필댐의 경우 일반적으로 저수위, 간극수압계, 누수량계 및 정상침하계 등을 이용하여 안전관리를 수행하고 있다. 상기 계측기의 설치 목적은 대부분 공사 중 안정성과 관련 있지만 댐 완공 후 관리중인 시점에서는 주로 계측기의 경시변화만 분석하여 그 활용도가 저하되었다. 따라서 본 연구로 주성분 분석을 통해 저수위-간극수압계의 상관성은 높은 것으로 나타났고 간극수압계 그룹 내에서의 상호 상관관계로부터 그룹 내 계측기들이 상호대체 될 수 있는 것으로 판단된다. 또한 향후 미계측 값의 추정 및 이상값 제거를 위한 유용한 정보로 활용할 수 있을 것으로 판단된다.
It is important to analysis a Response change of measured data in order to observe displacement of Dam. So, we are able to judge what problems happen in dam throughout this analysis. In this study, Response Change judged abnormal behavior show about an example of analysis on a Dam in South Korea and we supposed current condition of this dam.
감조하천에서는 수위, 유량과 조석이 상호관련이 있다. 특히 저수위에서 조석의 영향을 감안하지 않은 수위-유량관계는 부정확하다. 본 논문에서는 수위와 조위의 수면차를 변수로 하여 감조하천에서의 유량을 계산할 수 있도록 하였다. 이를 위해 태화강 감조부에 위치한 울산수위관측소 지점의 저수위 유량을 수위 및 수위와 조위의 수면차로 나타내는 다중회귀식을 개발하였으며, 기존의 수위-유량곡선식과 비교한 결과 우수한 적용성을 확인하였다.
Shingal reservoir is a relatively small (211ha) and shallow impoundment, and approximately 25 ha of its sediment is exposed after spring drawdown. At least 14 vascular plant species germinate on the exposed sediment, but Persicaria vulgaris Webb et Moq. quickly dominates the vegetation. In order to estimate the role of the vegetation in the dynamics of heavy metal pollutants in the reservoir, Cu concentration of water, fallout particles, exposed sediment, and tissues of P. vulgaris, was analyzed. Cu content in reservoir water decreased from 13.10㎎/㎡ on May 15 (before drawdown) to 3.08㎎/㎡ in June 1 (after drawdown), mainly due to the lowering of water level. Average atmospheric deposition of Cu by fallout particles was 10.84 μ g/㎡/day. Cu content in the surface 15㎝ of exposed sediment decreased from 5.094g/㎡ right after drawdown, to 0.530g/㎡ in 41 days, which is a 89.6% decrease. Therefore up to 99.7% of Cu in the reservoir appears to exist in the sediment, only 0.3% in water. If the rate of atmospheric input by fallout particles is assumed to have been the same since 1958, when the reservoir was completed, cumulative input of Cu during the 38 years would have been 150.35㎎/㎡, which is only 3.0% of Cu content in sediment right after drawdown. Therefore, most of Cu in the Shingal reservoir must have been transported by the Shingal-chun flowing into the reservoir. Standing crop of vegetation on the exposed sediment 41 days after drawdown was 730.67g/㎡, of which 630.91g/㎡ was P. vulgaris alone, and Cu content in P. vulgaris at this time was 6.612㎎/㎡. This was only 0.13% of Cu in the exposed sediment, but was 50.5% of Cu in water before drawdown, or 167% of the average annual input of Cu by atmospheric deposition. If other plants were assumed to absorb Cu to the same concentration as P. vulgaris, total amount of Cu absorbed in 41 days by vegetation on the exposed sediment is estimated to be 1913.3 g, which is a considerable contribution to the purification of the reservoir water.