본고는 식당 종업원 호칭에 대한 선행연구의 조사자료 및 그들 간의 의미를 재고한 뒤, 그 것을 토대로, 한 중 교재 속에 반영된 일반 식당 상황 하의 호칭어 사용 양상을 양적인 측면 에서 고찰하고 교육적 함의를 찾는 데 목적이 있다. 이를 위해, 본고는 우선 선행연구의 설문 결과 중에서 “여/저기요”와 “帥哥/美女”를 중심으로 시간에 따른 사용 변화 양상을 메타적 관점에서 관찰한다. 관찰에는 시대 흐름별 차이와 더불어 격식 유무별 차이 등이 포함된다. 그 로부터 얻은 결과를 기초로, 한 중 교재 속 식당 장면에서 사용되는 호칭들이 선행연구에서 보여준 사용 결과와 부합하는지 그리고 그 점에서 한 중 교재 간에는 어떤 공통점과 차이점 이 있는지를 양적 측면에서 살펴본다.
The hydrosilylation is an addition reaction of Si-H bond to unsaturated double bonds, which provides a convenient mechanism to synthesize poly(dimethylsiloxane-co-methylsiloxane)copolymer having siloxy units in polymer backbone. In this study, Poly(dimethylsiloxane-co-methylsiloxane) copolymer was synthesized through the polymerization reaction of cyclopentasiloxane with poly(methyl-hydrogen) siloxane. Silicone-hydrogen functional group of the poly(dimethylsiloxane-co-methylsiloxane) copolymer was substituted to the alkyl groups by hydrosilylation. And their structure was analyzed with FT-IR, H-NMR and GPC instruments, respectively. Surface tension of the synthetic compounds is increased from 22dyne/cm to 25dyne/cm according to increase additional EO moles. The cmc which was evaluated by surface tension was ranged 10-5 to 10-4mol/L and it was decreased according to increase of dimethyl siloxyl content. HLB number of these surfactants was evaluated 9.5 to 11.5 range. These silicone surfactants is applied to self-emulsifier defoamer and personal care products as surface tension depressant, emulsifier, foam control agent.
이 연구는 태풍의 온대성 저기압화에 대해 간단히 소개하고 Evans and Hart(2003)와 Hart(2003의 객관적 온대성 저기압화 판별식을 이용하여 최근 온대성 저기압화를 거친 세 태풍(Shanshan, Yaki, Soulik)에 대한 사례분석이 이루어졌다. 500-hPa 고도장분석에서 온대성 저기압화 시작시 세 태풍 모두 중위도 경압지역으로 북상하는 공통된 특성을 보였다. 그러나 연직단면 분석에서는 온대성 저기압화의 시작전 시 태풍 중심부근의 모든 층에서 온난 다습한 특성을 보였다. 온대성 저기압화 이후에는 이 개념모델의 전형적 특성인 태풍의 서쪽영역에 한랭 건조한 특성을 나타내었다. 따라서 Evans and Hart(2003)와 Hart(2003)의 객관적 온대성저기압화의 판별식은 태풍의 온대성저기압화 시작 및 구조변화를 잘 반영하므로 기상청 예보현업에서도 유용하게 사용될 수 있을 것으로 판단된다.
Solvent-free low foaming scouring agents (LFSC) were prepared by blending of 2-ethylhexylaminoethyl sulfate (2-EHAS), POE(10) octadecylbenzyl- ammonium chloride (POBAC) and Sedlan FF-200 (FF-200). As the results of several tests, 2-EHAS/POBAC/FF-200/water (8g/12g/20g/60g) mixture (LFSC-5) showed good cleaning power, penetrating ability and stability to alkali, and gave less problem in water pollution. The foaming power of LFSC-5 measured by Ross and Miles method was 8mm foam height immediately after foaming, and that measured by Ross and Clark method was less than 300mm foam height at 30℃, and 18mm at 80℃. As a result, LFSC-5 proved a good low foaming scouring agent for fiber.
Low foaming scouring agents (LSSA) were prepared by blending of amine salt of dodecylbenzene sulfone, poly (PO-b-EO) glycol, Newpol PP-2000, MJU-100, ethylene glycol and organic solvent. As the results of several tests, LSSA-2 showed good scouring effect, penetrating ability and emulsifiability, and showed not much water pollution. The foaming power of LSSA-2 measured by Ross & Miles method was 11mm foam height immediately after foaming. And the foaming power of LSSA-2 measured by Ross & Clark method were less than 310mm foam height at 30℃, 17mm at 80℃. As a result, LSSA-2 was proved as a good foaming scouring agent.
Low foaming acidic degreasing agent(LFADAs) were prepared by blending sorbitol, n-octanoic acid, MJU-100A, Tetronix T-701, Na-dioctyl sulfosuccinate, Demol C, and phosphoric acid. The physical properties of LFADAs tested with aluminum specimen showed the following results ; when 3wt% LFADA-6 was performed at 70℃, the degreasing rate was 95% which is comparitively good, and the percentage of etching was 0.275% which was found to be less than that of commercialized product. When 20wt% of LFADA-6 was added at 65℃, the percentage of derusting was 92% and the good defoaming effect proved by following low foaming power tests respectively : Ross and Miles, and Ross and Clark methods.