This research was to analyze the inland signal-fire which is the main facility of military protective duty for safety ofland in chosun dynasty.The results ofthis researchweredescribedseparatelyasfollows. 1.Five types of site plan of signal-fire were observed,which is circle,oval, rectangular,indeterminateform.Themajoritieswereovaltype. 2.Plan configuration of brazier which is separated with circle,rectangular type roughly wasconstructed with circle type generally.The heightofbrazierwas about 3~4.5m.The diameter ofbrazier was 1.5~2.5m.Building base thatprotectground moistureandinfilteration ofrainfallwasfoundin 5inlandsingal-fire,theheightofit wasabout0.3m~2.5m. 3.Theheightofprotectivewallremaineduntilpresentwasabout1m,thedepthwas aboutaverage1.2m. 4.Entrance was mainly stairs or open type and average width was 1.0~1.2m. Howeverthe depth was almostobserved as 1m,originally,itwas estimated ithas moredepth. 5.The storage of inland signal-fire has rectangular dimension,severaltypes of 1.8×1.2m~5.7×4.4m,square(間) of 1×1~2×1.The building material was stone and locatedbelow ornearthebrazier
The plan type of Korean protestant church architecture underwent changes as following five stages according to the changes of the distinction between the sexes. First stage - At the beginning of missionary work in Korea, Koreans generally worshiped in missionary houses which were traditional Korean styles. The plan type of these houses was a simple '-' figure. At that time, men and women worshiped separately because of the idea of the distinction between the sexes. They either worshiped in different places at the same time or in the same place at the different time. Second stage - At this stage, men and women started to worship together in the same place. At the beginning of this stage, men sat in the front of the chapel on a rostrum, and women sat behind the men. The plan type of the chapel was a simple '-' or a rectangular figure. Later, they sat separately on the right and left side. There are the visual interceptions which were set up between them. As the number of church members increased rapidly, a new type of church architecture appeared. It was a 'ㄱ' figure. At that time the entrances were separated by the sexes. Third stage - At this stage, the visual interceptions disappeared as the idea of the distinction between the sexes became weak. As new churches had been constructed by the plan type of rectangular figure, the visual interceptions weren't set up anymore. Fourth stage - At this stage, the separated entrances were unified as one. But the arrangement of their seats didn't change because of the old idea of the distinction between the sexes. Fifth stage - In the final stage, the plan type of the church architecture was not determined by the idea of the distinction between the sexes but social, economical, technological facts and the influence of the foreign architecture. At this stage, new and various kinds of the plan type appeared such as the fan, round, squared, or oval figure as well as the rectangular figure. Men and women were not classified anymore. They started to sit and worship together in the same place. Also, when men and women sat separately from side to side because of the Idea of the distinction between the sexes, men sat on the right and women sat on the left side of rostrum. It didn't applied Confucian ideas but the idea of protestant church; protestant churches have the idea that the right side is more important but it does not in Confucianism.
본 논문은 변위제약모드를 갖는 트러스구조물의 형태해석을 목적으로 하였으며, 이를 위하여 해의 존재조건과 무어-펜로즈(Moore-Penrose) 일반역행렬을 이용하였다. 또한, 수치해석과정에서의 변위제약모드로는 호몰로지변형(homologous deformation)을 고려하여 해석하였고, 다음으로 다양한 변위제약모드와 절점에 작용하는 하중비를 만족하는 구조물의 형태를 구하였다. 본 논문에서의 형태해석문제는 지정된 변위를 만족하는 구조물의 형태를 찾는 일종의 역문제(inverse problem)로서 일반적인 구조해석과정과는 반대되는 입장에서 접근하였다. 또한, 본 논문에서는 수치해석과정에서 근사해의 정도를 향상시키기 위하여 뉴튼-랩슨법을 사용하였고, 수치해석예제로서 부재의 배열형태에 따라 3가지모델을 선택하였으며, 이들 모델을 통하여 적용한 해석기법의 정확성과 효율성을 검증하였다.
본 연구는 게임의 아트가 구상을 향하는 것과는 달리 감성게임의 아트는 추상을 향하는 것에 주목하여 ‘형태’와 ‘색채’를 고찰한다. 우선 형태와 색채를 각각 연구자모델과 NCS 색 체계를 통해 정량적으로 분석하였고, 그 결과 형태는 ‘추상’으로 색채는 ‘파스텔·애쉬’로 도출되었다. 도 출된 결과를 토대로 ‘감성’게임이 추상적 형태와 평면적 색채를 지향하고 있음을 주장하며, 보링 거의 추상충동과 보드리야르의 파스텔의 질서를 통해 주장을 뒷받침하고 있다.
The study was conducted to determine the structural optimization method through the estimation of the structure of the floor and the amounts of reinforcement in the apartment building and the amounts of reinforcement depending on the area. The purpose of this study is to examine the comparison of the comparison factors by comparing the comparison factors of the jointly constructed apartment house with each of the conditions.