목본류의 절지를 이용한 싹기름 채소생산의 기술을 개발하기 위하여 뽕나무 가지를 2006년 4월 13일에 절지하여 4~6℃의 저온저장고에서 습도조건(40~50% 및 80~90%)에 따른 생존율과 1~3개씩의 싹을 붙인 가지를 자른 후 싹기름을 했을 때 저온저장 일수에 따른 새싹의 생장 정도를 조사하였다. 뽕나무 절지의 생존율은 저장일수가 길수록 낮아져 저온저장을 하지 않은 채취 당일에 싹기름을 한 것은 97.4%였고, 122일 저온저장한 후 싹기름을 한 절지는 40~50%의 습도조건에서 34.2%, 80~90%의 습도조건에서 저장한 것은 85.7%였다. 또한 절지의 저장일수가 길수록 새싹의 잎수가 증가하는 경향을 보였고, 싹의 길이와 폭도 큰 경향을 나타내었다. 따라서 뽕나무의 절지를 4~6℃의 저장온도와 80~90%의 습도조건에서 저장한 후 1~3개씩의 싹을 붙인 가지를 잘라 싹기름을 하면 새싹 채소의 생산이 가능한 것으로 나타났다.
양파의 저장조건을 저온(2-4, 80% RH), 움식(3-15, 75-85% RH), 실온방열(10-23, 75-98% RH) 및 상온(2-, 62-72% RH)으로 구분하여 저장 중 물리적 및 화학적 변화를 조사하였다. 저장 중 양파의 발아율은 저온 저장된 양파를 제외하고는 모두 높게 나타났으며, 저온 저장된 양파에서는 저장 11개월까지 거의 발아되지 않았다. 양파의 부패율은 실온방열 저장된 양파를 제외하고는 7개월까지 낮았으나 7개월 이후에는
Chestnuts(Castanea cretana, Eunki) were used for quality evaluations from the physiological and physicochemical points of view during storage under different temperatures and relative humidities for 8 months. Quality criteria included spouting, rotting, weight loss, and the changes in moisture, total sugar, reducing sugar, and total vitamin C of the stored sample. Sprouts(roots) were developed in about 2 months in all stored samples which had been mixed with sawdust(50% moisture) and stored under the conditions of 2∼25 and 62∼95% RH. The sprout development was more significant in the storage temperature of Pit(96, 805% RH, PT)and room(167, 8510% RH, RT) than low(31%, 805% RH, LT)and ambient(1411, 675% RH, AT). The rates of rotting and weight loss were appreciable in the order of PT, AT, RT and LT, and those of LT were 1∼2%. The use of wet sawdusts resulted in the increase of moisture contents in stored samples, thereby causing the rotting phenomena. Some chemical components of stored samples were found liable to the changes according to storage conditions, that is; total sugars showed a decreasing tendency along with a temporary increase during storage, and both reducing sugar and vitamin C were similarly accumulated in the samples stored at low temperature conditions. The results indicated that long-term storage of chestnuts will be possible in either cases of the application of low temperature following sprout-inhibition treatment or the use of lower temperature than 0 to suppress its sprouting during storage.
Potatoes, Irish cobbler, were subject to quality evaluation from the physiological and physicochemical points of view during storage under different temperatures and relative humidities for 11 months. Quality criteria were sprouting, rotting, weight changes, moisture, total sugar, reducing sugar and vitamin C. Low temperature condition(LT, 2∼4, 80% RH) was enough to preserve Potatoes for 11 months, but it was indicated to be limitations that the increase in reducig sugar as well as sprouting by about 3.3 to 6.7% occurred from the 3rd month of storage. Meanwhile, pit temperature(PT, 3∼15, 75∼85% RH), room temperature(RT, 7∼17, 80∼95% RH) and ambient temperature(AT, 2∼25, 62∼72 RH) were shown infeasible conditions for the storage of potatoes mainly due to the increase In sprouting-rate and subsequent quality-loss after 3 months of storage. Based on the results, it proposed that more economical conditions, ranging 10 to 15 and about 80% RH following sprout inhibition treatment should be used for the long-term storage of potatoes.