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        검색결과 11

        2016.06 KCI 등재 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
        본 연구에서는 BES 기법을 활용하여 온실을 대상으로 실시간 에너지교환 시뮬레이션 모델 개발 및 검증을 수행하고 냉·난방부하 산정 및 경향성을 분석하였다. 우선 BES 기법과 현장실험을 기반으로 온실의 실시간 에너지 교환 모델을 개발하였다. 광흡수율, 엽면적지수, 잎 특성 길이 등 대상작물인 애플망고의 특성 값들과 온실 내부 이산화탄소 농도, 광량, 온도 등 실시간 입력 자료를 고려하여 작물 및 토양의 에너지교환을 구현하였다. 모델의 검증은 온실 내부 기온으로 수행하였으며 실측 내부 기온과 연산된 내부 기온 간의 결정계수, 일치도로 평가 하였다. 내부 기온 비교는 결정계수 0.89, 일치도 0.93으로 높은 유사성을 확인하였으며 모델의 유의성을 판단하였다. 개발한 모델과 2005년부터 2014년까지의 기상자료, 대상작물의 생육단계별 적정생육온도를 이용하여 대상온실의 냉·난방부하 산정하였다. 연도별 냉·난방부하산정 및 경향성을 파악하였으며 최대 냉·난방부하 산정을 통하여 대상온실의 냉·난방장치 용량설계의 기초자료를 확보하였다. 최근 10년 치 기상자료를 통하여 평균 최대 난방부하 525,473 kJ·hr-1, 평균 최대냉방부하 630,870 kJ·hr-1가 산정되었으며 대상 온실에 지열, 온배수, 태양열 등 신재생에너지를 활용할 경우 유용하게 활용될 것으로 판단된다. 본 연구를 통하여 온실 내 각 구성요소 간의 실시간 에너지교환을 모의할 수 있었으며 추후 온배수 활용을 위한 저류조, 히트펌프, 축열조 등의 설비를 구현함에 따라 전반적인 냉·난방 시스템의 구현 가능성을 확인하였다. 또한 동적 해석방법을 통하여 재배작물, 생육단계 및 토양을 고려하였으며 온실 에너지교환 모델에 다양한 형태로 적용 가능할 것으로 판단된다.
        2009.06 KCI 등재 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
        최근 상수원 수질관리에 있어서 팔당호 수질악화에 직접적으로 영향을 주는 경안천 유역관리에 대한 관심이 증가하여 적절한 대책이 필요하다. 이를 위해 SWAT 모델을 적용하여 유역 내 점∙비점오염원에 따른 오염물질발생 특성을 평가하고자 하였으며, 연구결과는 향후 경안천 유역의 효율적인 수질관리를 위한 기초자료로서 도움이 되고자 한다. BASINS는 유역의 오염현황을 신속하고 용이하게 파악가능하고 예측모형의 입력자료를 자동적으로 생성해 주기 때문에, BASINS 적용을 위한 공간입력자료인 유역 경계와 하천도, DEM, 토지이용도, 토양도 등을 tool 형식 에 맞게 변환하고 입력하여 SWAT과 같은 유역모델을 연구목적에 맞게 적용할 수 있었다. 연구목적에 맞게 모델을 적절히 적용하기 위하여 유량, SS, TN, 그리고 TP순으로 2004년부터 2008년까지 일별로 검∙보정 하였고, 모델 통계 치와 효율 산정 및 산포도 작성을 통해 모델의 정량적, 정성적 모의특성을 판단하였다. 유량의 경우 실측값에 대한 모의 경향이 잘 반영되었으며, SS, TN, TP의 경우 특정기간에서 과대 또는 과소평가 되었으나 유역이라는 광범위하고 복합적인 특성과 그 안에서의 복잡한 수질기작 등을 고려해 볼 때 허용할 수 있는 범위에서 실측값을 적절히 묘사한 것으로 판단되었다. 그러나 결과의 정확한 해석과 적용을 위해서는 보다 상세한 측정자료 확보 및 검∙보정 작업이 필요하며, 특히 점오염원 배출현황에 대한 관측자료의 검증을 통해 이상 치들의 정확성을 개선할 필요가 있다. 년간 오염부하량을 산정한 결과, SS와 TP의 경우 강우량이 증가함에 따른 유출량 변화가 비점오염부하량 변화에 영향을 미치는 것으로 나타났다. TN은 점오염부하량이 매년 유사한 범위에서 산정되었으나, 유량증가에 따른 질소성분의 희석이나 산화효과로 인하여 질소농도 감소가 비점오염부하량 감소로 나타났다. 수계오염총량관리 기술지침에 의해 산정된 배출부하량과 비교한 결과, 총량에서는 본 연구결과가 2~3배가량 더 작으며, 비점오염 부하량의 경우 더 큰 것으로 나타났다. 원단위를 이용하여 부하량을 산정할 경우 유달개념이 고려되지 않고 단순 강우유출비만을 고려하기 때문에 나타나는 결과라고 판단되었다. 연중 일정하게 나타나는 점오염원의 특성과는 달리, 비점오염원에 의한 부하량은 강우가 집중되는 6~9월에 61.8~88.7%수준으로 크게 증가하며 강우유출량에 많은 영향을 받는 것을 알 수 있었으나, TN과 TP는 평수기 및 저수기 (10~5월)에 점오염원에 의한 영향이 크게 나타났다. 이는 저수기에 흐르는 경안천 유량의 많은 양이 용인시와 광주시에 위치한 환경기초시설의 방류량이며, 이에 따라 하절기 비점오염뿐만 아니라 저수기의 수질개선을 위한 관리 또한 적절히 필요한 것으로 판단되었다.
        2005.09 KCI 등재 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
        The assembly line balancing problem has been focused by many research works because the efficient management of the assembly line might influence not only the quality of the products but also the working conditions for the workers. This paper deals with U
        1993.12 KCI 등재 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
        Cooling of nutrient solution is essential to improve the growth environment of crops in hydroponic culture during summer season in Korea. This study was carried out to provide fundamental data for development of the cooling system satisfying the required cooling load of nutrient solution in hydroponic greenhouse. A numerical model for prediction of the cooling load of nutrient solution in hydroponic greenhouse was developed, and the results by the model showed good agreements with those by experiments. Main factors effecting on cooling load were solar radiation and air temperature in weather data, and conductivity of planting board and area ratio of bed to floor in greenhouse parameters. Using the model developed, the design cooling load of nutrient solution in hydroponic greenhouse of 1,000m2(300pyong) was predicted to be 95,000 kJ/hr in Suwon and the vicinity.
        2007.03 KCI 등재 서비스 종료(열람 제한)
        As analyzed the estimated values of the daily delivery loads from thirteen major side streams such as Naesung-river, Keumho-river, Hwang-river, Nam-river during five years (from 1999 to 2003), the daily BOD inflow into the main stream of Nakdong river in 2003 shows the highest quantity as 31.1 ton and the daily BOD inflows in 1999, 2000, 2001, and 2002 are 26.7 ton, 22.5 ton, 21.0 ton, 25.8 ton, respectively. The daily TN inflow into the main stream of Nakdong river in 2003 shows also the highest quantity as 64.9 ton and the daily TN inflows in 1999, 2000, 2001, and 2002 are 55.19 ton, 46.27 ton, 39.5 ton, 53.38 ton, respectively. The daily TP inflow into the main stream of Nakdong river in 2003 shows the highest quantity as 2.70 ton likewise and the daily TP inflows in 1999, 2000, 2001, and 2002 are 2.17 ton, 1.87 ton, 1.60 ton, 2.10 ton, respectively. The rate of BOD loads from each side main stream into the main stream of Nakdong river shows that the BOD loads of Keumho-river are the highest as the values range from 32.8 % (2002) ~ 35.1 % (2003) and the BOD loads of Nam-river, Naesung-river, Hwang-river are high in the order named. The rate of TN loads to the main stream is also similar to the trend of BOD loads. The contribution of the TN loads of Geumho-river to the contamination of the main stream is also the highest having a range from 27.0 % (2002) to 28.8 % (1999) among the main side streams and the TN loads of Naesung-river, Nam-river, and Heachun-river are high in the order named. The rate of TP loads is quite different from the trend of BOD and TN loads. The TP rate of Keumho-river, however, is still the highest as ranging 58.6 % (2002) to 61.7 % (2003) and the river has the biggest portion (over 50%) of the entire pollution to the main stream of Nakdong river.
        2007.02 KCI 등재 서비스 종료(열람 제한)
        The delivery load data obtained from Nakdong river basin are used for developing the model estimating the daily delivery load on the main side streams of Nakdong River. The developed model assesses the daily contamination loads of the main thirteen side streams that contribute to the main stream of Nakdong river. It is developed that the model using the simplified equation that can estimate the daily delivery loads on the side main streams of Nakdong river for a period of having no data of the water quality and flow. The developed model for estimating the daily delivery loads from the main side streams in Nakdong river basin on each item such as BOD, TN, and TP is expressed as Daily delivery load (kg / day) = Production load (kg / day)×(1−α)×(daily runoff / average runoff per year)γ. The estimated values obtained by using the model are almost fit to the calculated values (real data) that have been acquired from the thirteen main side streams in Nakdong river basin. The correlation coefficient values, R, that indicate the correlation between the estimated and the calculated show over 0.7 that mean the estimated values from the used model are adapted to the real data except TN values of Nam-river, Hwang-river, Gam-river, We-river. Especially, the correlation of TP values between the estimated and the calculated implies quite a creditable data to use.
        2003.03 KCI 등재 서비스 종료(열람 제한)
        In this study, the material cycle model was applied to suggest alternative management of water quality for Jeju Harbor. The distribution of COD, DIN (dissolved inorganic nitrogen) and DIP (dissolved inorganic phosphorus) concentrations was reasonably reproduced by simulations on the model area of the Jeju Harbor using a material cycle model. The simulations of COD, DIN and DIP concentrations were performed under the conditions of 20~100% pollution loadings reductions from pollution sources. In case of the 100% reduction of the input loads from Sanzi river, concentrations of COD, DIN and DIP were reduced to 39%, 78% and 52%, respectively at Jeju harbor. In contrast, in case of the pollutant loadings reductions from sediment, the effect of DIN and DIP reduction relatively seemed to increase around the center of study area. The 95% reduction of the pollutant loadings from river and sediment is required to meet the COD and nutrients concentration of second grade of ocean water quality criteria.
        2003.03 KCI 등재 서비스 종료(열람 제한)
        The purpose of this study is to investigate the characteristics of water quality in Jeju harbor and to estimate pollutant loadings discharged into Jeju Harbor. To know characteristics of water quality in Jeju harbor and pollutant loadings of Sanzi river, we have investigated from August, 2000 to May, 2001. The results showed that the concentrations of COD, DIN and DIP were in the range of 1.00~4.85㎎/L (mean 2.15㎎/L), 2.14~74.0㎍-at/L(mean 12.20㎍-at/L) and 0.52~4.00㎍-at/L(mean 1.18㎍-at/L), respectively. These values were under Ⅲ class of seawater quality criteria. The ratio of nitrogen to phosphorus was lower than 16 except for Station 1 in Jeju harbor. Therefore, nitrogen was playing an important role in phytoplankton growth as limiting factor in Jeju harbor. The mean values of eutrophication index were exceeding 1, which was the eutrophication criteria. The results of estimating pollutant loadings at Sanzi river are 0.30 ton/day for COD, 300㎏/day for DIN and 18.0㎏/day for DIP, respectively.
        2001.02 KCI 등재 서비스 종료(열람 제한)
        The Keum river has been utilized for drinking water supply of several city including Kunsan city and is deepening pollution state due to numerous municipal and industrial discharges. The concentration BOD in river is affected by the organic loading from a tributary and the algae biomass that largely happen to under eutrophication state. In the eutrophic water mass such as the Keum river, the autochthonous BOD was very important part for making a decision of water quality management, because it was accounted for majority of the total BOD. The predict of water quality has important meaning for management of water quality pollution of the Keum river. The purpose of this study will manage and predict water quality of the Keum river using QUAL-2E model considering the autochthonous BOD. The estimation of autochthonous BOD represented that the relationship between BOD and chlorophyll a. The regression equation was shown to be autochthonous BOD=β5×chlorophyll a. The results of this study may be summarized as followed; The QUAL-2E model was calibrated with the data surveyed in the field of the study area in June, 1998. The calculated value by QUAL-2E model are in good agree to measured value within relative error of 7.80∼20.33%. Especially, in the case of the considering autochthonous BOD, the calculated value of BOD were fairly good coincided with the observed values within relative error of 15%. But the case of not considering autochthonous BOD, relative error of BOD was shown to be 43.2%. In order to attain Ⅱ grade of water quality standard in Puyo station which has a intake facility of water supply, we reduced to the pollutants loading of tributaries. In the case of removed 100% BOD of tributaries, the BOD of Puyo station was 4.07㎎/ℓ, belong to Ⅲ grade of water quality standard. But in the case of removed 88% nutrient of tributaries, it was satisfied to Ⅱ grade of water quality standard as below 3㎎/ℓof BOD. For estimation of autochthonous BOD in Keum river, we are performed simulating in accordance with reduction of nutrient load(50∼100%) under conditions removal 90% organic load. Occupancy of autochthonous BOD according to nutrient loading reductions were varied from 25.97∼79.51%. Occupancy of autochthonous BOD was shown to be a tendency to increasing in accordance with reduction of nutrient loading. Showing the above results, the nutrient that one of the growing factor of algae was important role in decision of BOD in the Keum river. For the water quality management of the Keum river, therefore, it is necessary to considering autochthonous BOD and to construction of advanced sewage treatment plant for nutrient removal.