
결과 내 재검색





        검색결과 5

        2013.10 KCI 등재 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
        Recently, self-propagating high-temperature synthesis (SHS), related to metallic and ceramic powder inter- actions, has attracted huge interest from more and more researchers, because it can provide an attractive, energy-efficient approach to the synthesis of simple and complex materials. The adiabatic temperature Tad and apparent activation energy analysis of different thermit systems plays an important role in thermodynamic studies on combustion synthesis. After establishing and verifying a mathematic calculation program for predicting adiabatic temperatures, based on the thermo- dynamic theory of combustion synthesis systems, the adiabatic temperatures of the NiO/Al aluminothermic system dur- ing self-propagating high-temperature synthesis were investigated. The effect of a diluting agent additive fraction on combustion velocity was studied. According to the simulation and experimental results, the apparent activation energy was estimated using the Arrhenius diagram of ln(v/Tad)~1/Tad based on the combustion equation given by Merzhanov et al. When the temperature exceeds the boiling point of aluminum (2,790 K), the apparent activation energy of the NiO/ Al aluminothermic system is 64 ± 14 kJ/mol. In contrast, below 2,790 K, the apparent activation energy is 189 ± 15 kJ/ mol. The process of combustion contributed to the mass-transference of aluminum reactant of the burning compacts. The reliability of the simulation results was experimentally verified.
        2016.04 서비스 종료(열람 제한)
        The purpose of this study is to investigate correation between semi-adiabatic temperature and adiabatic temperature rise of ordinary portland cement(OPC) and ternary blended cement(TBC). And concrete adiabatic temperature rise factor was estimated by semi-hydration heat analysis test.
        2015.10 서비스 종료(열람 제한)
        Experimental program was conducted for hydration heat evaluation of concrete using strontium based phase change material (PCM). Adiabatic temperature rise test was investigated for four days. In results, concrete with strontium based PCM has about 20 percent lower hydration heat than ordinary one.
        2014.10 서비스 종료(열람 제한)
        In this study, we intended to estimate the heat of hydration of carbon nanotubes-cement composites. It was tried to present the basic data of the heat of hydration characteristics of the CNT-reinforced cement composite by the simple adiabatic temperature rise test. The results indicated that adding CNT reduced the heat of hydration of cement composites.