In this study, green barium strontium silicate phosphor (BaSrSiO4:Eu3+, Eu2+) was synthesized using a solid-statereaction method in air and reducing atmosphere. Investigation of the firing temperature indicates that a single phase of BaSrSiO4is formed when the firing temperature is higher than 1400oC. The effect of firing temperature and doping concentration onluminescent properties are investigated. The light-emitting property was the best when the molar content of Eu2O3 was 0.025mol. Also, the luminescent brightness of the BaSrSiO4 fluorescent substance was the best when the particle size of the bariumwas 0.5µm. BaSrSiO4 phosphors exhibit the typical green luminescent properties of Eu3+ and Eu2+. The characteristics of thesynthesized BaSrSiO4:Eu3+, Eu2+ phosphor were investigated using X-ray diffraction (XRD) and scanning electron microscopy.The maximum emission band of the BaSrSiO4:Eu3+, Eu2+ was 520nm.
phosphor powders were synthesized using a seed (average particle size: 5 ) by the polymer solution route. PVA solution was added to the sol precursors consisting of the seed powder and metal nitrate salts for homogeneous mixing in atomic scale. All dried precursor gels were calcined at and then heated at in atmosphere. The final powders were characterized by using XRD, SEM, PSA, PL and PKG test. All synthesized powders were crystallized to YAG phase without intermediate phases of YAM or YAP. The phosphor properties and morphologies of the synthesized powders were strongly dependent on the PVA content. Finally, the synthesized phosphor powder heated at , which is prepared from 12:1 PVA content and has an average particle size of 15 , showed similar phosphor properties to a commercial phosphor powder.
Spray pyrolysis was applied to prepare (M=Ca, Sr, Ba) blue phosphor powder. The library of a Ca-Sr-Ba ternary system was obtained by a combinatorial method combined with the spray pyrolysis in order to optimize the luminescent property under vacuum ultraviolet (VUV) excitation. 10 potential compositions were chosen from the first screening. The emission shifted to longer wavelength as Ca became a dominant element and the emission intensity was greatly reduced in the composition region at which Ba is dominant element. On the base of the first screening result, the second fine tuning was carried out in order to optimize the luminescence intensity under VUV excitation. The optimal composition for the highest luminescence intensity was which had the color coordinate of (0.152, 0.072) and about 64% emission intensity of (BAM) phosphor.
The mechanochemical process were employed to prepare the red phosphors (Y,Gd). The main factors affecting particle size, particle distribution, and luminescent properties of the product were investigated in details. Particles sized around 200-600 nm are formed after intensive milling. The phosphors were characterized by X-ray diffraction (XRD), scanning electron microscope (SEM) and photoluminescence spectrum. Results revealed that phosphors with different morphology, small particle size and high luminescence intensity could be obtained by mechanochemical process
In this study, the ZnS composite powders for host material in phosphor was synthesized in situ by mechanical alloying. As the mechanical alloying time increases, particle size of ZnS decreases. ZnS powders of in a mean size was fabricated by mechanical alloying for 10h. The crystal structures of ZnS powders were investigated by X-ray diffraction and the photo-luminescence properties was evaluated with the optical spectra analyzer. The steady state condition of mechanically alloyed ZnS was obtained as a mean particle size of in 5h milling. The sphalerite and wurtize structures coexist in the ZnS mechanically alloyed for 5h. The ZnS powder mechanically alloyed for 10h grows to the sphalerite structure. And the strong emission peaks of ZnS are observed at 480 nm wave length at the powders of mechanically alloyed for 10h, but the sphalerite and wurtize structures in ZnS coexist and emission peaks are not appeared at the powders of mechanically alloyed for 10h.
국내 자원의 절약과 재활용 촉진에 관한 법률에 근거한 생산자책임재활용제도(EPR System)의 대상 품목인 폐형광등은 2017년 기준 재활용 의무율은 35.6%로 책정되었으며 한국환경공단에 따르면 2015년 기준 형광등의 출고량은 약 18 천톤 정도로 나타났으나 공제조합과 재활용업 간의 재활용 위・탁 계약의 미체결로 인해 폐형광등의 실제 재활용율은 약 5.0%로 재활용 의무율을 달성하지 못하고 있는 실정이다(「생산자책임재활용제도 시행 13년」 운영성평가, 한국환경공단, 2017). 폐기물로 발생되는 폐형광등에 관한 선행연구에 따르면 폐형광등에 포함된 수은은 대부분 형광분말에 포함되어 있어 이를 적절하게 처리할 필요가 있다. 또한, 형광분말에는 희유금속(이트륨, 유로퓸 등)이 포함되어 있어 형광분말에 포함된 수은을 제거하여 희유금속을 회수하여 희유금속을 필요로 하는 산업체 등에서 활용할 수 있다. 이를 위하여 폐형광등 형광분말에 포함된 수은을 제거하기 위하여 Pilot plant 규모의 폐형광등 형광분말 증류 실험을 실시하였다. 실험의 원료는 경기도 K대학에 설치된 Pilot plant 규모의 폐형광등 재활용 공정에서 회수되는 폐형광등 형광분말을 사용하였다. Pilot plant 규모의 폐형광등 형광분말의 수은증류 실험의 조건으로 증류온도는 400~600℃로 변화시켰고 각 온도에서 증류장치 내 체류시간을 1~8시간으로 변화시켰다. 본 연구에서는 각 실험조건에서 회수되는 형광분말의 수은함량을 분석하였고 증류온도와 체류시간에 따른 수은함량을 비교하여 반응속도를 고찰하였다. 또한, 각 실험조건에서 소모되는 에너지양을 비교하여 Pilot plant 규모의 폐형광등 형광분말 증류장치의 최적 에너지 사용량을 평가하고자 하였다.