
결과 내 재검색





        검색결과 10

        2017.02 KCI 등재 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
        분리막 오염을 감소시키고 투과유속 향상을 위하여 관형분리막 모듈 내에 공기 분사노즐관을 삽입시켰다. 분리막 의 평균 기공크기는 0.1 μm이며 이스트를 오염물질로 사용하였다. 모든 투과실험은 노즐관을 모듈에 장착하고 공기를 주입 하지 않는 실험을 먼저 실시하고 연속해서 공기를 주입하는 투과실험을 하였다. 그 다음 노즐관을 제거한 후 공기를 주입시 키지 않으면서 투과유속을 측정하였다. 측정된 투과유속은 공기주입 효과를 분석하기 위하여 비교하였다. 공기주입에 대한 투과유속은 거의 일정하거나 증가하였다. 노즐관이 장착되고 공기 주입을 하지 않을 경우의 투과유속이 빈 관형 모듈의 경우 보다 높았다. 운전압력을 0.4 bar까지 감소시키면 노즐관이 장착되지 않는 경우와 비교하여 공기를 주입할 경우 투과유속이 21%까지 향상되었다. 기체량이 증가하여 기/액체 2상 흐름이 stratified-smooth에서 intermittent 상태로 변화됨에 따라서 공기 주입에 의한 투과유속은 30% 이상으로 증가하였다
        2015.06 KCI 등재 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
        In recent years, there was many conflagration about special structure such as wooden cultural assets, warehouses and factories. The common causes of increase in the fire damage were difficulty of the initial suppression and absence of equipment for appropriate disaster prevention. A prediction of the air injection diameter of the destruction-spray nozzle, a core technology of destruction-spray fire vehicle which is possible for fire suppression of special structure were studied. As a result, changes in water flow according to the air injection diameter is not large, but air flow rate showed a difference more than up to four times. And then, through the result data of the flow analysis, the air injection diameter was obtained in the target mix ratio of the air according to the water injection pressure. Finally, by the formula derivation for the air injection diameter of target mix ratio of the air, the air injection diameter according to the water injection pressure change could be predicted within an error of 10%.
        2013.10 KCI 등재 서비스 종료(열람 제한)
        In order to accelerate the biodegradation of easily organic materials in landfilled waste before excavating a closed solid waste landfill and prevent to be dried the landfilled wastes at the same time, this study has suggested the Dual Step Biostabilization System (DSBS), which could inject air with dry fog into its body. In addition, the applicability of the DSBS was estimated by means of field test at a closed landfill. As a result of field test, the reduction of oxygen consumption rate for landfilled wastes (48%) stabilized by air with dry fog was higher than that of landfilled wastes (38%) stabilized by only air. Three lysimeter experiments were, also, performed for the landfilled wastes sampled from the closed landfill. The production of cumulative carbon dioxide for landfilled wastes stabilized by air with dry fog was estimated to be highest (1,144.8 mL). In case of lysimeter that moisture was not introduced was found to be 1,051.9 mL, while another lysimeter that moisture was introduced through horizental trenches was 1,095.8 mL. It is clear that the DSBS can accelerate the biodegradation of organic compounds. In terms of volatile solids, the reduction amount of volatile solids for air with dry fog was higher than that of the other conditions.
        2013.04 KCI 등재 서비스 종료(열람 제한)
        The objective of this research was to suggest the estimation method of air injection quantity for pre-stabilization of landfilled wastes in a sustainable landfill. A study on the determination of oxygen demand quantity of landfilled wastes, therefore, was conducted in two different experiments. Firstly, a batch test was performed in order to measure the oxygen quantity required to oxidize easily degradable organic matter under aerobic conditions. Secondly, a lysimeter experiment was carried out to assess the air injection period according to moisture content (20%, 30%, 40%, 50%) and to validate the oxygen demand quantity obtained by the batch test. This study assumed that landfilled wastes contain two different organic matters and two matters are sequentially utilized by microorganism. The first one provides the faster oxygen uptake rate that called the “easily degradable organics”. During the second phase of the aerobic decomposition, the other one provides the slower oxygen uptake rate that called the “moderately degradable organics”. Also, in this study, a modified logistic equation divided two terms (fractions of easily degradable organic and moderately degradable organic) was suggested to determine the oxygen demand quantity for easily degradable organic of landfilled solid waste. As a result, the oxygen demand quantity obtained by the batch test led to similar results compared with that of lysimeter experiment. Therefore, it showed that the modified logistic equation and batch test were appropriate for determination of oxygen demand quantity for decomposition of easily degradable organic matter. Also, air injection period for decomposition of easily degradable organic decreased with the increase of moisture content.
        2012.04 KCI 등재 서비스 종료(열람 제한)
        활주형선은 고속 운항시 선저에 동적압력을 발생시켜 선체를 부상시켜 침수표면적을 감소시킴으로서 저항이 감소하게 되어 고속의 항주가 가능하게 된다. 또한, 활주형선 선저부에 공기공급을 유도하면 고속 주행시 선저 공기공급에 따른 접수면 감소로 인하여 전체저항 감소에 따른 속도향상과 연비절감 효과가 있다. 이에, 본 논문에서는 고속 모형시험이 가능한 실 해역모형시험기법을 이용하여 고속 활주형선을 대상으로 선저부에 공기공급을 유도하여 침수표면적 감소에 따른 저항성능 개선을 위해 공기공급 유무에 따른 고속 활주형선의 저항특성을 비교, 분석하였다. 시험결과, 선저 공기공급 활주형선이 공기공급이 없는 선형에 비해 저항감소 효과가 현저하게 나타나는 것을 확인할 수 있었다.
        2011.01 KCI 등재 서비스 종료(열람 제한)
        The new empirical static model was constructed on the basis of dimension analysis to predict the pressure drop according to the operating conditions. The empirical static model consists of the initial pressure drop term (N dust = ω0υf / P pulse t) and the dust mass number term (Δp initial), and two parameters (dust deposit resistance and exponent of dust mass number) have been estimated from experimental data. The optimum injection distance was identified in the 64 experimental data at the fixed filtration velocity and pulse pressure. The dust deposit resistance (K d), one of the empirical static model parameters got the minimum value at , d=0.11m, at which the total pressure drop was minimized. The exponent of dust mass number was interpreted as the elasticity of pressure drop to the dust mass number. The elasticity of the unimodal behavior had also a maximum value at , d=0.11m, at which the pressure drop increased most rapidly with the dust mass number. Additionally, the correlation coefficient for the new empirical static model was 0.914.
        2004.03 KCI 등재 서비스 종료(열람 제한)
        The change of pressure drop according to the change in the inlet concentration, pulse interval, and injection distance of pulse air jet type bag filters, and the effect of venturi installation are as follows. The pressure drop with the range of 30 to 50mmH2O varies according to the injection distance with 30, 50, 70, 90sec and the inlet concentration of venture built-in fabric filters. For the lower concentration of 0.5g/m3 and 1g/m3, the pressure drop(ΔP) was stable 60 to 90minutes after operation. For the higher concentration of 3g/m3, as ΔP continues to go up, pulse interval should be set shorter than 30 seconds. The pressure drop with the injection distance of 110mm, when inlet dust concentration is 0.5g/m3 or 1g/m3, is 1.3 to 2 lower than with the injection distance of 50, 160, and 220mm, which means that the inflow amount of the secondary air by the instant acceleration is large. The injection distance of 2g/m3 and 3g/m3 has the similar pressure distribution. The higher inlet concentration is, the more important pulse interval is than injection distance. The pressure drop has proved to be larger when inlet concentration is lower and injection distance closer, on condition that the venturi is installed. The change in the pressure drop was smallest when injection distance was 50mm, followed by 220mm, 160mm, and 110mm.