생활폐기물 고형연료(Solid refuse fuel, SRF)는 생활폐기물에서 재활용 가능한 자원을 회수하고, 가연물을 이용하여 연료화한 친환경에너지이다. 2014년 기준 국내 발생 생활폐기물의 15.7%가 매립되었으며, 25.3%가 소각처리 되었다. 폐기물 관리에 있어서 발생억제, 재이용, 재활용, 에너지생산, 처분의 순으로 우선순위를 적용하여 관련 정책이 발전되어왔다. 생활폐기물을 연료화하여 발전용으로 사용하면 매립되는 폐기물의 양을 줄이고, 화석연료의 사용을 저감하는 효과가 있다. 이를 장려하기 위하여 폐기물관리법, 자원재활용촉진법, 산림조성관리법 등의 법령을 준수하여 제조 및 유통되는 경우 신재생에너지 연료로써 인정하고 있다. 순환유동층 연소보일러는 저품질의 연료를 효과적으로 활용할 수 있기 때문에 열병합 발전 및 중소 규모의 발전용으로 많이 보급되어 왔다. 하지만 폐기물을 연료로 투입하는 경우 일반적으로 응집현상이 발생하고 공정의 효율이 저하된다. 연료 중 알칼리 성분, 주로 칼륨과 나트륨이 응집작용의 원인으로 작용하며, 이에 원료 중 알칼리계 저비점 금속이 존재하는 경우 보일러 내 응집현상이 발생한다. 이러한 응집현상은 슬래깅과 파울링 현상을 유도하여 보일러의 열전달 효율을 감소시키며, 유동층 내 알칼리금속에 의한 응집이 발생한 후 주기적인 정비를 진행하지 않으면, 최종적으로 비유동화가 발생하고 운전이 중단되는 현상이 발생한다. 본 연구에서는 국내 생활폐기물 연료화 발전시설의 순환유동층 보일러에서 발생한 클링커의 생성원인을 규명하여, 향후 방지대책을 수립하는데 활용하고자 한다.
Background: In this study, we investigated the antibacterial and nitric oxide (NO) production inhibitory activities of 75% ethanol extract of Prunus sargentii branches and its fractions against acne pathogens. Methods and Results: The antibacterial activity against acne causing pathogens was determined using the disc diffusion assay. The ethyl acetate fraction showed higher activities against Propionibacterium acnes, Staphylococcus aureus and Staphylococcus epidermidis than those shown by other fractions. In the DPPH radical and NO scavenging assays, the butanol fraction showed strong DPPH radical and NO scavenging abilities. These activities were related to the total polyphenol and flavonoid contents of butanol fraction. On the other hand, the chloroform and ethyl acetate fractions exhibited the highest NO production inhibitory activity in Lipopolysaccharide (LPS)-stimulated Raw 264.7 cells compared to those exhibited by other fractions. Conclusions: The extract and its ethyl acetate fraction from the branches of P. sargentii exhibited antibacterial activity and could be used as functional materials in antimicrobial related fields. Moreover, the chloroform and ethyl acetate fractions are potential antiinflammatory agents and butanol fraction acts as an effective radical scavenger.
With the expanding wave of globalization, foreign languages have gradually become extremely significant in communication and exchange of information, the ability of using foreign languages has become the essential condition and the primary means to boost the national economy. Therefore, a great upsurge in learning foreign languages has been seen throughout the world, especially learning idiomatic phrases has received serious attention. However, in actual fact, because of the difficulty of idiomatic phrases themselves, yet the comparative research of them has not started extensively. Both of idiomatic phrases and proverbs evolve from the terms we utilize in our daily life. The true meaning of an idiom is not its denotation but the connotation that commonly recognized by the masses. For instance, the idiom ‘국수를 먹다(喝喜酒)’ is difficult for people form other countries to understand because of its hidden language background. In order to learn idiomatic phrases better, it is necessary to study the cause and the development process of them from the source. This thesis will divided the research of idiomatic phrases into four parts, container metaphor, space metaphor, event metonymy and states metonymy from the aspects of linguistics, history, sociality, psychology and cognitive linguistics. Since it is difficult to comprehend idiomatic phrases from their literal meanings, the thesis aims at investigating the cause and the development process of idiomatic phrases from diversified perspectives, and providing reference to the future teaching and research of idiomatic phrases.
From the beginning of 1990s , also in the shipping industry, especially liner shipping industry competition has been more intensive and difference of the service quality among shipping companies has been learned . On the other hand, a shipping company has some limitations to do its international mission for itself just by broadening service area. For this reason, the necessity for the global strategi alliance among the shipping companies, which is orginally aimed at sharing of facilities and organixation, has been developed. Through strategic alliance, liner shipping companies do not need to input the additional capitals to increase the material assets such as vessel capacity and spread the risk by the enlargement of the market. Also, they can secure the competitive edge through efficient utilizaton of assets. The purpose of strategic alliance of Hanjin Shipping Ltd., can be summarized as follows ; broadening of service area, cost reduction through vessel sharing, realization of rationalized shipping service by terminal and equipment or facilities sharing. Liner strategic alliances are agreement among liner companies to pol their equipment , andterminals for joint operations and services in which each alliance partner continues to serve its market using jointly operated or used inland feeders,inland terminals, port terminals, and mainline fleets of ship as well as joint pools of containers and equipment. Strategic alliances are generally more formal agreements than consortia and impose longer term and far reaching obligation on their members. It also acts as one in developing and advancing the strategic aims of the alliance members. The most important objective for liner strategic alliances is cost reduction and improvement in capital asset utilization. Main aims of strategic alliance drawn in this paper, can be enumerated follows : 1. improvements in service frequency and quality : 2. improvements in vessel and equipment utilization and thereby reductions in fixed and variable cost ; 3. improvements in market shares and high value cargo booking ; 4. reductions in intermodal storage and port terminal throughput costs ; 5. improvements in negotiating powers with ports and feeder transport providers ; 6. reduction in financial and other fixed costs such as insurance; 7. coordination and integration of MIS and EDI systems and service for greater efficiency and market penetration ; and, 8. improvements in logistic chain management and economic of scale by equipment depot, terminal, and vessel sharing.