
결과 내 재검색





        검색결과 4

        2002.07 KCI 등재 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
        This study was performed to know effect of Yackwa quality when sucrose fatty acid esters(S-570, S-970, S-1570) were added as an emulsifier. In mechanical characteristics, the Yackwa of sucrose fatty acid esters did greatly decrease the hardness, cohesiveness, springiness and gumminess, respectively, and increase the brittleness compared to the Yackwa of non-emulsifier and egg yolk. This tendency showed at the above level of 1.0% S-570, and 0.5% S-970 and S-1570, respectively. In sensory evaluation, the Yackwa of sucrose fatty acid esters increased the softness compared to the Yackwa of non-emulsifiers and egg yolk. There were significantly differences in the preference at 0.5% level of S-970 and 1.5% level of S-1570, respectively compared to other treatments. In conclusion, the 0.5% level of S-970 would be mostly useful level of emulsifier for making Yackwa.
        1994.12 KCI 등재 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
        The objective of this study was to determine effects of soybean oil(SO), cottonseed oil(CO) and ricebran oil(RO) on stability and flavor of yackwa. This study consisted of yackwa fried in 3 differnet oils, then stored for 0, 3, 6 weeks in normal wrap at room temp. or vaccum package at 4℃. The moisture, oil contents, Hunter color values(L, 'a' and 'b'), % free fatty acid(FFA), thiobarbituric acid(TBA) value and sensory scores for color, flavor and acceptability were analyzed. The foam height of the oil after frying was also determined. Yackwa fried in RO was more red('a'=11.43) than yackwa fried in SO(10.64) or CO(10.51). TBA value of yackwa showed no difference among frying oils. Yackwa fried in SO showed better acceptability than those fried in CO. Yackwa fried in RO showed similar acceptability to yackwa fried in SO. The % FFA and TBA value of yackwa averaged across oil and package showed increasing tendency during 6 weeks storage.
        1992.09 KCI 등재 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
        This investigation was undertaken for the purpose of studying the quality and acceptability during storage at room or refrigerator temperature of Yackwa containing waxy rice flour substituted for 0,10,30,50,70% of the wheat flour. The storage periods were 0,15,30 and 45 days. Chemical composition, composition of fatty acids, and value, and peroxide values of Yackwa were measured. Sensory evaluation was done by a panel of 5 judges majoring in food and nutrition. The evaluation was repeated 4 times. Objective evaluation was done by rheometer and color difference meter. Chemical composition of Yackwa were 5.9~6.8% for moisture, 3.43~4.09% for crude protein, 22.35~27.65% for crude fat, 0.27~0.31% for ash, 15.6~18.4% for fructose, 10.6~13.7% for glucose, 0.34~1.0% for sucrose, and 0.79~2.37% for maltose, respectively. Fatty acid contents of Yackwa were 10.54~10.73% for palmitic acid, 4.12~4.18% for stearic acid, 25.8~26.9% for oleic acid, 51.6~52.1% for linoleic acid, and 0.27~0.34% for linolenic acid, respectively. Acid value and peroxide value of Yackwa during storage showed little change. As a result of sensory evaluation for Yackwa made various levels of waxy rice flour, there were no significant differences in most of characteristics between the samples supplemented with waxy rice flour to 30% of wheat flour at 0.01% level. By the color difference meter, the value of L (lightness) and b (yellowness) were increased by increasing the amounts of waxy rice flour, however, there were no significant differences at 0.1% level between the samples supplemented with waxy rice flour to 30% of wheat flour, on the other hand, the value of a (redness) was decreased by increasing the amount of waxy rice flour. In the textural characteristics, brittleness, and chewiness were increased by increasing the amounts of waxy rice flour, and by lengthening the storage period, on the other hand, resilience and cohesiveness showed vice versa. In the correlation coefficient between sensory characteristics and mechanical characteristics, overall acceptability in sensory evaluation correlated significantly with cohesiveness, chewiness, and the values of L, a, and b in mechanical test in most of samples(p〈0.001).
        1987.06 KCI 등재 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
        밀가루에 기름과 꿀을 섞어서 반죽하여 일정한 모양으로 만들어 기름에 지지고 다시 꿀을 묻힌 약과는 한국인의 대표적인 기호식품의 하나이다. 본 연구는 1600년대부터 1943년까지 간행된 모든 한글 조리서 중에서 약과가 기록된 조리서 13권과 1945년 이후의 조리서 14권을 중심으로 약과의 명칭과 모양의 변천, 반죽 재료와 반죽 방법의 변천, 기름에 지지는 방법, 즙청 재료와 방법, 고명 등을 시대적으로 비교 고찰하므로 약과 문화의 시대적 변천 과정을 연구하였다. 1. 약과의 명칭은 약과 과줄 조과라 칭하였으며, 모양은 새 짐승 원형 네모진 모양이 있었다. 크기는 지름이 약 3.5cm, 두께 0.5~1.5cm 이었다. 2. 약과 반죽의 주재로는 밀가루 꿀 기름 술이었다. 밀가루 이외에 콩가루 찹쌀가루도 사용하였으며 꿀대신 조청 설탕물 설탕시럽 엿녹인 것을 넣기도 하였다. 기름은 주로 참기름을 넣었으나 사라다유 면실유도 넣었다. 술은 청주 소주 약주 막걸리 양주를 넣었으며 물은 끓인물을 넣었다. 그밖에 통깨 생강 후추가루 깨소금 생강즙 잣가루 소금 등을 넣었다. 3. 약과 반죽은 "반죽을 매우 찧어 도마에 놓고 망치로 사방을 모아 두드리라"는 방법과 "국수 반죽 모양으로 너무 치다르지 말고 가볍게 반죽해야 한다"는 두 가지 방법이 있었다. 1940년 이후의 대부분 조리서에서 "가볍게 살살 섞으라"고 하였다. 4. 기름에 지지는 방법은 "기름을 넉넉히 붓고 120~160℃의 기름에서 속이 잘 익고 진한 갈색이 나도록 5~15분 가량 지져내라" 하였다. 이때 "기름의 온도가 너무 낮으면 모양이 부서지고 너무 높으면 단단해진다"고 하였다. 5. 즙청의 재료로 1940년 이전에는 꿀을 사용하였으나 그 후부터는 굴 조청 엿녹인 것 시럽 등을 사용하였다. 그밖에 향취를 위해 강즙 건강 유자즙을 넣었다. 6. 즙청 방법은 튀겨낸 약과의 기름을 빼고 뜨거울 때 넣어 오래 담가 두어야 연하고 맛이 있다고 하였다. 7. 고명은 잣가루 계피가루 설탕이었다.