
결과 내 재검색





        검색결과 9

        2016.04 KCI 등재 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
        With signs of the redevelopment of the domestic sewing industry, national support agencies were established. This study aims to assess the present conditions of the domestic sewing industry and investigate the effectiveness of national sewing industry support policies. According to the results of a survey of 30 sewing companies managers, the biggest factor causing product defects was work being rushed because of tight delivery dates, and the reduction in sales was caused by a lack of orders. Moreover, sewing technicians are aging, and the biggest reason for their decrease in number is that people do not pursue the job because of the common understanding that it is difficult. Managers perceived that the government’s sewing technician training program was not a practical help. They were well aware of the support program to improve the work environment and the sewing equipment support program and showed high satisfaction with these programs, but they complained that the period for equipment rental was fixed. A majority of them thought that the Korean sewing industry environment had still not improved, and were skeptical about its future outlook. They identified its most urgent needs as the expansion of orders and the securing of manpower. The support programs that they wanted urgently included support for employees’ four major public insurances and the enactment of the increase of toll processing fees.
        2014.09 KCI 등재 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
        There have been a lot of studies about overseas factory location in order to meet various needs of industries according to the international economic developments. However, most of the studies were written about generic theory for general industries or mainly concerned to high capital industries. This study is focusing on the sewing and apparel industries which represent labor intensive and small-medium type of enterprises. For this study, AHP(Analytic Hierarchy Process) methods were applied to make proper analysis after wide range of survey to clarify determinants which provide a guidance for overseas factory location. As a result of the analytical researches done in the thesis the most important which should be taken consideration while determining of overseas factory location for sewing and apparel products industry are as follows – economic factors(0.569), geographic factors(0.171), social and cultural factors(0.157), regulations and institutional factors(0.103). In the last, S company is examined for example to show how this determinants have practically been applied.
        2014.02 KCI 등재 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
        본 연구는 서울시 생활권 도시숲의 유형과 규모에 따른 이용행태 차이를 비교하고자 도심 소규모산인 봉제산과 외곽 대규모산인 아차산 이용자를 대상으로 2009년 10월부터 11월 사이에 설문 및 보드판을 이용한 조사를 실시하였다. 도시숲 이용자의 특성, 이용행태, 시설 및 관리의 수요와 만족도, 그리고 통행패턴을 조사항목으로 설정하였다. 이용행태의 공통점은 주 이용객이 남녀 모두 주로 40대에서 60대 이상이었으며, 오전 7시에서 12시 사이에 가장 높은 이용률을 보였고, 거의 매일 이용하거나 일주일에 2~3회 방문하는 비율이 높게 나타났다. 또한 거주지에서 생활권 도시숲 입구까지의 접근성은 양호하다고 판단되며, 숲길 내 시설물과 관리수준에 대한 만족도는 비교적 낮게 나타났다. 보완 및 필요시설물로는 ‘위생시설’이 가장 높은 비율로 나타났다. 이용행태의 차이점으로 봉제산의 이용객 대부분은 2km 반경 이내(도보기준)에 거주하는 지역주민으로 평균 1.3km 거리를 이동하고, 24분 정도를 소요하는 단시간의 활동을 선호하는 것으로 나타났다. 반면 아차산의 주 이용객들은 4km 반경 이내(도보기준)에 거주하는 지역민과 타지역민으로 60% 이상이 평균 6km의 거리를 이동하고, 3시간 반 정도 소요되는 경로를 주로 이용하는 것으로 나타났다. 이러한 이용유형과 숲의 규모가 다른 서울시 생활권 도시숲의 이용행태 조사를 통하여, 주 이용자들을 위한 이용프로그램의 도입이나 도입시설 관리에 차별성을 두는 관리 기법이 적절하게 적용되어야 할 것으로 판단된다. 특히 여가시간의 증가에 따라 지역주민의 도시숲 이용이 증가할 것으로 예상하여 도시숲도 공원녹지와 같이 체계적으로 관리되어야 할 것이다.
        2010.06 KCI 등재 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
        For this study, 18 kinds of cut and sew or seamless knitted test garment were made. Samples differed from each other by skirt angles(90°, 180°), gauges(7G, 12G, 15G), and grain directions(bias direction, wale direction, and radial direction). After measuring the mechanical properties of various gauges on the seamless knitting machine, I compared shape of the knitted flare skirt through subjective evaluation on appearances. The data analysis methods used in this study were descriptive statistics, one-way ANOVA, Duncan-test, correlation analysis, and regression analysis. The subjective evaluation on appearances of knitted flare skirts showed the following: In case of 90° skirt, the seamless skirt showed a much higher score in every gauge expect that of the cut and sew 12G, and silhouette of 15G wale direction. In case of the 180° skirt, the seamless type showed a much higher score in every item over the cut and sew expect the silhouette part of 7G wale direction.
        2009.12 KCI 등재 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
        The knitting method of the sleeves for improving movement adaptability were studied in this paper. The purpose of this study is proposing a knitting method that is suitable for the bodies of women in their 20's and can enhance wearing satisfaction. To see the effect of the bind-off length at the axilla, a movement adaptability test was undertaken for 4 samples that have bind-off at bodices. In addition to that, the analysis of their sliding distance with respect to the human motions were executed. The results of this study were listed below. Its result was that the samples with small bind-off lengths represent better wearing satisfaction than the samples which have large bind-off lengths. The comparison of the sliding distances at the hem, waist and sleeves with respect to the tester's motions also shows that the sample having small bind-off makes better result than the sample with large bind-off. It was observed that the optimal length of bind-off was 2cm for the improvement of the sleeve functionality.
        2009.10 KCI 등재 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
        The purpose of this study is proposing a knitting method that is suitable for the bodies of women in their 20's and can enhance aesthetic aspect and wearing satisfaction. For this study, four kinds of seamless knit one-pieces were implemented by different knitting method of waist dart each other. The inspection of the exterior and the sensory test of movement adaptability were included in this study. The results of this study were listed below. Exterior evaluation of the four samples results that the sample with outside narrowing and widening get low grade. Thus, we can see that the method having only outside narrowing and widening for waist shaping can cause problems. In addition to that, the sample with inside narrowing and widening get highest grade for almost all test items. The dressing evaluation results that the knitting method of waist dart affect only on the exterior but not on the movement adaptability of the seamless knit one-piece.