PURPOSES: The purpose of this research is to analyze the characteristics of panels that affect the evaluating results of riding quality and to evaluate the appropriateness of roughness management criteria based on ride comfort satisfaction. METHODS: In order to analyze the influence of panel characteristics of riding quality, 33 panels, consisting of civilians and experts, were selected. Also, considering the roughness distribution of the expressway, 35 sections with MRI ranging from 1.17 m/km to 4.65 m/km were selected. Each panel boarded a passenger car and evaluated the riding quality with grades from 0 to 10, and assessed whether it was satisfied or not. After removing outlier results using a box plot technique, 964 results were analyzed. An ANOVA was conducted to evaluate the effects of panel expertise, age, driving experience, vehicle ownership, and gender on the evaluation results. In addition, by using the receiver operating characteristics (ROC) curve, the MRI value, which can most accurately evaluate the satisfaction with riding quality, was derived. Then, the compatibility of MRI was evaluated using AUC as a criterion to assess whether the riding quality was satisfactory. RESULTS: Only the age of the panel participants were found to have an effect on the riding quality satisfaction. It was found that satisfaction with riding quality and MRI are strongly correlated. The satisfaction rate of roughness management criteria on new (MRI 1.6 m/km) and maintenance (MRI 3.0 m/km) expressways were 95% and 53%, respectively. As a result of evaluating the roughness management criteria by using the ROC curve, it was found that the accuracy of satisfaction was the highest at MRI 3.1-3.2 m/km. In addition, the AUC of the MRI was about 0.8, indicating that the MRI was an appropriate index for evaluating the riding quality satisfaction. CONCLUSIONS: Based on the results, the distribution of the panels’age should be considered when panel rating is conducted. From the results of the ROC curve, MRI of 3.0 m/km, which is a criterion of roughness management on maintenance expressways, is considered as appropriate.
본 논문에서는 세계적으로 널리 사용되어지고 있는 초고층 건축물의 진동사용성 평가기준이 검토되었다. 초고층 건축물의 진동에 대한 사용성 평가기준은 바람에 의한 초고층 건축물의 가속도 응답의 크기로 나타내는 것이 일반적이다. 건축물의 가속도의 응답의 크기를 산정함에 있어서 두 가지의 서로 다 른 척도, 즉 최대가속도 또는 RMS가속도를 각 기준에서 채택하고 있는데 이에 대한 상이점을 토의하고 각 국의 진동사용성 평가기준을 고찰함으로써 우리나라에는 어떤 진동사용성 평가기준이 적합한가에 대한 논의를 시작하고자 하였다. 그리고 건축물의 각기 다른 응답을 조사하여 최대가속도와 RMS가속도와 관계를 면밀히 검토하고 각각에 대해 기술적인 논거를 기술하였다.
According to the available date sources, 1,814 bridges failures occurred over the past 210 years in the United States. The most frequent cause of bridges failures were attributed to external events such as: floods, collisions, scour, overloading and deterioration. Among these external events, Hydraulic factor caused the maximum number of bridges failures with 54% of the total failures. 20% of hydraulic factor was failed by scour. Thus, base on the result of reviewing design basis and safety assessment practices, criteria for determining safety assessment of bridge foundation scour is proposed. 25 bridges were reviewed for applicability to scour safety assessment of passing bridges in river channels.