Kwon Young-Moon. 1999. Meaning Aspects of Complex Expressions. Studies in Modern Grammar 16, 199-219. The purpose of this study is to examine the meaning aspects of complex expressions. Complexity in thought tends to be reflected in complexity of expression. A complex expression has added morphemes or cannot neutralize in meaning in contexts that the almost equivalent expression can. Iconic motivation is reflected in linguistic expressions such as followings: singular - plural, affirmative negative, male - female, present - nonpresent, state - change of state, noun - pronoun, adjective - adverb, positive - comparative - superlative, cardinal - ordinal, and so on. The complexity principle is based on cognitive factors such as attention, priority, mental efforts, and so forth. To structuralize language through conceptualization is cognitively efficient, and it helps us to communicate with each other efficiently.
1999.06 서비스 종료(열람 제한)
Yeo, Kyunghee. 1999. The Effects of Focus on Form in Elementary EFL Class. Studies in Modern Grammar 16, 221-236. In the history of second language teaching, the synthetic approach, in which parts of the language are taught separately and step by step, and the analytic approach, which advocates the incidental learning in meaning-oriented context, have been rivaled. Recently, focus on form (not focus on forms) which stands in the middle of the synthetic and analytic approaches, is spotlighted by several researchers. Focus on form draws learner`s attention to linguistic features as they arise incidentally in lessons whose main focus is on meaning or communication. In order to testify the effects of focus on form in EFL situation, an experiment of which the targeted linguistic feature was English plural -s was conducted in this paper. The results show that focus on form in the form of input enhancement through children`s games worked in grade four English class of elementary school. Especially the progress in accuracy of plurals was significant in comprehension test. It can be concluded that the appropriate focus on form activities are feasible and helpful in elementary English class.