
결과 내 재검색





        검색결과 3

        2022.12 KCI 등재 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
        The purpose of this research is to understand Ko Yu-seop’s perception of ‘contemporary emerging architecture’ in the West by investigating into his two early 1930s’ articles: ‘On Emerging Arts, Particularly the Cutting-edge Architecture’ (Jan. 1931) and ‘Russian Architecture’ (Dec. 1932). As a result of the investigation, it is argued that he attempted to systematically describe his contemporary architecture, from the concept of ‘modern’ to representative architectural theories, and his suggested reference list is considered meaningful since it illustrates one aspect of how modern architectural knowledge was transferred to Korea at that time. As his limitation, however, it should be pointed out that a significant part of his writing was a verbatim translation of the Japanese critic Takao Itagaki’s New Art Acquisition (1930). Nevertheless, the two articles give us a valuable understanding related to his socialist tendency, his preferred commune-type city-cum-architecture that reflects the ideology, etc. Hereafter, this understanding needs to be further discussed in both study areas of art history and architectural history in Korea.
        2003.12 KCI 등재 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
        Art theorists support art productions by, introducing them to the public, explaining their meanings, and playing a critical part in the development of art. These tasks seem like theire opus. Because the principles of art production and the artistc languages are quite different from the ordinaries, we need 'interpreters' who can medoate us and the artists. Art works need interpretation. And the interpretation includes not only the characteristics of the given art work, but the customs, history, and the unique qualities of the race that procuved the art work. THe former director of the Korean National Museum, Choi Soon-woo wrote on the characteristics of Korean art as those that stem from the poised, arbitrary and non-elaborate state of mind. THe statement of the former Director of the National Museum has its weight far greater than just a personal opinion. In fact, we encounter the same resonance of this statement over and over reproduced in the mass media,. The problem lies on that it deals with not only a single art work, but the entire Korean art. And going further, this kinf og remarks are alreadt infused into every sector of our thought on art appreciation. In this paper, I argue for a re-reading of the characteristics of Korean beauty based on two reasons. First, the characteristic of art work is contemporary, thus we cannot define the characteristics of entire Korean art in a few words without the context of the period of its making. Seconf, Director Choi defines the characteristics that I pointes out above as 'natural' and 'nature-friendly'. Nature or beibg natural is nor an usual word that defines the characteristics of art work, which stands for the opoosite side of the nature in the binary opposition of nature/culture. To delve into these misunderstandings of Korean beauty in the popular notions of Korean Art, I suggest the re-reading if three major articles on Korean Art: Ryoo Jong-yeol's "Korean race and its art", Ko You-seup's reterarion of Ryoo's thesis called "Discourses in Korean Art History and Aesthetics," and Yoon Hee-soon's antithesis of Ryoo Jong-yeol titled "Studies on Korean Art History."