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        검색결과 111

        2006.10 KCI 등재 서비스 종료(열람 제한)
        영산강유역에 위치한 우량관측소의 동시간대의 우량자료를 이용하여 영산강유역의 강우특성을 반영한 면적우량감소계수를 산정하였다. 영산강유역에 대하여 산정한 면적우량감소계수를 한강유역을 대상으로 산정한 면적우량감소 계수와 비교한 결과, 유역면적의 증가에 따른 면적우량감소계수의 감소폭이 전반적으로 작게 나타났으며 특히 단기간 지속시간 강우에 대해서 면적우량감소계수의 감소폭이 작게 나타났다. 이는 한강유역과 영산강유역의 유역규모 차이와 지형학적 특성의 차이로 인해
        2006.03 KCI 등재 서비스 종료(열람 제한)
        The emergy concept was used to valuate the contributions of a tidal flat ecosystem included in the fourth stage reclamation plan for the Youngsan River area to the Korean economy. Emergy contributions of the ecosystem were compared with those of economic valuations performed on the same ecosystem. The tidal flat ecosystem contributed 3.55 million Em\/ha annually. This, however, cannot be compared directly with those of the economic valuations because both methodologies approach the valuation of ecosystems in different perspectives. The emergy methodology is a donor-based valuation in which what goes into making a product or service is measured, while the economic valuation is a receiver-based approach in which human receivers determine the value of an ecosystem product or service. An emergy valuation was conducted for the three ecosystem functions included in the economic valuations to compare the results of both methodologies on the same basis. Fishery production and pollutants removal contributed 9.86 million Em\/ha/yr and 0.88 million Em\/ha/yr, respective1y. The conservation value of the tidal flat ecosystem was 3.55 million Em\/ha/yr. Overall, the emergy valuation that try to include works of both human and nature on the same basis resulted in higher economic contribution of the tidal flat ecosystem than that calculated by the economic methodologies in which only human works are measured based on the willingness-to-pay of people. This study showed that the emergy concept could provide an alternative tool for policy decision-making regarding utilization and conservation of ecosystems by approaching the ecosystem valuation from a different perspective than that of economic methodologies.
        1999.12 KCI 등재 서비스 종료(열람 제한)
        The work on the eutropication of Youngsan river was conducted from Jul. 1997 to Jun. 1998. The value of water temperature in the study area varied from 4℃ to 32℃ with an annual mean of 17.5℃. DO varied from 4.0㎎/ℓ to 13.5㎎/ℓ with an annual mean 10.2 ㎎/ℓ. BOD varied from 0.8㎎/ℓ to 6.4㎎/ℓ with an annual mean 3.1㎎/ℓ. COD varied from 4.6㎎/ℓ to 9.0㎎/ℓ with an annual mean 6.38㎎/ℓ. Nitrate varied from 1.58㎎/ℓ to 6.77㎎/ℓ with an annual mean of 3.475㎎/ℓ. Total-nitrogen varied from 2.14㎎/ℓ to 8.38㎎/ℓ with an annual mean of 5.083㎎/ℓ. Total-phosphate varied from 0.035㎎/ℓ to 0.588㎎/ℓ with an annual mean of 0.128㎎/ℓ. Chl.a varied from 1.8㎍/ℓ to 75.0㎍/ℓ with an annual mean of 19.55㎍/ℓ. The euthrophic state index of Carlson^16) were showed 61.8(TP) and 71(SD) value
        1999.12 서비스 종료(열람 제한)
        It is essential for port planning, coastal zone management and environmental impact study to analyze the variation of current and water quality due to the development of water area and discharged water from estuary barrage and basin etc. Mokpo sea area downstreams from a long river and two large basins, the Yongsan river and Yongam-Kumho basins discharging much of water through water gates for the purpose of flood control and prohibition of salt intrusion to the inland fresh water area. In this study, the numerical calculations were carried out for the analysis of diffusion characteristics due to discharging operation, adapting the results of tidal current simulation ADI methord is applied to the governing equation for the movement of sea water and diffusion and 6-point method to the advection terms of diffusion equation. As the results of this study, it is known that the discharging operation causes increasing and/or decreasing of current velocity and enlarging and/or depressing of pollutant diffusion limits depending on the distance from the discharging gates and the mode of discharging operation. To utilize these result, the linked gate operation and the method increasing exchange of sea water must be considered.
        1999.12 KCI 등재 서비스 종료(열람 제한)
        본 연구는 1997년 6월부터 1999년 7월까지 영산강집수역에서 수생식물과 특정식물 분포를 조사하였다. 조사된 수생식물은 정수식 19과 52종, 부유식물 5과 7종, 침수식물 7과 12종, 부엽식물 7과 15종으로 총 32과 86종이 나타났으며, 습지식물은 36과 135종으로 조사되었다. 감소추세종인 통발, 자라풀, 끈끈이주걱, 이삭귀개, 땅귀개와 멸종위기종인 순채와 가시연꽃이 확인되었다.
        1999.06 서비스 종료(열람 제한)
        Mokpo coastal area is connected to the adjacent a long river and two large basins. It is essential for port planning coastal zone management and environmental impact study to analyze the data related to the ship operation and variation of current and water quality due to the development of water area including dredging reclamation and estuary barrage. The Yongsan river estuary weir and Yongam-Kumho basins discharge much of water through water gates for the purpose of flood control and prohibit salt intrusion at the inland fresh water area. To meet this purpose discharge through the gates have been done at the period of maximum water level difference between inner river and sea level. This discharged water may cause the changes of current pattern and other environmental influences in the vicinity and inner area of semi-closed Mokpo harbor. In this study ADI method is applied to the governing equation for the analysis of the changes on current pattern due to discharged water. As the results of this study it is known that the discharging operation causes many changes including the increase of current velocity at the front water area at piers approaching passage and anchorages. Discussion made on the point of problems such as restricted maneuverability and the safety of morred vessels at pier and anchorage. To minimize this influence the linked gate operation discharging warning system and laternative mooring system are recommended.
        1998.06 KCI 등재 서비스 종료(열람 제한)
        Thirty-eight sediment samples collected from the Youngsan River channel were analysed for Fe, Mn, Co, Cr, Cu, Ni, Zn and Pb to recognize the extent of contamination. Results showed that a wide range of contents was apparent for every metal over the study area. These differences have been mainly related to the textural variability of sediments. Exceptions to this were found in the contents of Cu, Zn, Pb and possibly Mn. The contents of Cu, Zn, Pb and Mn were particularly higher in the sediments from the confluence of tributaries. Downstream profile of metal/Al ratios indicates that pollutant inputs from the Kwangju tributary are mainly responsible for enrichment of these metals in bed sediments of the Youngsan River.