
결과 내 재검색





        검색결과 3

        2014.12 KCI 등재 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
        본 논문은 루돌프 비트코워의 저서 『인본주의 시대의 건축원리』의 성공을 새롭게 보려는 시도이며, 이 저서가 미국 건축구조의 역사에 미친 영향을 고찰하고자 한다. 비트코워가 추구한 기하학적 혹은 수학적 원리와 그 적용의 연결고리를 제시하기 위하여, 리차드 벅민스터 풀러, 콘래드 왁스만, 로베르 르 리콜레, 펠릭스 사무엘리, 앤 팅의 작업을 분석한다. 논문의 1장은 제2차 세계대전 이후 『인본주의 시대의 건축원리』의 성과를 분석하며, 2장은 기하학, 형태, 성장 간의 관계를 3장에서 논의되는 기하학이 구조와 사전제작과 연결되는 점과 비교하여 고찰한다. 그리고 논문을 결론지으며 “비율의 가변적 개념”이 건축의 전망에 어떻게 영향을 주었는지를 살펴보고자 한다.
        2011.08 KCI 등재 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
        Imre Makovecz, a Hungarian architect, has chiefly known for his unique organic works. He has taken a lot of sharp criticism against mere functionalistic and stylistic approaches toward modern architecture. Instead, he has desired to pursue a true embodiment for organic beauty and hungarian cultural heritage in architecture. Although most of his works reside in Hungary, he has become an internationally recognised architect for his unique works. This article attempts to identify Hungarian culture and its influence to Makovecz's architecture. It also examines how Makovecz investigated Hungarian folk art traditions and primitive craft patterns, and then applied the lessons learned into his own architectural designs. Then, this article attempts to expose the principles of his organic architecture deeply influenced by the philosophy of Rudolf Steiner. Finally, it concludes with a discussion of the benefits and challenges of employing similar approaches for the development of a rich architectural tradition.
        2010.02 KCI 등재 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
        This paper was to analyze the fusion between the organic and inorganic characteristics performed in architecture and urbanism, especially on the characteristics found in the works of Archigram group who was very active during 1960s and 70s. Generally, it was thought that Archigram drew its ideas mainly from a mechanist metaphor and that the diagrams of its members were based on the notion of the material obsolescence, which could be placed in a British tectonic tradition. But, Archigram’s works has been continually influenced by the biological-organic analogy from the birth of the group to its dissolution. Simply, the importance that the biological-organic analogy takes in the works of Archigram has changed periodically according to the change of its members. We can divide generally Archigram group in two parts : on one hand, nascent members such as Peter Cook, Dennis Greene, Michael Webb ; on the another hand, three members who participated from LCC such as Warren Chalk, Ron Herron, Dennis Crompton. As the new three LCC members participated, Archigram Group focalized on the technological part more than ever. But, when its members dispersed geographically and professionally, its biological-organic analogy came out again at the surface of their works. However, Archigram's organic and inorganic characteristics did not always adhere in opposing position with each other and took the form of coexistence in harmony at the same period. That is, the works of Archigram were persuing the creation of community that nature, technology and architecture could communicate and harmonize with each other through the intergration between organic and inorganic characteristics. The reason why Archigram became the one of the most excellent architectural avant-garde group in the 60s was mainly to receive asssitance with the fact that two small groups having contradictory tendencies got together and formed the Archigram group.