
결과 내 재검색





        검색결과 5

        2006.06 KCI 등재 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
        1994년 "유엔해양법협약" 의 발효로 새로운 국제해양법제도가 확립되면서 세계 각국은 통일적인 해상집법체제를 구축함으로써 관할해역에 대한 종합적인 관리를 강화하고 있다. 그러나 중국은 아직 전통적인 분산형 산업관리체제를 유지하고 있어 기존의 해상집법역량은 날로 확대되는 국가주권과 해양권익의 수호요구를 충족시키지 못하고 있다. 따라서 본 연구에서는 한 중 일 3국의 해상집법체제를 비교 고찰하고 중국해상집법체제의 주요 문제점을 분석한 후, 해경을 중심으로 한 통일적인 해상집법체제의 개선방안을 제시하였다.
        2005.03 KCI 등재 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
        This study is focused on a space for man in upper classes house that is one of appeared characteristics as Korea, China and Japan imported Confucianism become common cultural base in these countries. Because a space for man in these countries has the same nature represented as a typical space in a upper classes house, and this space is differentiated by regional features, a way of thinking, a way of life and social structure as well, these characteristics are compared one another. Import of Confucianism influenced formation of a upper classes house and the spaces of the house are divided by generation, sexuality and classes. A space for man become a center of the house as well as a space for reception in accordance with patriarchism because this space stands for hierarchy of the house. A space for man of each country, Korea, China and Japan, has differences; that is, Chinese Jeongbang is used as a space for family as well as for guests; Korean Sarangchae is for only men and used as a reception space; Japanese Zasiki is used just for reception. These differences among countries are caused by owner's class, a civil officer or a military officer, and this class differentiated the characteristics of reception for guest. Even though the these countries take the space for man for meeting, Chinese is for family, Korean is for ancestors and Japanese is for guests.
        1997.07 KCI 등재 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
        A study was carried out to compare the daily foods which were eaten during 14~19 century among Korea (Chosun dynasty), China (Ming, thing dynasty), and Japan (Muromachi, Edo era). Specially, in Ming, Ching dynasty, Noodles and dumpling were cooked very often and in Muromachi, Edo era, many kinds of beans were used so much, and there were many kinds of steamed rice to compare with Korea and China. Also, in Japan at these era Woodong, Morisoba, and Somyen were used as favorite foods harbitually. 1. The crops were used as staple foods in three countries such as steamed rice, gruel, noodle, dumpling, rice cake etc. commonly. 2. In Chosun, a roe deer, deer, antelope, and wild boar were more favoite dishes than cow, chicken, and dog, generally people enjoyed to eat pork and chicken. In Ming Ching, pork, chicken, goose, dove, lamb, ass, and duck were used as food materials, also wild animals such as deer, rabbit, and monkey etc. were used. In Muromach era, wild animal as racoon dog, otter, deer, antelope, bear, were used as food materials, in early Edo era (Yayoi and Momoyama), beef and pork were used as daily foods but they were eaten decreasingly in Edo era. So in Japan at those era, the dishes prepared of fishes were more than those of meats. For example, Sushi was made from that time, people all over the world are enjoying to have Sushi at present time. 3. Also in these era, many kinds of vegetables and fruits were used in three countries, and new kinds of vegetables and fruits were introduced from foreign countries, for example, red pepper, pumpkin, sweet potato, potato in Korea, corn, sweet potato, red pepper in China, and water melon, pumpkin, corn, red pepper, marmellow, sweet potato, sugar beet in Japan.
        1997.07 KCI 등재 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
        A study was carried out to compare the food cultures among Korea (Chosun dynasty), China (Ming, thing dynasty) and Japan (Muromachi, Edo era) from 14 century to 19 century. For this study, geographical environments, historical background with the times were researched and also bibliographies related on food cultures were compared among these three countries. There were special geographical environments in three countries upon their territories and geographical features. Historically, in those era, the livelyhoods of the common people in three countries were difficult considerably because of the disturbances of war in the inside and outside of the countries. But the food cultures of three countries were changed owe to introduce the new western culture and institutions. And also there were numerous bibliographies related on food culture which were published from 14C to 19C in Chosun dynasty, Ming and Ching dynasty, and Muromachi, Edo era. They were shown to be the most in Japan, and order of China and Korea followed them. The bibliographies of Ming and thing dynasty showed less than those of Edo era for considering their population and territory, comparatively. In Japan, the biliographies related on food culture of Edo era was given the term of the age of cookery books. It was thought to be resulted from that the peoples of Japan were concerned about cooking and had more chances to contact foreign culture earlier than other country.
        1997.05 KCI 등재 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
        In the age of the three Kingdoms, Silla, Kokuryu and Baekjae were built Confucian Shrine (Kukhak or Taehak) after BC 2-4 century Confucism propagated from China. It means 1600years' history of Saugc-Zeuhn Rites of an Imperial ceremony to honor Confucius in Korean peninsula. For Chosen dynasty age passed by Koryo dynasty carried out mainly Confucian policy, in Sungkyunhwan of Mun-Hyo (Confucian Shrine) traditional rites in memory of Confucius are observed twice a year in spring and autumn for 600 years of the 112 memories Tablets to Confucius and the other famous Confucius scholars. (his disciples and Korean Confucian scholars) Wine, food, and silk are offered, and incense burnt before the tablets of confucius and the other scholars while traditional music is played and ceremonial dances performed. Traditional rites are observed primarily for the purpose of reminding students and other attendats of the teaching of Confucius. It is to have got it firmly into young Korean head that humanim, family, courtesy, order modesty and practical morality are more important than any thing else. And also now we need to reappraise, fundermently recognize rehabilitute and transmission the traditional foods Korean sacrifical rituals culture by Korean characteristics culture, Through the historical background we can recognize how much the Confucius thought and education effect deeply Korean sociaty even upto now to Korean popular life. At the same time confucism became fixed to Korean traditional thought and culture. Specially Sauge-Zeuhm Rites is based on Korean sacrificial rituals culture and Korean dietary life generally through this study we can see and presume the changes and transmmision of foods and cookey methods from BC ages.