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        검색결과 61

        2020.06 KCI 등재 서비스 종료(열람 제한)
        This study investigated the relationship analysis between wheat cultivated area and the climate data in Sindh province of Pakistan. The extraction of wheat cultivation area is detected using the remote sensing technique. The analysis of the study area reveals the annual mean maximum and the mean minimum temperature tends to risen with a large range of changes. The trend of average annual precipitation showed a large change, thus it was confirmed that the increase and decrease yield of wheat were depend on the various growth periods of wheat crop. The most influential factors are the annual mean precipitation and the annual mean minimum temperature at the seedling stage of wheat crop. The annual precipitation, annual mean maximum, and the annual mean minimum temperature are significant at the growth period. The annual mean maximum and the annual mean minimum temperatures are significant during the ripening stage of wheat crop in the study area. The results of the study showed that wheat production varies with climate change in the Sindh province. In addition, this study will be used as an important basis for solving crop cultivation areas and production problems caused by climate change in the region.
        2020.05 KCI 등재 SCOPUS 서비스 종료(열람 제한)
        The purpose of this study is to investigate the determinants of the capital structure of firms operating in a developing economy, Pakistan. The quantile regression method is applied on a sample of 183 non-financial companies listed on the Pakistan Stock Exchange during the period of 2008-2017. Specifically, the empirical analysis focuses on changes in the coefficients of the determinants according to the leverage ratio quantiles of the examined listed firms. The findings show that the capital structure of Pakistan listed firms differs between firms in different quantiles of leverage. These differences are significant with the sign of explanatory variables changes with the level of leverage. The research result found tangibility, profitability and age to be positively related to leverage among listed firms in Pakistan. However, size, liquidity and non-debt tax shield (NDTS) are negatively related to leverage. A firm’s growth and risk are found to be insignificant predictors of capital structure in Pakistan listed firms. Moreover, the study also found a significant impact of industry characteristic on leverage. The findings of this study indicate that an individual firm’s finance policy needs to be responsive to the firm’s characteristics and should match with the different borrowing requirements of listed firms.
        2019.11 KCI 등재 SCOPUS 서비스 종료(열람 제한)
        This study has two main purposes; first, it examines the effect of capital structure on profitability of Islamic and conventional banks; second, it determines that whether the capital structure of Islamic and conventional banks is same or not. A sample of ten banks was taken over the period 2006-2016. Independent samples T-test was used for finding the comparison between the capital structure of Islamic and conventional banks while for assessing the impact of capital structure on profitability, regression analysis (Fixed effects model) was used. Results showed that the capital structure of both types of banks was similar except for bank size which differed significantly. Moreover, ROA was negatively correlated to the capital structure of both conventional and Islamic banks. In contrast, ROE was positively correlated to the capital structure of both conventional and Islamic banks. In addition to that, two explanatory variables were positively correlated while two were negatively correlated to EPS for both Islamic and conventional banks. This study proves the existence of prominent theories of capital structure (pecking order theory and trade-off theory) for both conventional and Islamic banks in Pakistan and also validates the economies of scale.
        2019.09 KCI 등재 서비스 종료(열람 제한)
        The objective of the current study is to investigate and evaluate the annual and seasonal rainfall trends and patterns of the Punjab province, Pakistan during the 1981-2015. The spatial patterns and temporal trends were identified through the Modified Mann Kendall test. Finding revealed that 13 weather stations of Punjab province have shown the statistically significant decreasing trend of annual and summer monsoon rainfall during the study period. From further investigation, the rainfall during the summer monsoon period (JJAS) found to be increased by 12.45%, similarly the rainfall during the whole of year be also increased by 18.75%. The significant decreasing trends observed with the higher percentage change in annual and monsoon rainfall for the stations of Sialkot and Lahore in the northern and central Punjab. The empirical evidences suggested that northern Punjab gets more moisture as compared the Southern and Western Punjab. This study suggests intensive empirical research in the future to evolve further spatio-temporal trends in the rainfall pattern of Punjab.
        2019.08 KCI 등재 SCOPUS 서비스 종료(열람 제한)
        The study examines whether higher CEO compensation is related to unobserved future firm performance in an emerging market, Pakistan. Further, it extends its scope to analyzing the impact of group affiliation and ownership concentration on the relationship between CEO compensation and future firm performance. The study uses an unbalanced panel data consisting of 1508 firm-year observations from 225 non-financial listed companies in Pakistan Stock Exchange (PSX) for period 2005 to 2012. The multiple regression models adjusted to heteroskedasticity and autocorrelation in error terms are used. The study finds that, in general, CEO compensation is positively associated with future operating performance. However, higher CEO compensation leads to lower operating performance in firms that have lower ownership concentration and are affiliated with business groups. When firms are not affiliated with any group and have high ownership concentration, the relationship between excessive CEO compensation and future operating performance becomes insignificant. Given that efficient compensation packages may lead to long term value creation to shareholders and reduce agency problems, this study highlights an important moderating role of ownership concentration and group affiliation of the firms in emerging markets.
        2019.02 KCI 등재 SCOPUS 서비스 종료(열람 제한)
        The objective of the study is to examine the impact of financial development and foreign remittances on poverty and income inequality in the context of Pakistan. The study used ARDL-Bounds testing approach for robust inferences. The results show that in the short-run, remittances increases poverty and income inequality, which further translated into its long-run impact. The result confirmed the inverted Ushaped relationship between per capita income and income inequality, while the second order coefficient of per capita income substantially decline poverty incidence in a country. In the long-run, the results disappeared and it’s turned into U-shaped relationship between income inequality and country’s per capita income. Education largely decreases income inequality both in the short and long-run, however, it increases poverty in the long-run. Unemployment rate substantially damaged the pro-poor growth scenario, as high unemployment rate increases both the poverty rates and income inequality, which suffered poor more than non-poor in a country. Financial development has a positive impact on poverty reduction and income inequality in the short-run. The impact of income inequality on poverty incidence is positive both in the short- and long-run, which need pro-poor growth policies and rationale income distribution in a country.
        2018.09 KCI 등재 서비스 종료(열람 제한)
        The current study deals with the effect of urban growth and urbanization on temperature trends over Lahore city of Pakistan. This research was conducted using mean monthly temperature data for the period of 1950-2017. The urban population growth, urban expansion, the increase of vehicles and factories as well as the expansion of built up area have influenced on the change of temperature in Lahore city. The annual trends of temperatures have been analyzed, and their statistical significances are calculated by the linear regression method. It has been deduced that there is a close relation between temperature change and urban growth. The findings are as follows; the mean minimum temperature rises greater than the maximum temperature at urban station and rural station. However, the maximum temperature is not rising positively and thus significantly at both stations. The findings show the fact that mean minimum temperature increasing more quickly after the 1995 due to the increase of urban development in Lahore city in which the built up area has increased from 66 km² to 740 km² since 1950. A massive increase in the numbers of vehicles have also influenced on the change of temperature in the city. However, the mean maximum temperature at rural station of Lahore has significant effect during 1973-1997.
        2018.06 KCI 등재 서비스 종료(열람 제한)
        The changes in extreme daily rainfall totals in Punjab Province, Pakistan, during the period (1981- 2014) are examined in this study. The analysis was focused on the extreme annual and monthly rainfall events, by processing the exceeding of the daily rainfall over various thresholds, which are indicators for the incidence of extreme rainfall events. To analyze the changes in extreme rainfall events and trends of the time series of the annual number of extreme rainfall days (%) the thresholds of 30mm and 50mm has been estimated. Evidence from the twelve stations considered shows that there is an increase in annual number of extreme rainfall days (%) in dataset. These changes of heavy and extreme rainfall events pronounce significant environmental consequences which cause considerable impact on society.
        2016.11 KCI 등재 SCOPUS 서비스 종료(열람 제한)
        This study aims to investigate the determinants of dividend payout of Oil and Gas industry of Pakistan using secondary data from published annual reports from 2008 to 2014 listed on KSE (Karachi Stock Exchange). Dividend payout can be affected by profitability, firm size, financial leverage, sales growth, investment opportunities, liquidity, business risk, and ownership structure. Panel data technique used due to panel characteristics of available data with ordinary least square regression model to find out the impact of set of explanatory variables on the dividend payout using the Stata. Financial leverage, sales growth and business risks are the most significant variables of the study where financial leverage and business risk have significant negative effect on dividend payout while sales growth has favorable positive impact on dividend payout. Results revealed significant positive link of profitability and firm size with dividend payout whereas government ownership is negatively associated with dividend payout. Investment opportunities, liquidity and managerial ownership showed insignificant relationship with dividend payout. This Suggests that dividend payout policy is dependent on business strategies including both investment and financing decisions. Financial managers should consider these factors while formulating dividend policy of the firm.
        2016.05 KCI 등재 SCOPUS 서비스 종료(열람 제한)
        This study empirically evaluates the impact of exchange rate volatility, foreign direct investment, terms of trade, inflation, and industrial production and foreign exchange reserves on Pakistani trade volume over the period of 1975-2010 using quarterly data set. The study employs financial econometrics methods such as Augmented Dickey Fuller (ADF) test GARCH (1, 1) technique and Almon Polynomial Distributed Lag (APDL) models to estimate the relationship of variables. Findings of the study are in accordance with theoretical relationships presented by Clark, Tamirisa, Wei, Sadikov, & Zeng (2004), McKenzie (1999), Dellas & Zilberfarb (1993) and Côté (1994). These findings are also in accordance with the empirical studies which support positive relationship of exchange rate volatility and exports presented by Hsu & Chiang (2011), Chit (2008), Feenstra & Kendall (1991), Esquivel & Larraín (2002) and Onafowora & Owoye (2008). Findings of the study in terms of imports are supported by the studies such as Lee (1999), Alam & Ahmad (2011) and Arize (1998). The study also recommends some very important policy prescriptions.
        2016.05 KCI 등재 SCOPUS 서비스 종료(열람 제한)
        Firms can use working capital management which is one of the essential determinants to influence their profitability. The main theme of present study is to investigate the relationship between working capital management and profitability of Tobacco Industry of Pakistan. This study is based on secondary data collected from financial statements of selected companies of Tobacco Industry of Pakistan for the period of 2005-2014. For data analysis, both descriptive and inferential statistics were used. Correlation analysis is used to check the relationship between the variables, while multiple regression analysis is used to examine the effects of working capital management on profitability of firms. The result reveals that there is a strong negative relationship between variables of working capital management and profitability of Tobacco Industry of Pakistan. This means that as the cash conversion cycle increases, it will lead to declining of firm profitability and managers can create a positive value for shareholders by reducing the cash conversion cycle at optimal level. The study concludes that managers can create value for shareholders by managing the working capital well designed and implemented, and by keeping each components of it at optimal level.
        2016.02 KCI 등재 SCOPUS 서비스 종료(열람 제한)
        The objective of this study is to investigate the effect of HR practices such as (Recruitment, empowerment, working condition and compensation) on Job satisfaction in the prospects of Hotel Industry of Pakistan. The sample size for this study was 100 employees who were selected through convenience sampling techniques. This study was restricted to 10 Hotels of Peshawar. Hypotheses of the study were tested through correlation and regression analysis to inspect the employee’s satisfaction. The findings investigates that there is significant relationship between HR practices and job satisfaction. Moreover Recruitment and selection, empowerment and working condition have positive effect on job satisfaction, while compensation has negative effect on job satisfaction, which indicates that most of employees are not satisfied from payment of employer. Empirical findings concluded that best HR practices have significant and positive effect on employees job satisfaction. Therefore, it is suggested for HR manager to understand and implement the HR practices correctly to take good work from their employees.
        2016.01 KCI 등재 서비스 종료(열람 제한)
        Purpose – The purpose of this study is to investigate the effect of corporate governance practices such as (board size, board composition, CEO duality and audit committee) on the performance of selected Pakistani firms. Research design, data, and methodology – This study examines corporate governance structure by using the data of 80 non-financial firms listed on Karachi Stock Exchange Pakistan during 2010-2014. Hypotheses of the study were tested by using both descriptive and inferential statistics. Result – The findings indicate that board size and audit committee is positively related to the firm performance (ROA & ROE). In contrast, board composition and CEO duality are negatively related to the firm performance (ROA & ROE). As far as controlling variables is concerned, leverage is negative, whereas firm size is positively related to all measures of performance. Conclusions – Empirical findings concluded that corporate governance practices affect the firm performance. Therefore, it is suggested that managers should understand the governance mechanisms to work more efficiently in the firm
        2015.03 KCI 등재 서비스 종료(열람 제한)
        파키스탄 북부 Gilgit-Baltistan에서 산출된 천연 아쿠아머린의 다른 산지와 구별되는 내포물과 분광학적 특성을 표준 보석 감정 장비와 XRF, ICP-AES, XRD, FT-IR, Raman 등을 이용해 분석한 결 과 보석 광물학적 특성에 있어서는 페그마타이트 환경에서 생성되는 Mn과 결합한 탄탈라이트 결정내 포물이 특징적으로 관찰되었고 분광학적 방법에 있어서는 채널 속 H2O 타입이 파키스탄과 함께 아쿠 아머린 산지로 유명한 베트남, 브라질, 중국, 마다가스카르 지역의 H2O 타입-II에 비해서 타입-I에 더 근접했으며 알칼리 이온과 관련이 있는 타입-II도 다소 관찰되었다. 또한 Na2O 함량을 성분 분석한 결 과 0.137 wt%로써 이 결과는 Schmetzer와 Kiefert (1990)의 에머럴드 연구에서 제안한 FT-IR 특정 피 크들의 상대적 강도에 의한 알칼리 이온의 함량에 따른 분류표를 기준했을 때 Na2O 함량이 0.06-0.4 wt%이었으므로 이 Na2O 함량은 그 분류표에 없는 함량으로 그룹 II와 그룹 III 사이에 해당되므로 채 널 속 Na는 주로 H2O-Na-H2O의 배열 형태를 가진 것으로 예측된다.
        2014.06 KCI 등재 서비스 종료(열람 제한)
        Purpose The purpose of this – study is to empirically investigate the impact of capital structure on firm performance. Research design, data, and methodology – This study examined the impact of capital structure on the performance of cement companies listed on the Karachi Stock Exchange during the period 2009-2013. The authors hypothesize that there is a negative relationship between capital structure and firm performance. To examine the association, the authors run a Pearson correlation and multiple regression analysis. Results – Results reveal a strong negative relationship between debt to asset and firm performance variables (GPM, NPM, ROA, and ROE). Further, there is a positive relationship between debt to equity and firm performance variables (GPM and NPM), anda negative relationship between debt to equity and firm performance variables (ROA and ROE). Moreover, capital structure variables significantly impact firm performance. Conclusions – This study concluded that financial analysts and managers should emphasize on the optimal level of capital structure and efficient utilization and allocation of resources to achieve the targeted level of productive efficiency in business
        2014.02 KCI 등재 SCOPUS 서비스 종료(열람 제한)
        This study investigates extensively the integration of various segments of financial markets (i.e. money market, lending and deposit market, exchange rate market, and capital market) both domestically and internationally. Cointegration approach is employed in the study to find out long term relationship among the variables. Data are on a monthly interval for the period spreads over 2001 to 2010. The results show no evidence of cointegration between money market and exchange rate market and between capital market and exchange rate market of Pakistan. On the other hand, international financial markets integration is also investigated and the findings revealed that domestic money market rates of Pakistan and USA are not cointegrated. Whereas, an evidence of cointegration between capital markets of Pakistan and USA is found in this study.
        2012.02 서비스 종료(열람 제한)
        파키스탄 Kunhar강 유역(2,500km2)은 국내유역과는 달리 표고차가 4,000미터로 고도가 높고 좁은 지형으로 경사가 급한 지형특성을 가지고 있다. 따라서 고도에 따른 기온차가 매우 크게 나타날 수 있으며, 일정고도 이상에서는 강수가 눈의 형태로 존재하게 됨에 따라 유역 내 적설분포가 복잡한 형태로 존재할 수 있다. 따라서 유역 내 유출량을 정확하게 모의하기 위해서는 고도분포에 따른 기온변화와 적설 및 융설 모의가 가능한 모형이 필요하다. 본 연구에서는 GIS 공간 수문자료를 입력자료로 활용하는 물리적기반의 격자단위 분포형 강우유출모형(K-DRUM, K-water Distributed Runoff Model)을 파키스탄 Kunhar강 유역에 구축하였으며 유출량 모의결과를 비교 분석하였다. GIS 수문입력자료로 DEM은 USGS에서 운영하는 웹사이트에서 입수하였으며, 투영 및 좌표변환 등의 전처리를 통하여 모형의 입력자료로 ASCII포맷의 격자단위의 표고값, 흐름방향도, 하천격자, 하천경사도 등을 생성하였다. 기온, 풍속, 일조시간, 이슬점온도, 강우 등의 기상자료는 기온 및 강우 시계열 자료 분석 결과 동일한 유역 내 표고에 따른 기온 및 강우차가 국내유역과는 달리 매우 심하게 나타나 기온감율 및 고도감율을 적용하여 모형의 입력값으로 산정하였다. 해발고도 4,000m차이의 융·적설 특성을 반영한 유출량 재현성은 비교적 양호하였으며 연중 유출패턴은 여름철 기온상승에 의해 융설로 인한 유출이 강하게 나타나고 있었다.
        2010.04 KCI 등재 서비스 종료(열람 제한)
        본 연구는 우리나라와 중국 그리고 파키스탄에서 수집한 재래종 조 계통들에 대하여 형태적 특징에 의한 유전적 변이성 연구를 수행하였다. 그 결과 우리나라 및 중국, 파키스탄의 조 계통들은 다음과 같은 형태적 변이를 나타내었다. 1. 형태적 특성조사에 의하면, 우리나라에서 수집한 조 계통들은 중국과 파키스탄에서 수집한 계통들보다 출수기가 늦었고, 초장이 크고, 이삭이 긴 특성을 나타내었다. 반면에 파키스탄에서 수집한 계통들은 출수기가 빠르고, 초장이 작고,
        2009.08 KCI 등재 서비스 종료(열람 제한)
        Hundreds of scientists are involved in the various climatic fields of research. Few of them have attempted to review some of research work already published. However, to our knowledge there has been no such work to overview the whole journal of research. Field experts have their own approach to understand the existing problems and school of thoughts for research aptitude. Thus, the review of numerous researches in the area of climatic issues is a little bit thorny. This study reveals a brief overview on the different aspects of climate. The journal of Pakistan Journal of Meteorology (a biannual online journal) from 2004 to 2009 (issues 1-10) has been overviewed in this paper. This work shows an intense effort of the contribution of climatic research in Pakistan Journal of Meteorology. In this respect, this journal covers a vide range of climatic issues from the climate forecast, the impact assessment, the climate change and vulnerability, the long range forecast, and especially the rainfall patterns.
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