
결과 내 재검색





        검색결과 3

        2024.12 KCI 등재 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
        장자(莊子)·제물론(齊物論)은 3천 여자로 이루어진 소박한 대화와 자연현상, 몽 환(夢幻)의 경지를 드나드는 언어를 통해 깊은 철학의 이치와 자연이 가르치는 자유 평등(自由平等)의 사상을 일깨워 준다. 「제물론(齊物論)」은 근본의 추구에 대한 종합 적인 문장으로 장자(莊子)철학과 도가(道家)사상의 정수(精髓)라고 할 수 있다. 노 장(老莊)사상은 자기주장과 그것의 실천을 강조하는 유·묵가(儒·墨家)와는 다른 도가 (道家)철학의 초탈(超脫)을 내세움으로써 형이상학(形而上學)적인 관점으로 부터 사 회문제에 대한 해답을 제시하고 있다. 장자(莊子) 사상연구는 소요유(逍遙遊), 도 (道), 제통(齊通) 등에 집중되어 있으면서 ‘물(物)’이라는 요소와 깊이 연관되어 있다.
        2019.10 KCI 등재 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
        This study investigates the Gabo Jaedong Jemuljeongnyechaek, which is the recording of the darye executed over a period of a year in 1834 (34th year of reign by King Sunjo) in the latter part of the Joseon Dynasty, two years after the death of Princess Bokon, the 2nd daughter of King Sunjo. Accordingly, we examined the types of darye (tea ceremonies) and the characteristics of the composition of foods at ancestral rites of the royal families of Joseon. Moreover, we also analyzed the cooking methods and characteristics of food terminologies used in the darye. This includes 39 categories of food and ingredients used for tea ceremonies held for one year, on behalf of the deceased Princess Bokon in 1834. The darye for the monthly national holiday was held along with the darye on the 1st and the 15th day of every month. The darye for rising up and the birthday darye were held on May 12th and October 26th of the lunar calendar, being the anniversaries of the death and the birth of Princess Bokon, respectively. The birthday darye and the darye for New Year’s Day, Hansik (105thday after winter solstice), Dano (5th day of the 5th month of the lunar calendar), and Thanksgiving “Chuseok” were held in the palace and at the burial site of the Princess. During the darye for rising up in May and the Thanksgiving darye at the burial site in August, rituals offering meals to the deceased were also performed. The birthday darye at the burial site of Princess Bokon featured the most extensive range of foods offered, with a total of 33 dishes. Foods ranging 13~25 dishes were offered at the national holiday darye, while the darye on the 1st and the 15th of the month included 9~11 food preparations, making them more simplified with respect to the composition of foods offered at the ceremony, in comparison to the national holiday darye. The dishes were composed of ddeok, jogwa, silgea, hwachae, foods such as tang, jeok, jjim, hoe, and sikhae, and grain-based foods such as myeon, mandu, and juk. Foods offered at the burial site darye included 12~13 dishes comprising ban, tang, jochi, namul, chimchae, and jang. Meals offered at the darye had a composition similar to that of the daily royal table (sura). Darye recorded in the Jemuljeongnyechaek displayed characteristics of the seasonal foods of Korea. Jemuljeongnyechaek has detailed recordings of the materials, quantities, and prices of the materials required for preparations of the darye. It is quite certain that Jemuljeongnyechaek would have functioned as an essential reference in the process of purchasing and preparing the food materials for the darye, that were repeated quite frequently at the time.
        1996.12 KCI 등재 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
        The sacrificial foods using at 88 villages in Andong area where the village sacrificial rituals are performed, were investigated in 1994. The finding are as follows; 1. Since the village sacrificial rituals keep ancientry, white Baeksulki without any ingredients is used as Ddock (a steamed rice cake) in 74 villages, and in 5 villages the Baeksulki was served just in Siru (a tool used to prepare Ddock). The type of meat serving in rituals has been changing from large animal to small animal and the type of light from bowl-light to candle. 2. Though the ritual observes Confucianism style, memorial address was offered in 34 villages and only in 8 villages, liquor was served 3 times and the address was offered. In 60 villages, liquor was served only once, and calling village god, bowing twice, and burning memorial address paper were performed in order. Burning paper has been meaningful in rituals. 3. Tang (a stew) was served in 21 villages, and in 18 villages even Gook (a soup) was not used. The numbers of village which do not use cooked rice and Ddock are 14, respectively. 4. Fruits are essential in rituals foods. In 63 villages, 3 kinds of fruits are served and this is contrasted with even number of fruits in Bul-Chun-Wi Rituals. 5. In 25 villages, fish and meat are not served. As meat, chicken in 19 village are served. Meat Sikhae (a fermented rice beverage) prepared with meats or fish are served in 5 villages. Slice of dried meat is served in 73 villages commonly. 6. In gender of god for village shrine, woman in 43 villages, couple in 17 villages, man in 9 villages, mountain god in 2 villages, villages tree, etc were enshrined. In 52 villages liquor is served in rituals (liquor is used in 58 villages including serving god), in 28 villages sweet liquor (Gamju) is served for god (sweet liquor is used in 46 villages), and liquor, water, or sweet liquor is just displayed on table but not served in 8 villages. Incensing is found to be not common in village ritual, only in two villages it is performed. The most appropriate rituals food is thought to be pig for mountain god. Home dishes can not be used in village ritual and spoon is not used and chopstick is prepared from wild plant. Meat and fish are used in the raw.