The purpose of this study is proposing a method of developing experience program for organizing continuous 'Recreating Cultural and Traditional Village'. Therefore, with having purpose of developing experience program which is deeply related with residents organization and architecture in the village, the researcher has participated in '2005 An-dong Gunjamaul Recreating Cultural and Traditional Village', accomplished developing experience program which can continuously manageable by residents and space and facilities which are accompanied with program. The results of this research are as follows. The developing process of experience program has four phases, selecting program, planning program, growing and changing program, and practicing and firmly establishing program. Moreover, the relationships between space planning and setting up a resident's organization and the experience program need to be considered. The things that experts have to consider are come up with three subjects. First, planning experience program with citizen participation. Second, designing experience program with spaces which will contain the programs. Third, developing programs which are accompanied with rediscover village's resources through continuous feedback.
기상 이변과 해수 온도 상승으로 인한 국지성 집중 호우 및 돌발홍수, 대형급 태풍 빈발 등에 대비하기 위하여 홍수예보와 방재 대책에 가장 기본이 되는 각 유역 특성별 수문 기초자료의 축적 및 분석이 더욱 필요하게 되었다. 특히 홍수시 큰 피해를 가져오는 도시지역의 수문 모니터링이 부족한 실정을 고려한다면 도시하천별, 소배수구역별 수문 관측 및 제공이 필요하다. "도시홍수재해관리기술연구사업단"에서는 도시하천 유역의 수문현상 규명을 위한 기초정보 축적을 위