
결과 내 재검색





        검색결과 8

        2024.06 KCI 등재 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
        This study aimed to determine the optimal method by analyzing how different fining agents affect the quality of Muscat of Alexandria (MoA) wine. In the initial investigation, MoA wine underwent treatment with bentonite, egg white, icing glass, polyvinylpolypyrrolidone (PVPP), silica, and gelatin. General quality characteristics (pH, total acidity, sugar content, specific gravity, alcohol, volatile acidity), functional components (total polyphenols, antioxidant activity, tannins), and L*, a*, b* values were analyzed. Following the analysis, bentonite demonstrated the best color improvement, while silica and gelatin exhibited high total acidity and effective color enhancement. Consequently, bentonite, gelatin, and silica were deemed suitable for MoA wine and were selected for further investigation. In the second clarification test, varied experiments were conducted on bentonite, silica, and gelatin selected in the first clarification test. Analysis of general quality characteristics and functionality by fining type and time after treatment for MoA wine showed no significant changes before and after treatment. However, an analysis of turbidity after 8 months for each fining agent revealed a superior turbidity improvement effect of 0.040 ± 0.001 in the bentonite treatment group. Additionally, the L value was favorable in the bentonite and silica treatments. Regarding the improvement effect of the b value, silica treatment demonstrated the best results, followed by gelatin treatment.
        2021.12 KCI 등재 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
        In this study, we attempted to compare the maceration processes in the white wine made of Muscat of Alexandria grape having different the fermentation· maceration periods. These wine were sampled and analyzed by fermentation periods. The pH of wines ranged from 3.25 to 3.27 and the total acidity of wines ranged from 0.85~0.91% (w/v) on the 12th day of fermentation period. The ethanol concentration in these wines increased during the alcoholic fermentation period, on the other hand, the soluble solid concentrations (°Brix) decreased. The b value (yellowness) of Muscat of Alexandria wine was the highest at 8.31 in C treatment, which is a wine with a long maceration period, and B (7.19) and A (5.27) were significantly decreased as the maceration period was shorter. The total polyphenol and tannin content of wine increased with the period of maceration. Total polyphenol and tannin contents had the highest values (64.20 and 67.11 mg%, respectively) in the C treatment, which is a wine with a long maceration period on the 12th day of fermentation period. The physiological activities of Alexandria wine were highest level in the treatment with a long maceration period. As a result, this study provides useful scientific information that quality characteristics and physiological activities in white wine.
        2021.07 KCI 등재 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
        좁은 수로에 관한 국제해상충돌방지규칙상의 서술은 모든 구체적 상황을 포괄하여 명시하지 않으므로, 실제 항법 적용상 다툼이 발생할 수 있다. 예컨대, 좁은 수로를 항행하고 있는 선박과 수로에 진입하려는 선박이 서로 횡단하는 상황에서 좁은 수로의 항법이 적용될 것인지에 대한 의문이 발생한다. 2015년 발생했던 The “Alexandria 1” and “Ever Smart” Case에 대한 영국법원의 판결은, 이 문제의 보편적인 해결 방안, 즉 좁은 수로상에 있는 선박에게는 좁은 수로의 항법만이 적용되어야 마땅하다는 결론을 제시하였다는 점에서 큰 의의가 있다. 다른 한편, 2017년 발생했던 “한림페리9호·민호호 충돌사건”에 대한 대전 고등법원의 판단은 외관상 영국법원과 크게 다르지 않지만 논증구조는 판이하며, 향후의 지침이 되는 판결을 내리지 못한 것으로 보인다. 본 논문에서는 상기 판결들에서 좁은 수로 인근에서 발생한 선박 간 횡단 상태에 있어 좁은 수로의 항법 적용을 정당화하는 과정이 어떻게 달랐는지 법적 논증이론의 관점에서 검토한다. 한국법원과 영국법원은 유사한 결론에 도달하 였지만, 한국법원은 논증상 합리적인 근거를 제시하지 못하였다는 점에서 정당화 맥락의 부족함이 지적된다. 이러한 논의의 목적은 특수한 상황에서 어떤 항법 적용이 옳은지를 밝히는 것이 아니라, 판결의 바람직한 근거 제시 방향에 대해 제언함에 있다.
        2017.10 구독 인증기관·개인회원 무료
        The comstock mealybugs had been occurred at a Muscat of Alexandria’ organic vineyard in Okcheon. They had beenfound in the vines’s trunk since mid-June and moved to cane and leaves since early July, and also had been found ingrape clusters since late-July. The number of comstock mealybug and the grape’s fruit damage in Eco-friendly vineyardswere higher than in conventional culture vineyard. And the marketability of green variety grape was more damaged fromcomstock mealybug than the black variety grape. Toxicities of 8 organic agricultural materials(OAM) were evaluated tocomstock mealybug at the recommended concentration. As a results, Lightyellow sophora and Derris extracts exhibitedstrong insecticidal activity with 100% mortality. When the Lightyellow sophora extract was uniformly distributed on thevine from early-July to mid-July, commercial grapes could be harvested. Therefore, I thought that we can control comstockmealybug by spraying OAM in a timely period.
        2016.06 KCI 등재 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
        헬레니즘시대의 알렉산드리아는 그리스와 이집트 및 지중해 전역의 다양한 출신의 성원들의 문화가 공존하는 공간이었다. 본 연구는 프톨레마이오스 왕조의 집권기 동안의 알렉산드리아의 문화적 정체성을 그리스화와 현지화 정책을 통해서 고찰하고 흑인과 난쟁이, 꼽추를 재현한 소형 조형물에 투영된 다문화적 성격을 보이고자 한다. 흑인과 난쟁이, 꼽추는 왕족과 상류 그리스인들 의 유흥과 소비문화에서 노예나 광대로 참여했던 사회적 소수자이다. 이들의 조형물은 상류문화 를 동경한 비그리스인 중간계층의 시민들에 의해 소유되었을 것으로 여겨지는데, 그 소유자는 자 신이 그리스적 상류 문화의 주체가 아니라는 사실과 노예나 광대와 같은 소수자와도 구분되는 존 재라는 사실을 인지함으로써 도시 내 자신의 문화적 정체성을 규정했던 것으로 보인다.
        2017.12 KCI 등재 서비스 종료(열람 제한)
        This study was carried out to investigate the damage patterns, the occurrence and migration time of Pseudococcus comstocki and in order to improve the control effect of organic agricultural materials (OAMs). The experiment was carried out at Okcheon’s organic vineyard (2,500 ㎡, sandy loam, manure) where planted 8~9 year old ‘Muscat of Alexandria’ vines. The comstock mealybug’s migration to grape clusters occurred from the middle of July, and produced eggs in the grape clusters from the end of July, and the density of the comstock mealybug was highest at 0.6/㎠ in late August. The number and fruit damage of comstock mealybug in eco-friendly vineyards were higher than in conventional culture vineyard. And the marketability of green variety grape was more damaged from comstock mealybug than the black variety grape. Toxicities of 8 OAMs were evaluated to comstock mealybug at the recommended concentration. As a results, Lightyellow sophora and Derris extracts exhibited strong insecticidal activity with 100% mortality. When the Lightyellow sophora extract was uniformly distributed on the vine from early-July to mid-July, fruit damage reduction rate was 96.2% and 84.6%, respectively. So commercial grapes could be harvested. Therefore, it was considered to be effective to reduce fruit damage by controlling in early - late July (the green stage) when the comstock mealybug migrated to grape clusters in the vine greenhouse. In the future, it will be necessary to study the effect of external exposure time and momentum on the control of OAMs.