
결과 내 재검색





        검색결과 3

        2021.08 KCI 등재 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
        PURPOSES : This study prioritizes the potential technology for establishing an efficient traffic control in the ramp junction of urban deep underground tunnels in the future. We considered most of the applicable technologies that ensure traffic safety at the on-off ramp junction. METHODS : This study proposes a methodology to prioritize the applicable technology for establishing efficient traffic control in the ramp junction of an urban deep underground tunnel using an analytical hierarchy process (AHP). First, an AHP structure was developed. Second, an individual survey was conducted to collect the opinions of road and transportation experts. Based on the survey results, weights were estimated depending on the relevant criteria of the developed structure. The estimated weights were verified using the consistency index (CI) and consistency ratio (CR). In addition, a sensitivity analysis was performed to confirm the reliability of the estimated weights. Finally, the potential technology for an efficient traffic control in the ramp junction of an urban deep underground tunnel was prioritized. RESULTS : In the first level of hierarchy, traffic demand control had the highest priority, and ramp metering, section speed control, and shoulder lane control were selected in the second level of hierarchy. CONCLUSIONS : These results implied that prioritizing would be useful in establishing traffic operation strategies for traffic safety when constructing and opening deep underground tunnels in urban areas in the future.
        2021.04 KCI 등재 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
        PURPOSES : The purpose of this study is to derive specific road design elements for safe urban underground and to adopt measures for minimizing traffic delays and to maintain efficient operation. METHODS : In this study, a qualitative study was conducted using Focus Group Interview (FGI) method to identify significant connection characteristics and develop connections to urban underground roads. Finally, this study analyzes design elements necessary for traffic safety and efficient traffic operation. In addition, relevant case studies were performed with keywords from the FGI method results. Therefore, major design elements were analyzed for urban underground road connection and connection analysis for traffic simulation-based verification. RESULTS : The main characteristics of the connection between the underground roads of the downtown area were divided into three types: traffic flow characteristics, geometric characteristics, and driver behavioral characteristics. From the review of 16 leading studies (10 domestic papers and 6 international papers) according to the characteristics, the main design factors for “traffic flow characteristics” include the traffic volume, design speed, heavy vehicle ratio, and lane change. The important design elements for “geometric characteristics” include the separation distance, number of lanes, slope, lane and shoulder width and the design factors for “driver behavioral characteristics” showed reaction time, driver vision, and driving speed. CONCLUSIONS : The FGI method identified the main characteristics of connections to the underground roads. In addition, the relevant empirical and theoretical research data were considered in case studies, and the design elements were derived and separated spatially based on the features of each design element, establishing a point-specific design element guideline.