
결과 내 재검색





        검색결과 9

        2023.07 KCI 등재 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
        수산실무상 쟁점인 연근해 어업의 어업조정과 자원보전이라는 공익상 목적 으로 제정된「연근해어업의 어업조정 고시」는 법령보충규칙에 해당하고, 고시제정당시 전체 동해구 트롤어선 43척 중에 14척에 한해서만 선미식 조업을 허 가하고 나머지 어선에 대해서는 선미식으로 건․개조를 금지하게 함으로써 기존 에 선미식으로 조업했던 어선이 대체 · 상속 · 매매 · 침몰되었을 때 선미식 조업 어선을 양수한자는 선미식 조업을 할 수 있는지 논란이 된 것이다. 이것은 어 업허가의 양도성과 직결되는 것으로 어업허가는 대물적 허가인지 아니면 혼합 적 허가인지에 대해 의견이 나누어지지만 대물적 허가로 보는 것이 다수견해이 다. 대물적 허가로 보는 견해나 추가된「수산업법」제44조 규정취지를 해석하 면 어업허가는 양도되어야 하지만, 대법원 판결은 기존 어업허가를 받은 자에 게 어선을 양수하더라도 어업허가권까지 양수되는 것이 아니고 양수인은 어업 허가를 새로이 받아야만 허가어업에 종사할 수 있는 것이라고 하여서 어업허가 의 권리양도를 부정하고 있다. 따라서 판례에 따르면 양도인은 선박을 양도한 것이지 어업허가를 양도한 것은 아니므로 선미식 조업 허가권은 여전히 양도인 에게 존재하고, 양수인은 선박을 양수 받은 것이고, 선미식 조업 허가권을 양수 받은 것은 아니다. 동해구 트롤어선의 어업허가권의 법적성격과 승계는 수산실 무에서는 계속 분쟁이 지속되는 문제이므로 이에 대한 연구는 학문적이나 실무 적으로 검토할 가치가 있다.
        2017.12 KCI 등재 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
        This article’s aim is to review the jurisprudence which has emerged pursuant to the international dispute settlement provisions and to provide a provisional expectation as to the future of international dispute settlement under“UNCLOS”. Globally, marine fisheries play an important role in ocean biodiversity and the food security of millions of people, providing a vital source of high-quality dietary protein and supporting individuals’livelihoods and income. In the 1982 Convention, the establishment of co-operative mechanisms for effective monitoring, control, surveillance and enforcement, decision-making procedures facilitating the adoption of such measures of conservation and management, and the promotion of the peaceful settlement of disputes are called for. In this study,‘Northeast Asian Sea’means that the Yellow/ East China Sea, the East Sea, the Ohotsk Sea, the Kamchaka Sea, the Alaska Sea, and the Bering Sea surrounded by Korea, China, Japan, Russia, U.S.A. and Canada including their EEZs. There are several bilateral fisheries agreements existing in Northeast Asian area, the Fisheries Agreement between Republic Korea and Japan, between Republic of Korea and China, between China and Japan, between Republic Korea and U.S.A., between Republic Korea and Russia, between Russia and Japan, And there are several regional fisheries organizations existing in Northeast Asian area, for example NPAFC(Convention for the Conservation of Anadromous Stocks in the North Pacific Ocean), CBSPC (Convention on the Central Bering Sea Pollack Conservation), PICES(North Pacific Marine Science Organization), NPFC(North Pacific Fishery Commi-ssion) etc. It analyzed the proliferation of bilateral treaties and multilateral treaties due to the adoption of the EEZ in Northeast Asia reviewed the strengthening of management rights on the high seas marine living resources and marine environment preservation of regional fisheries organizations. In view of the changes in the international fisheries mechanism this paper suggested the future direction of the country in overseas fisheries. We concluded as follows. We shall apply bilateral treaties first, regional fisheries organizations’treaties secondly, and provisions under“UNCLOS”for dispute settlement last.
        2015.04 KCI 등재 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
        Though the debate of the establishment time, place and characteristic of the first fisheries cooperatives in Korea has been existed, it is clear that they had been established in the neighborhood of Tongyeong during the period of Japanese colonial rule. But the objective, motive and historical background of the first fisheries cooperatives are still slightly vague. To explain and explore that of fisheries cooperatives, over 1,000 articles of media, about 100 document of the Japanese government-general of Korea and the annals of the Joseon dynasty, many of research paper and others were included and refined. Through the result of that process, three core factors were founded that affect both the emergence of fisheries cooperatives and relationship of the them. The first one is about the royal family’s fishing area where in the neighborhood of Tongyeong. The next one is Kentaro Kashii who was called king or devil of the Korean fisheries industry and the last one is fishermen and their organizations including fisheries cooperatives. Some of the above and the fishing rights conflict that make a guidance for understanding them has not been clearly mentioned. The result of this study shows that the birth of the first fisheries cooperatives were caused by not only the Japanese government-general of Korea but mainly Korean fishermen’s voluntary activity and free will against fishing rights conflict between them. And both of the first fisheries cooperatives had somewhat difference in their constitution of organization and their characteristics but it was a tragic irony that the more exploitation and despoliation were conducted by Japanese government-general and Japanese capitalist the more movement and activity of Korean were frequently and severely occurred. Even though the findings and results of this study would be a proof and helpful material for understanding the establishment and their activity of fisheries cooperatives in Tongyeong, more research and contribution would be need by members of fisheries academic and business world.
        2003.06 KCI 등재 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
        1999.12 KCI 등재 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료