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        검색결과 70

        2014.12 KCI 등재 서비스 종료(열람 제한)
        본 연구는 해구별 침적폐기물 추정량을 산정하여 해구별 정화관리 우선순위를 분석하기 위한 전제로서 침적폐기물 정화관리지표를 개발하는 것이 연구목적이다. 이러한 연구목적을 달성하기 위한 연구방법으로 전문가 델파이 조사기법을 활용하였다. 전문가 델파이 기법은 적 절한 예측방법을 찾을 수 없을 때, 전문가들의 직관을 동원하여 미래를 예측하는 방법으로써 미래변화 뿐만 아니라, 합의를 도출하여 문제를 추정하거나 구성원의 의견을 수집․수렴하는 연구방법이다. 본 연구에서는 27명의 전문가를 섭외하여 이들을 대상으로 총 3회기에 걸친 델파이 조사를 실시하였다. 전문가 델파이 조사결과 최종적으로 선택된 연근해 침적폐기물 정화관리지표는 수거 후 재침적율, 폐어구 유실구역, 해구 별 총 폐기물량, 과거 침적폐기물 수거량, 단위면적당 폐기물량 등의 5개 지표로 도출되었다. 본 연구는 패널의 수가 27명으로 한정되어 있는 문제점이 존재하는데, 본 연구를 선행연구로 하여 향후 패널 수를 더욱 확대하여 정밀한 조사가 이루어지기를 바란다.
        2007.08 KCI 등재 서비스 종료(열람 제한)
        해안 지역 지하수 최적 관리의 기본계획 수립 단계에 사용될 수 있는 간편한 개발가능량 산정식이 제안되었다. 산정식은 대수층 특성, 해수침투허용 거리, 지하수 해안유출량 그리고 양수정의 위치 등 주요 영향 변수들의 함수이므로 합리적이며, 보편적으로 사용되는 해석 해들과 Ghyben-Herzberg 법칙을 이용하여 유도되었다. 산정식은 관련 변수들의 양 함수로 표현될 수 있으므로 그 적용이 매우 간편하다. 또한 주로 주관적 경험에 의하여 그 값이 결정되어
        2007.04 KCI 등재 서비스 종료(열람 제한)
        This study estimated response of water quality and pollutant behavior according to the discharge and reuse of treated wastewater by three-dimensional eco-hydrodynamic model, and suggest plan that water quality management and environmental restoration in the coastal area including urban stream of Yeosu, Korea. Dispersions of low-saline water and COD by treated wastewater loads (design facility capacity, about 110,000 m3/d) were very limited in near of effluent site. Nutrients, however, increase compared to the other water quality factors, especially total nitrogen was very sensitive to input loads. When reuse some of treated wastewater to Yeondeung stream, nitrogen was big influence on estuarine water quality. Although current characteristics of treated wastewater such as discharge and water quality were negligible to the change of marine environment, effluent concentration of COD, TN and TP, especially 40% of TN, are reduced within the allowable pollutant loads for satisfy environmental capacity and recommended water quality criteria. Also, controls of input point/non-point sources to Yeondeung stream and base concentration of pollutants in coastal sea itself are very necessary.
        2006.09 KCI 등재 서비스 종료(열람 제한)
        Water management treatment of coastal region has been an important problem in Jeju city since the distributions of pipeline of the pumping system made a bad view in coastal region. To solve the problem, we observed the pipelines that are on the surface around the coastal region from Tapdong to Doduhang. From the observations, we found that Todong and Dodu areas were not unsightliness because the all pipelines were located in underground. However, the other areas, such area Yongdam, Handugi, Yongdam fishing village, had a serious problem for the coastal landscape view. To solve the problem, at we estimated coastal land color characteristics of Jeju city based on the observation of the pipelines. The estimated color panel shows that the green, blue and grey colors are a dominant factors of the Jeju coastal region. Based on the color panel, we proposed two methods, that is, one is a short time treatment, the other is a long time one. The short is based on the colour treatment, which is pipeline colour changing into surround natural one. The long time is the construction plan design method. Although the later method was very useful in Jeju island. However, it takes a lot of time and money. Therefore, in the situation, the short time is the better than the long time one.
        2006.06 KCI 등재 서비스 종료(열람 제한)
        This study is to integratedly examine coastal management policy and marine tourism development project for Korean coasts, especially for the South Sea of high development pressure, presenting sustainable tourism development policies for the future. To do so, it is examined central government-level coastal development projects set up by the Ministry of Culture and Tourism, the Ministry of Maritime Affairs and Fisheries and the Ministry cf Construction and Transportation, setting the direction of south coastal management and tourism development at a level of national territory planning. The problems of coastal management first and then the problems of the South Coast Tourism Belt Project are analyzed in order to present political and administrative alternatives. To overcome such problems and make Korea a marine tourism base in East Asia, there is a need for re-recognition of the value of the project and its continuous push through cooperation between central and local governments. Also, under the presupposition of consensus building among local people and the sustainable development of environments, there should be are-recognition that the future cf Korean marine tourism in the 21st-century and the success of an inverted π-axis national development depend on the South coastal Tourism Belt Development Project.
        2003.08 KCI 등재 서비스 종료(열람 제한)
        Study of the background and state of Osaka's waterfront space development and analysis of the functions of 22 chosen major facilities of development project reveals the following four types: amenity-oriented development, large-scale synthesis type development, renewal compound area type development, exchange communication promotion type development. Osaka bay area has served primely as the base of harbors, industry and energy, while analysis of the ongoing project has found that the city has been making a functional transition to a type of development to live up to the needs of the times, suggesting that is wise that Korea's future direction of waterfront development be oriented toward environmental-friendly development by taking advantage of low-density area's natural resources. Given the plurality and complexity of the law of coastal zone, what is needed is a legal maintenance for coastal zone's clear-cut coordinating function and for environmental-friendly development with the limitations of seaside and coastal functions in mind.
        2002.03 KCI 등재 서비스 종료(열람 제한)
        본 연구에서는 문헌조사를 통해 국내외 연안의 경관관리제도를 분석하였으며 먼저 연안의 경관관리에 앞서 가는 미국과 일본 연안도시에서 연안의 경관관리제도를 분석하였고 다음으로 우리나라 연안의 경관관리제도와 부산 연안의 경관관리제도의 현황과 문제점을 분석하였다. 이를 바탕으로 현행 관리체계 내에서 부산 연안의 경관관리제도 개선 방안을 제시하고 동시에 연안의 경관관리제도의 장기적인 개선 방향을 제시하였다. 본 연구결과 연안의 경관은 육지 경관과 바다 경관이 어우러져 구성되기 때문에 도시계획측면에서 보다는 연안관리차원에서 통합적인 관리가 필요하다 이를 위해 연안관리법을 기반으로 지역별로 연안경관관리조례를 만들어 구체적인 연안의 경관관리가 이루어져야 한다. 특히 연안의 경관 특성에 따라 연안경관관리지역을 설정하고 그 안에 경관보전지구, 경관회복지구, 경관계획지구를 두어 지구별로 관리하며 지역의 경관종합계획과 지구별 경관계획지침을 세워야 한다
        1998.03 KCI 등재 서비스 종료(열람 제한)
        The objective of this study is the investigation and analysis of information on the conservation and the sustainable use of coastal wetlands based on the awareness of local residents in Kang-hwa island, Tae-an and Seo-chon. The results are summarized as follows: The degree of the satisfaction on the natural environment is in the order of Tae-an, Kang-hwa and Seo-chon. This order is accorded with the order of the goodness of natural environment. The order for the degree of the satisfaction on the living environment is same as the order for the satisfaction degree on the natural environment. Especially, residents of Seo-chon are not satisfied with the living environment. The residents of all regions are not satisfied with the socio . economic environment. The local resident of Kang-hwa and Tae-an, where natural environment is well-conserved, prefer conservation to development of the region. On the other hand, the local residents of Seo-chon have relatively low preference for conservation of the region. These results show the following consideration for the ideal method of management for the conservation and sustainable development of coastal wetlands. In case of Kang-hwa island, where the, condition the natural environment is well conserved, should be managed with the minimum development with maintenance of the current state must be driven.
        1998 서비스 종료(열람 제한)
        The purpose of this study is investigated to suggest the governmental policy and guideline required to establish the coastal zone management and development plan in the Pusan metropolitan city. The results are found as follows : first, a new definition of 'coastal zone'is introduced based on the geophysical characteristics in the city. Second, new policy-oriented guidelines are built on the basis of the coastal function from the viewpoint of the coastal zone management. Third, the coastal zone of the city is classified into 3 sub-zone by the geophysical characteristics. Fourth, the comprehensive coastal zone management and development plan is suggested.
        1996.06 KCI 등재 서비스 종료(열람 제한)
        The routes of coastal passenger ships are important in the light of both economic and social view point. Islands around the Korean peninsular can be actually dominated by linking them with land by the ships. The service quality of the route is not high enough to satisfy habitants in the islands. The income of the service-users is increasing so that they expect better service in terms of ship's speed and cabin. The reality is not, however, good to motivate ship-owners to replace aged ships with new and large ones. The situation is caused by low passenger-fare and inefficient management. Therefore the fare should be raised and the fare system should be innovated. And the number of passenger ship companies should be reduced from 42 to 20 by merger and acquisition.
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