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        검색결과 5

        2024.09 KCI 등재 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
        본 연구는 한국 근대 시기 한자자전에 [華]로 표기된 한자의 유형과 특징을 분석 하여 [華]로 표기된 한자가 무엇을 의미하고 그 속에 포함된 한자의 원류를 찾아 [華]로 표기된 한자의 속성을 규명하기 위한 것이다. 이를 위해 본 연구는 한국 근대 시기에 출판된 자전석요(字典釋要)(1909), 한선문신옥편(漢鮮文新玉篇)(1913), 자 전대해(字典大海)(1913), 자림보주(字林補註)(1924) 등의 한자자전을 중심으로 [華] 로 표기된 한자의 데이터를 추출하고, 추출된 한자의 유형과 특징을 살피면서 [華]로 표기된 한자의 전거(典據)를 확보하고자 한다. 이를 바탕으로 [華]로 표기된 한자의 원류를 파악하고 이 한자들이 한국에서 어떻게 변용되어 사용되는지를 살펴서 한국 근대 시기 한자자전에 [華]로 표기된 한자의 속성을 규명하고자 한다. 이러한 연구는 당시 사용된 한자의 실태와 역사적 변천사의 재구를 실현함으로써 언어 문자학사와 지성사의 연구는 물론 한국 문화의 정체성을 확립하는 토대 연구가 가능하도록 할 것이다. 아울러 한자문화권의 주요 국가인 중국과 일본 등 같은 성격의 자료 비교를 통해서 당시 사용된 한자의 정체성과 역사성을 규명하고자 한다.
        2016.12 KCI 등재 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
        Chinese Character studies have mainly been focused on four areas: orthography, phonology, meaning, and character frequency. To add a new dimension to the existing approaches, this paper will provide and examine a quantitative data about the range of the vocabulary in Chinese character dictionaries. As a promising new method, the new approach, both diachronic and dynamic, will be very useful in exploring changing aspects of Chinese Characters usage, compared with the existing synchronic and static approaches. This paper aims to provide analysis of all Chinese Characters included in Chŏnun-okp'yŏn, the most authoritative dictionary of Joseon dynasty published in 1805 meaning ‘Chinese Rhyme Dictionary’, and in Sinjajeon, meaning ‘New Dictionary of Chinese Characters’ published in 1915, to explain their changing aspects in the entries of two dictionaries, and then to show how social change affected the use of Chinese Characters in early twentieth-century Korea. To that end, I construct the database of the two dictionaries on the basis of a detailed analysis of all the characters with respect to the radicals, strokes, components, and structures of these characters, which shows that Chŏnun-okp'yŏn includes 10,997 Chinese characters and Sinjajeon contains 13,348 characters with 13,084 in the body text and 264 in three appendices. 2,114 characters were newly inserted and 7 characters were removed in the body text of Sinjaeon. In particular, the number of the radical headings containing more than 20 newly inserted characters are 35, with 1,624 new characters in total, accounting for 77.1% of the total. The total number of radical headings including more than 30% newly inserted characters are 26. In addition, the number of radical headings containing more than 10 newly inserted characters with a growth rate of more than 20% is 903, accounting for 43% of the total number of characters. Based on these data, modern Koreans appears to have a wider vocabulary consisted of Chinese characters. The number of characters under the radicals meaning animal and plant ( 犬 (dog), 牛 (cow), 肉 (meat), 木 (tree), 米 (rice), 禾 (pine), 田 (farmland), 虫 (insect) etc.), those meaning mineral (石 (stone), 玉 (jade), etc), those meaning industrial products (皮 (leather), 巾 (towel) ect.), those meaning pathology (疒 (illness), 歹 (broken bones), etc.), increased quite a bit, the words reflecting newly emerged phenomena of industrialization or modernization in the early 20th century. In addition, it can be pointed out that the words used for spoken Chinese newly appears in Sinjaeon.
        2014.12 KCI 등재 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
        本文通过对韩国各个字典所收纳的汉字的研究,来了解汉字从中国到韩 国的流入情况。从而深入了解哪些汉字被收纳,各个时代被收纳汉字的特征 及其被收纳的原因。(所收纳的汉字与不被收纳的字的差异,和收纳与否的 原因。)由于目前韩国的文献资料十分不足,最早的字典是1796年编纂 的《全韵玉编》,本文将以《全韵玉篇》、《字类註释》、《字典释要》、 《新字典》、《汉日鲜新玉篇》的心部首为研究对象,与《康熙字典》进行 对比,研究字被收纳的情况。 韩国的字典都以《康熙字典》为底本,筛选当时比较常用的字。研究者 发现《康熙字典》的心部首里面的字大部分是从《论语》、《周易》、《周 礼》、《礼记》、《左传》、《尔雅》、《楚辞》、《史记》、《庄子》、 《荀子》、《前汉书》、《后汉书》、《诗经》等历史书和哲学书中筛选出 来的。韩国字典收录的字大部分是出于此类文献。 另外,韩国各个字典汉字的收录情况比较复杂。但大部分都以《全韵玉 篇》为底本,直到朝鲜末期韩国因为受日本占领的影响,不得不收纳日本的 汉字。所以《字典释要》里心部首的字比《全韵玉篇》增加了128个。这 128个字当中有124个是受到了日本的影响。
        2014.06 KCI 등재 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
        In accordance with the nature, characteristics, uses, etc. of the information that are as distinguishing criteria, information classification is a means clustering things meeting the same standard. Classification is the basis of scientific research. The purpose of Information Classification on handed down Chinese Dictionary in Japan, South Korea and China is to provide a professional platform for philology researchers easily retrieve and inquiry. And providing a theoretical basis for the development and application of the depth of shared dictionary database of East Asian. This article analyzes and studies Information Organization, Information Retrieval and Information Classification of handed down Chinese Dictionary in Japan, South Korea and China, the Paper noted that standardized information classification principles is a prerequisite for East Asian countries to regulate the construction of database of handed dictionaries ,and to maximize sharing Chinese character resources.
        2009.08 KCI 등재 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
        Access數據庫在古文字、漢字斷代、漢字學專書等研究領域都具有廣泛 的應用前景。韓國擁有大量的漢字文獻,其中經部小學類的文獻還沒有進行 數字化的整理,這就給該領域的研究帶來很大的不便。研究者要在浩繁的文 獻中花費大量時間以尋找自己需要的信息。Access數據庫對漢字學研究方 面有如下優點:第一,快速便捷的資料檢索。在數據庫基礎上,可以進行多 路径的快速檢索。例如,通過《玉篇》知識庫,瞬間可得到某個字的全部信 息。第二,資料的自動統計分析。漢字的統計分析需要在窮盡性資料統計的 基礎上給出各種統計數據,利用數據庫的自動分析統計功能,這些資料也可 以很快獲得。第三,強大的功能。Access是數據庫管理系統容巨量大,可 以方便地與Microsoft Office中的其他組件,如Word, Excel, Outlook等 進行類型轉換。而且可以支持Web,該功能可以使用戶在網上浏览資料,已 達到最大程度的資源共享。本論文以“朝鮮時代刊行字典類研究資料庫”為 例,介紹了Access數據庫的基本知識和應用。