
결과 내 재검색





        검색결과 7

        2024.08 KCI 등재 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
        우리나라의 도농복합시는 1995년 지방자치제도가 시행되면서 등장한 도시 유형으로, 도시와 농촌의 균형발전을 목적으로 시행되고 있다. 본 연구는 우리나라 54개 도농복합시를 대상으로 인구, 사회, 경제, 인프라의 4개 영역, 14개 지표로 구성된 도시역량 지표를 종합지수화하여 2010년과 2020년의 도농복합시 도시역량의 공간 분포 패턴 및 변화를 실증적으로 탐색한다. 주요 연구 결과는 다음과 같다. 첫째, 인구가 많은 도시일수록 도시역량이 높은 경향이 나타났다. 둘째, 2010년부터 2020년까지 전반적으로 도농복합시 도시역량 지수의 범위가 축소되는 경향이 나타났다. 셋째, 세 집단으로 유형화한 도농복합시의 도시역량 의 차이를 비교한 결과, 유의미한 차이가 확인되었다.
        2023.09 KCI 등재 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
        본 논문은 한국 청소년들의 건강상태를 정확히 짚어내기 위한 조치의 일환으로 기존 건강지표들에 대한 비판적 검토를 진행한다. 한국의 청소년 건강지표들은 그간 비만 같은 신체적 건강지표와, 우울 같은 정서심리적 건강지표에 의존해 왔다. 즉 청소년의 건강상태를 신체적·심리적·사회적 측면에서 종 합적으로 측정하는 지표가 미흡했다고 할 수 있다. 본 연구는 이 점에 주목해 청소년 건강에 대한 종합 적 측정을 시도하는 건강지표의 필요성을 역설하고, 그 일환으로 ‘주관적 건강상태(self-rated health)’ 에 주목한다. 이 논문은 크게 세 부분으로 구성된다. 첫째, 한국의 청소년 건강측정의 현주소를 파악하 기 위하여 관련 현황을 살펴본다. 둘째, 청소년 건강측정과 관련하여 기존의 주요 지표들(예컨대 우울, 자아존중감)에 대해 살펴본다. 셋째, 청소년 건강측정 수준의 발전을 위해 주관적 건강상태(주관적 건 강인식)―건강의 종합적 측정을 추구하는―에 대해 살펴본다.
        2020.12 KCI 등재 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
        This study attempted to propose a method of determining a project implementation area according to the purpose of the Offshore Project for Fishery Stock Enhancement after analyzing the regional economic effects in advance targeting the candidate regions for the Offshore Project for Fishery Stock Enhancement. The main results of this study can be summarized as follows: first, in comparison with the overall effect of the Offshore Project for Fishery Stock Enhancement to 2013, the production inducement coefficient increased by 0.08 in the region, but decreased by 0.39 in other regions and by 0.33 in the whole country. The value-added inducement coefficient increased by 0.01 in the region and by 0.06 in other regions, increasing 0.27 for the whole country. In the case of the employment inducement coefficient, the number of workers in the region decreased by 9.48 and increased by 0.3 in other regions, resulting in a decrease of 9.1 people in the whole country. Second, depending on the purpose of the Offshore Project for Fishery Stock Enhancement, an aggregating indicator of economic effects within the region, an aggregating indicator of economic effects in other regions, and an aggregating indicator of economic effects across the country were prepared to be used to determine the priority of the project implementation region. There was a little difference between the 2013 and 2015 regional rankings according to the standardization method, indicating that the analysis results were somewhat consistent. In conclusion, the results of this study may contribute to determine the project implementation area according to the purpose of a specific project after analyzing the regional economic effect in advance.
        1998.07 KCI 등재 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
        Generally, the navigational safety of a ship under various loading conditions is evaluated by a loading manual. However, the loading manual handles only statical factors such as weight and buoyancy of ship without including any wave conditions. Practically ship's safety is much concerned with the occurrences on the rough sea as propeller racing, rolling, deck wetness, vertical acceleration, lateral acceleration, slamming and so on. The purpose of this paper is to present a synthetic and practical evaluation method of navigational safety using the integrated seakeeping performance index(ISPI) under loading conditions of ship in seaways. The method is calculated by means of the ISPI by measuring only vertical acceleration. Judgement of dangerousness is carried out for four lading conditions : homogeneous full loaded, half loaded, heavy ballast loaded, and normal ballast loaded conditions. In developing the practical evaluation system of navigational safety, it is useful to solve the difficulties in measuring factors by sensors. And by applying the evaluation diagrames, navigators are able to avoid dangerousness by keeping away of the danger encountering angle of wave direction which the diagram shows.
        2007.06 KCI 등재 서비스 종료(열람 제한)
        In this study, We developed an evaluation system for the interim check of Integrated Rural Village Development Project and analyzed its applicability to an actual evaluation process through a pilot evaluation on regions selected. The evaluation system consists of documentary assessments(30%) and field inspections(70%). The documentary assessments are quantitative assessments on check-lists reports by self-evaluation prepared by local governments. The field inspections are qualitative assessments by evaluation teams. Sixteen evaluation indices were developed for documentary assessments and seven criteria were designed for field inspections. For a pilot evaluation, one region in each province excluding Jeju Do, eight regions was selected and the field inspections due to circumstances was proceeded in two regions. The results of documentary assessments indicate that most of regions are evaluated low in project performance attributable to the delay in security for sites. In the field inspections, it appears that most of the regions evaluated high at the documentary assessments got a high point from them. They also show that coordination of action plans, rather than quantitative achievements, is a base determining success of the projects.
        1997.06 KCI 등재 서비스 종료(열람 제한)
        This paper presented a method of evaluating navigational safety of a ship by means fo the integrted seakeeping performance index(ISPI). The ISPI is defined by measuring only any one factor through the medium of relative dangerousness of the other factors for evaluating seakeeping performance. This evaluation method can be applied to the ships for any types and loading conditions. In devloping the practical evaluation system of navigational safety, it is expected to be useful to solve the difficulties in measuring factors by sensors. The results are also useful for devloping the optimum type of ship by applying at the initial design phase.