This study investigated characteristics of buckling load and effective buckling length by member rigidity of dome-typed space frame which was sensitive to initial conditions. A critical point and a buckling load were computed by analyzing the eigenvalues and determinants of the tangential stiffness matrix. The hexagonal pyramid model and star dome were selected for the case study in order to examine the nodal buckling and member buckling in accordance with member rigidity. From the numerical results, an effective buckling length factor of adopted models was bigger than that of Euler buckling for the case of fixed boundary. These numerical models indicated that the influence of nodal buckling was greater than that of member buckling as member rigidity was higher. Besides, there was a tendency that the bifurcation appeared on the equilibrium path before limit point in the member buckling model.
In case of rectangular lattice dome which shearing rigidity is very small, it has a concern to drop Buckling strength considerably by external force. So, by means of system to increase buckling-strength, there is a method of construction that lattice of dome is one with roof material. In a case like this, shearing rigidity of roof material increases buckling-strength of the whole of structure and can be designed economically from the viewpoint of practice. In case of analysis is achieved considering roof material that adheres to lattice of dame, there is method that considers the rigidity that use effective width frame as method to evaluate rigidity of roof material. therefore, this study is aimed at deciding effective width of roof material united with rectangular lattice dome to evaluate rigidity of roof material by effective width of frame and investigating how much does rigidity of roof material united with lattice of dome increase buckling-strength of the whole of structure according to rise-ratio. Conditions of loading are vertical-type-uniform loading. Analysis method is based on FEM dealing with the geometrically nonlinear deflection problems.
The purpose of this study is to present the new effective stiffness of special RC shear walls with flanges. ACI 318-99 adapt the different design provisions of effective stiffness between simple walls and walls with flanges. But domestic code makes no distinction between simple and with flanges walls. By the nonlinear analysis, maximum loads and displacement are calculated. Therefore the moment-curvature curve is calcultaed by the P-Δ curve. The stiffness ratios of cracked and uncracked section are calculated by the moment-curvature curves. And the stiffness ratios of simple walls and wall with flange are compared.
This study investigated characteristics of buckling load and effective buckling length by member rigidity of dome-typed space frame which was sensitive to initial conditions. A critical point and a buckling load were computed by analyzing the eigenvalues and determinants of the tangential stiffness matrix. The hexagonal pyramid model and star dome were selected for the case study in order to examine the nodal buckling and member buckling in accordance with member rigidity.
강합성 절곡 바닥판 중에서 I형강으로 보강된 강합성 절곡 바닥판은 절곡바닥판내에 I형강을 매입시켜 기존의 현장타설 RC바닥판보다 경량화되고 시공성을 향상시킨 바닥판이다. 현재 일반적인 철근콘크리트 구조물의 유효휨강성에 대한 계산은 도로교설계기준 및 ACI에서 제안하고 있는 방법을 사용하고 있다. 본 연구에서는 도로교설계기준 및 ACI에서 제안된 유효휨강성에 대한 산정 방법을 Ι형강으로 보강된 강합성 절곡 바닥판에 적용하여 그에 대한 적용성을 평가하고 철근콘크리트 바닥판과 비교를 하였다. 또한 실험변수로써 스터드의 유무, 지간의 변화, 단면의 형태, 부재연결방법에 걸쳐 4가지 변수를 두고 총 15개의 실험체를 제작하여 실제의 휨강성과 ACI에서 제안된 식에 의해 계산된 유효휨강성을 비교, 분석하였다.