승객에게 편안한 승차감을 제공할 수 있도록 자기부상열차 차체 연직가속도의 진동크기에 대한 기준을 제시하고 이를 만족하는 가이드웨이 구조물의 처짐한계를 제안한다. 차량-구조물 상호작용을 고려한 해석기법을 사용하여 자기부상열차 시스템의 매개변수 해석을 수행하고, 차체 연직가속도에 대한 기준을 만족할 수 있는 가이드웨이 구조물의 처짐한계를 L/1300 로 제안한다. 이를 실제 자기부상열차 시스템의 동적 해석에 적용하여 제안한 처짐한계의 적절성을 검토한다. 기존의 자기부상철도 가이드웨이 구조물의 설계 기 준과 비교하였을 때, 이 연구에서 제안한 처짐한계를 적용하면 경제적인 가이드웨이 구조물의 설계와 시공이 가능할 것으로 기대된다.
The load of a maglev train, which is being considered a future transportation, is uniformly loaded on a levitated surface of a rail unlike a typical train because the maglev train is magnetically levitated and propelled. In addition, the driving performance is superior since the maglev train doesn't directly contact the railway. A integrated track system, to which a sleeper is installed toward a longitudinal direction instead of a perpendicular direction, is suggested, considering this loading characteristic. The longitudinal sleeper of this system is expected to contribute to stiffness increase of a bridge and weight-reduction of a girder. In this study, the structural characteristics of proposed and typical systems have been numerically compared and analyzed. In addition, the improvement of the integrated system has been proposed.
The load of a magnetic railway is uniformly loaded on a levitated surface of the rail. So it is advantageous for noise and vibration compared to the typical railway systems. But for ensuring driving stability and ride-quality, regulation about the gap of rail is stricter than the typical railway. In this study, the impact of bracket, which can control the gap of rail at the integrated track system, have numerically been performed. Also, the effect of interval of the bracket installed in the longitudinal direction of the integrated track system, which consist of girder, bracket, sub rail and levitated rail, have been compared and analyzed. Through this, applicability of the bracket structure for integrated track system have been identified.